1.6 KB


Travaux développés par Antoine dans le cadre de son stage de DUT2.

Run as a Docker instance

Run the server + client version

# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up backapp

Run the client only version

#docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up backapp

Run on the file system

Project setup

Install project's dependencies.

yarn install

If this is a production build, set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production to enhance performance.

On Linux hosts :

export NODE_ENV=production

On Windows hosts :

SET NODE_ENV=production


Configure the project by modifying config.js.

Configuration options

Option Default value Description
apiPrefix /api The url prefix for the API
serverPort 5000 The port used by the server
imagesPath images The directory where the images are stored
serveClient true Should the server serve client files from the /dist directory


Run the server

yarn run api:start

Run the server with hot-reload for development

yarn run api:dev

Automatically fix the API code syntax with ESLint

yarn run api:lint


Compile and minify for production

Files will be built to the dist/ directory.

yarn run app:build

Run a hot-reload server for client development

yarn run app:dev

Automatically fix the client code syntax with ESLint

yarn run app:lint


The MIT license