3. Solutions ============= Representing a solution to a specific problem is very important in an optimisation process. In this example, we will always use the **knapsack problem** as a basis. In a first step, the management of the solutions by the macop package will be presented. Then a specific implementation for the current problem will be detailed. 3.1. Generic Solution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inside ``macop.solutions.base`` module of `Macop`, the ``Solution`` class is available. It's an abstract solution class structure which: - stores the solution data representation into its ``data`` attribute - get ``size`` (shape) of specific data representation - stores the ``score`` of the solution once a solution is evaluated Some specific methods are available: .. code-block:: python class Solution(): def __init__(self, data, size): """ Abstract solution class constructor """ ... def isValid(self, validator): """ Use of custom function which checks if a solution is valid or not """ ... def evaluate(self, evaluator): """ Evaluate solution using specific `evaluator` """ ... def fitness(self): """ Returns fitness score """ ... @staticmethod def random(size, validator=None): """ Initialize solution using random data with validator or not """ ... def clone(self): """ Clone the current solution and its data, but without keeping evaluated `_score` """ ... From these basic methods, it is possible to manage a representation of a solution to our problem. Allowing to initialize it randomly or not (using constructor or ``random`` method), to evaluate it (``evaluate`` method) and to check some constraints of validation of the solution (``isValid`` method). .. note:: Only one of these methods needs specification if we create our own type of solution. This is the ``random`` method, which depends on the need of the problem. We will now see how to define a type of solution specific to our problem. 3.2. Solution representation for knapsack ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We will now use the abstract ``Solution`` type available in the ``macop.solutions.base`` module in order to define our own solution. First of all, let's look at the representation of our knapsack problem. **How to represent the solution?** 3.2.1. Knapsack solution ************************ A valid solution can be shown below where the sum of the object weights is 15 and the sum of the selected objects values is 8 (its fitness): .. image:: ../_static/documentation/project_knapsack_solution.png :width: 800 px :align: center Its representation can be translate as a **binary array** with value: .. code-block:: [1, 1, 0, 0, 1] where selected objects have **1** as value otherwise **0**. 3.2.2. Binary Solution ********************** We will now define our own type of solution by inheriting from ``macop.solutions.base.Solution``, which we will call ``BinarySolution``. First we will define our new class as inheriting functionality from ``Solution`` (such as child class). We will also have to implement the ``random`` method to create a new random solution. .. code-block:: python """ modules imports """ from macop.solutions.base import Solution import numpy as np class BinarySolution(Solution): @staticmethod def random(size, validator=None): # create binary array of specific size using numpy random module data = np.random.randint(2, size=size) # initialize new solution using constructor solution = BinarySolution(data, size) # check if validator is set if not validator: return solution # try to generate solution until solution validity (if validator is provided) while not validator(solution): data = np.random.randint(2, size=size) solution = BinarySolution(data, size) return solution Using this new Solution representation, we can now generate solution randomly: .. code-block:: python solution = BinarySolution.random(5) 3.3. Validate a solution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When an optimization problem requires respecting certain constraints, Macop allows you to quickly verify that a solution is valid. It is based on a defined function taking a solution as input and returning the validity criterion (true or false).