# wepexpe-data-extract ## Install ```sh yarn add https://gogs.univ-littoral.fr/Prise3D/webexpe-data-extract.git ``` ## Usage ```js 'use strict' const path = require('path') const { db, utils } = require('webexpe-data-extract') const setup = async () => { const connection = await db.connect('mongodb://diran.univ-littoral.fr:27017/webexpe') const res = await db.Data.findCustom({ msgId: 'EXPERIMENT_DATA' }) console.log(res) console.log(`Found ${res.length} documents matching your request.`) const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'searches', `search-${Date.now()}.json`) await utils.outputToFile(res, filePath, true) console.log(`Your search result was saved to ${filePath}`) await db.disconnect(connection) } setup() ``` ## API See [`/lib/db/Data/controller.js#L56-L76`](./lib/db/Data/controller.js#L56-L76). Every functions should be auto-completable in your editor.