/** * A server that listens on a port for Gogs's webhooks. * It will check for a push event on the master branch, then deploy the project on the machine. * The webhook's secret is check to ensure no malicious request from unknown sources. * * Usage : * Set the "WEBHOOK_SECRET" environment variable with the webhook's secret. * * @see https://gogs.io/docs/features/webhook * * * @author Antoine Sauvage * @license MIT 2019 - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * @see https://gist.github.com/rigwild/4238a13cb3501c6e85065b403a71b475 */ 'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const http = require('http') const path = require('path') const { promisify } = require('util') const exec = promisify(require('child_process').exec) // The port which this script will listen on const port = parseInt(process.env.WEBHOOK_PORT, 10) // The path to the project directory const projectPath = path.resolve('.') // The webhook secret to check the origin of the webhook event // Check the "WEBHOOK_SECRET" environment variable is set if (!process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET && process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET !== '') { console.error(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - The "WEBHOOK_SECRET" environment variable is not set.`) process.exit(1) } const webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET // Check whether the project path exists and script has read access console.log(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - Configured project path : ${projectPath}\n`) try { fs.accessSync(projectPath, fs.constants.W_OK) console.log(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - The project's directory exists and script has write permission.`) } catch (err) { console.error(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - The project's directory does not exist or script has not write permission.`, err) process.exit(1) } // Check the "PORT" environment variable is set to a valid integer if (!process.env.PORT || !parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10)) { console.error(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - The "PORT" environment variable is not set or is not an integer.`) process.exit(1) } // Check the "SERVE_CLIENT" environment variable is set to 'true' or 'false' if (!process.env.SERVE_CLIENT || !['true', 'false'].some(x => x === process.env.SERVE_CLIENT)) { console.error(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - The "SERVE_CLIENT" environment variable is not set or is not 'true' or 'false'`) process.exit(1) } const env = { PORT: parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10), SERVE_CLIENT: process.env.SERVE_CLIENT, IMAGES_PATH: process.env.IMAGES_PATH } // Recap used environment variables Object.keys(env).forEach(x => console.log(`${x}=${env[x]}`)) // The script that will be executed by the machine const deployScript = `cd ${projectPath}` + ' && git reset --hard HEAD' + ' && git pull origin master' + ' && docker-compose down' + ' && docker-compose build' + ' && docker-compose up -d' console.log('\nConfiguration is valid. Starting the webhook-listener server ...') const deploy = async () => { try { console.log(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - Deploying project ...`) const startTime = process.hrtime() const { stdout, stderr } = await exec( deployScript, { cwd: projectPath, env } ) const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime) // Logs received from the deploy script are sent in stdout : // git fetch and docker-compose build/up are writing their success logs in stderr... // A deploy fail will be printed in stderr (in the catch) console.log('stdout :\n', stdout) console.log('stderr :\n', stderr) console.log(`\n${new Date().toLocaleString()} - Project successfully deployed with Docker.`) console.log(`Total deploy time : ${endTime[0]}s and ${endTime[1] / 1000000}ms.`) } catch (err) { console.error(`\n${new Date().toLocaleString()} - Error deploying project.\n`, err) } } // Configuration is fine, start the server http.createServer((req, res) => { // Check the method is POST if (req.method !== 'POST') { res.statusCode = 400 res.write('Wrong HTTP method.') res.end() return } // Check the event is a push if (req.headers['x-gogs-event'] !== 'push') { res.statusCode = 200 res.write('OK. Not a push event.') res.end() return } // Answer OK and close the connection res.statusCode = 200 res.write('OK') res.end() let body = [] req.on('data', chunk => body.push(chunk)) req.on('end', () => { try { body = JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(body).toString()) // Check if the event was on master if (!body.ref || body.ref !== 'refs/heads/master') return // Check if secret matches if (!body.secret || body.secret !== webhookSecret) return console.log(`${new Date()} - Valid webhook event. Push on master was sent. Deployement process starts.`) deploy() } catch (err) { console.error(`${new Date()} - Invalid JSON was received`) } }) }).listen(port) console.log(`${new Date().toLocaleString()} - Server is listening on http://localhost:${port}/`)