QAP Problem instance generation =============================== To define our quadratic assignment problem instance, we will use the available mQAP_ multi-objective quadratic problem generator. Genration of the instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will limit ourselves here to a single objective for the purposes of this example. The file ****, will be used to generate the instance. .. code:: bash g++ -o mQAPGenerator ./mQAPGenerator -n 100 -k 1 -f 30 -d 80 -s 42 > qap_instance.txt with the following parameters: - **-n** positive integer: number of facilities/locations; - **-k** positive integer: number of objectives; - **-f** positive integer: maximum flow between facilities; - **-d** positive integer: maximum distance between locations; - **-s** positive long: random seed. The generated qap_instance.txt_ file contains the two matrices :math:`F` and :math:`D` and define our instance problem. .. _mQAP: .. _qap_instance.txt: Load data instance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We are now going to load this instance via a Python code which will be useful to us later on: .. code:: Python qap_instance_file = 'qap_instance.txt' n = 100 # the instance size with open(qap_instance_file, 'r') as f: file_data = f.readlines() print(f'Instance information {file_data[0]}') D_lines = file_data[1:n + 1] D_data = ''.join(D_lines).replace('\n', '') F_lines = file_data[n:2 * n + 1] F_data = ''.join(F_lines).replace('\n', '') D_matrix = np.fromstring(D_data, dtype=float, sep=' ').reshape(n, n) print(f'D matrix shape: {D_matrix.shape}') F_matrix = np.fromstring(F_data, dtype=float, sep=' ').reshape(n, n) print(f'F matrix shape: {F_matrix.shape}') .. note:: As we know the size of our instance and the structure of the document, it is quite quick to look for the lines related to the :math:`F` and :math:`D` matrices.