'use strict' import express from 'express' import boom from '@hapi/boom' import { TEST_MODE } from '../../config' import DataController from '../database/controllers/Data' import { asyncMiddleware, checkRequiredParameters } from '../functions' const router = express.Router() /** * @api {post} /experimentCollect /experimentCollect * @apiVersion 0.1.11 * @apiName experimentCollect * @apiGroup API * * @apiDescription Collect user's data * * @apiParam {String} msgId The type of message to store * @apiParam {any} Any data that needs to be stored * * @apiExample Usage example * curl -i -L -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "https://diran.univ-littoral.fr/api/experimentCollect" -d {"msgId":"test","msg":{}} * * @apiSuccessExample {string} Success response example * HTTP/1.1 204 OK /api/experimentCollect * * @apiError (Error 4xx) 400_[1] Missing parameter(s) * @apiErrorExample {json} Missing parameter * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "message": "Missing parameter(s). Required parameters : msgId, msg." * } * * @apiError (Error 4xx) 400_[2] Invalid query parameter * @apiErrorExample {json} Invalid query parameter(s) * HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request * { * "message": "Invalid body parameter(s).", * "data": [ * "\"msgId\" must be a string." * ] * } * */ router.post('/', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => { // Check the request contains all the required body parameters const b = req.body checkRequiredParameters(['msgId', 'msg'], b) const { msgId, msg, userId = null, experimentId = null } = req.body // Check there is no errors with parameters if (typeof b.msgId !== 'string') throw boom.badRequest('Invalid body parameter(s).', ['"msgId" must be a string.']) // Add data to the database if (!TEST_MODE) await DataController.add({ msgId, msg, userId, experimentId }) res.status(204).send() })) export default router