'use strict' const path = require('path') const { db, utils } = require('./lib') const setup = async () => { // Connect to the database const connection = await db.connect('mongodb://diran.univ-littoral.fr:27017/webexpe') console.log('The database connection was established.') // Find every documents being experiment data const res = await db.findCustom({ msgId: 'EXPERIMENT_DATA' }) // Output to console (Do this if you want to pipe to another command!) console.log(res) console.log(`Found ${res.length} documents matching your request.`) // Save the results to a JSON file const filePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'searches', `search-${Date.now()}.json`) // `res` = search results, `filePath` = output file, `true` = JSON will be pretty-printed (human-readable) await utils.outputToFile(res, filePath, true) console.log(`Your search results were saved to ${filePath}`) // Disconnect from the database await db.disconnect(connection) console.log('The database connection was destroyed.') } setup()