Jérôme BUISINE 5c542ad93d Add of probs to redirect user if new scenes available (balacing improvment) il y a 3 ans
components f748ffd206 update display of calibration every n scenes il y a 3 ans
mixins c0b7740395 use of configuration to store calibration scene information il y a 3 ans
plugins b8a3856e84 Added Vuetify + theme. Routing + animation system il y a 5 ans
router f748ffd206 update display of calibration every n scenes il y a 3 ans
store 03cd473729 add of newsletter component; use message and add user help il y a 3 ans
views 5c542ad93d Add of probs to redirect user if new scenes available (balacing improvment) il y a 3 ans
App.vue 80ecc6bd29 Update of online MatchReference experiment il y a 4 ans
config.utils.js c0b7740395 use of configuration to store calibration scene information il y a 3 ans
functions.js 03cd473729 add of newsletter component; use message and add user help il y a 3 ans
main.js 7860b13bf7 update of progression storage il y a 4 ans
style.css 2991ca6cf9 Better config system with automatic loading. Refactored file structure il y a 4 ans