using DataFrames using CSV using PyCall, JLD, PyCallJLD using ArgParse function main(args) # initialize the settings (the description is for the help screen) s = ArgParseSettings(description = "Example 1 for argparse.jl: minimal usage.") @add_arg_table s begin "--data" # arg_type = Int # only Int arguments allowed # nargs = '?' # '?' means optional argument # default = 0 # this is used when the option is not passed # constant = 1 # this is used if --opt1 is paseed with no argument help = "Data file for train and test" "--output" help = "output model name" "choice" help = "Model choice" end parsed_args = parse_args(s) # the result is a Dict{String,Any} println(parsed_args["data"]) println("Parsed args:") for (key,val) in parsed_args println(" $key => $(repr(val))") end end main(ARGS)