'use strict' import express from 'express' import path from 'path' import boom from '@hapi/boom' import { imagesPath, imageServedUrl } from '../../config' import { asyncMiddleware, checkSceneName, checkRequiredParameters, getSceneFilesData } from '../functions' const router = express.Router() /** * @api {get} /getImage?sceneName=:sceneName&imageQuality=:imageQuality Get an image from a scene * @apiVersion 0.1.0 * @apiName GetImage * @apiGroup API * * @apiDescription Get an image from a scene with the required quality * * @apiParam {String} sceneName The selected scene * @apiParam {Number|"min"|"max"|"median"} imageQuality The required quality of the image * * @apiExample Usage example * curl -i -L -X GET "http://diran.univ-littoral.fr/api/getImage?sceneName=bathroom&imageQuality=200" * * @apiSuccess {String} data Path to the image * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success response example * HTTP/1.1 200 OK /api/getImage?sceneName=bathroom&imageQuality=200 * { * "data": "/api/images/bathroom/bathroom_00200.png" * } * * @apiError (Error 4xx) 400_[1] Missing parameter(s) * @apiErrorExample {json} Missing parameter * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "message": "Missing parameter(s). Required parameters : sceneName, imageQuality." * } * * @apiError (Error 4xx) 400_[2] Invalid query parameter * @apiErrorExample {json} Invalid query parameter(s) * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "message": "Invalid query parameter(s).", * "data": [ * "The requested scene name \".//../\" is not valid.", * "The specified quality is not an integer." * ] * } * * @apiError (Error 4xx) 404_[1] Quality not found * @apiErrorExample {json} Quality not found * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "message": "The requested quality (9999) was not found for the requested scene (bathroom)." * } * * @apiError (Error 5xx) 500_[1] Can't access the `IMAGES_PATH` directory * @apiErrorExample {json} Images directory not accessible * HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error * { * "message": "Can't access the \"images\" directory. Check it exists and you have read permission on it" * } * * @apiError (Error 5xx) 500_[2] Failed to parse a file's name * @apiErrorExample {json} Failed to parse a file's name * HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error * { * "message": "Failed to parse file names in the \"bathroom\"'s scene directory.", * "data": [ * "The file name does not match convention (scene_000150.ext - /^(.*)?_([0-9]{2,})\\.(.*)$/) : \"bathroom_adz00020.png\".", * "The file name does not match convention (scene_000150.ext - /^(.*)?_([0-9]{2,})\\.(.*)$/) : \"bathroom_adz00020.png\"." * ] * } * */ /** * @typedef {Object} Image * @property {string} link the link (URL) to an image on the app * @property {string} path the path to the image in the file system * @property {string} fileName the name of the image * @property {string} sceneName the scene of the image * @property {number} quality the quality of the image * @property {string} ext the extension of the image */ /** * Get the link and path to an image * @param {string} sceneName the scene to get the image from * @param {number|"min"|"max"|"median"} quality the requested quality * @returns {Promise} the link and path to the image */ export const getImage = async (sceneName, quality) => { const sceneData = await getSceneFilesData(sceneName) let imageData = null // Search an image with the requested quality in the scene if (quality === 'min') { const toFind = Math.min(...sceneData.map(x => x.quality)) imageData = sceneData.find(x => x.quality === toFind) } else if (quality === 'max') { const toFind = Math.max(...sceneData.map(x => x.quality)) imageData = sceneData.find(x => x.quality === toFind) } else if (quality === 'median') imageData = sceneData.length > 0 ? sceneData[Math.ceil(sceneData.length / 2) - 1] : null else imageData = sceneData.find(x => quality === x.quality) if (imageData) return { link: `${imageServedUrl}/${sceneName}/${imageData.fileName}`, path: path.resolve(imagesPath, sceneName, imageData.fileName), fileName: imageData.fileName, sceneName: imageData.sceneName, quality: imageData.quality, ext: imageData.ext } // Image not found throw boom.notFound(`The requested quality "${quality}" was not found for the requested scene "${sceneName}".`) } router.get('/', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => { // Check the request contains all the required parameters checkRequiredParameters(['sceneName', 'imageQuality'], req.query) const { sceneName, imageQuality } = req.query let errorList = [] // Check the scene name is valid try { checkSceneName(sceneName) } catch (err) { errorList.push(err.message) } // Check `imageQuality` is an integer or `min`, `max` or `median` const qualityInt = parseInt(imageQuality, 10) let quality = null if (['min', 'median', 'max'].some(x => x === imageQuality)) quality = imageQuality else if (!isNaN(qualityInt)) quality = qualityInt else errorList.push('The specified quality is not an integer or "min", "max" or "median".') // Check there is no errors with parameters if (errorList.length > 0) throw boom.badRequest('Invalid query parameter(s).', errorList) const { link } = await getImage(sceneName, quality) res.json({ data: link }) })) export default router