# Antoine_Internship Travaux développés par Antoine dans le cadre de son stage de DUT2. ## Run as a Docker instance ### Run the server + client version ```sh # TODO # docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up backapp ``` ### Run the client only version ```sh # TODO #docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up backapp ``` ## Run on the file system ### Project setup Install project's dependencies. ``` yarn install ``` ### API #### Run the server ```sh yarn run api:start ``` #### Run the server with hot-reload for development ```sh yarn run api:dev ``` #### Automatically fix the API code syntax with ESLint ```sh yarn run api:lint ``` ### Client #### Compile and minify for production Files will be built to the `dist/` directory. ```sh yarn run app:build ``` #### Run a hot-reload server for client development ```sh yarn run app:dev ``` #### Automatically fix the client code syntax with ESLint ``` yarn run app:lint ``` ## License [The MIT license](LICENSE)