Source code for

"""Integer solution class implementation
# main imports
import numpy as np

# modules imports
from .Solution import Solution

# Solution which stores solution data as integer array
[docs]class IntegerSolution(Solution): """ Integer solution class Attributes: data: {ndarray} -- array of binary values size: {int} -- size of binary array values score: {float} -- fitness score value """ def __init__(self, _data, _size): """ Initialize integer solution using specific data Args: data: {ndarray} -- array of binary values size: {int} -- size of binary array values """ = _data self.size = _size
[docs] def random(self, _validator): """ Intialize integer array with use of validator to generate valid random solution Args: _validator: {function} -- specific function which validates or not a solution Returns: {IntegerSolution} -- new generated integer solution """ = np.random.randint(self.size, size=self.size) while not self.isValid(_validator): = np.random.randint(self.size, size=self.size) return self
def __str__(self): return "Integer solution %s" % (