from copy import deepcopy from itertools import product import numpy as np import pandas as pd # TODO : Currently `weibull` is not used as default function # from psychometric import weibull # PARAMETERS of the psychometric function chance_level = 0 #e.g. chance_level should be 0.5 for 2AFC (Two-alternative forced choice) procedure threshold_prob = 1.-(1.-chance_level)/2.0 #the probability level at the threshold def reformat_params(params): '''Unroll multiple lists into array of their products.''' if isinstance(params, list): n_params = len(params) params = np.array(list(product(*params))) elif isinstance(params, np.ndarray): assert params.ndim == 1 params = params[:, np.newaxis] return params # comes also with wich includes the definition of the weibull and weibull_db function # here I define the logistic function using the same template that works with the quest_plus implementation def logistic(x, params, corr_at_thresh=threshold_prob, chance_level=chance_level): # unpack params if len(params) == 3: THRESHOLD, SLOPE, lapse = params else: THRESHOLD, SLOPE = params lapse = 0. b = 4 * SLOPE a = -b * THRESHOLD return chance_level + (1 - lapse - chance_level) / (1 + np.exp(-(a + b*x))) # that's a wrapper function to specify wich psychometric function one we want to use for the QUEST procedure def psychometric_fun( x , params ): return logistic(x , params , corr_at_thresh=threshold_prob, chance_level=chance_level) # TODO: # - [ ] highlight lowest point in entropy in plot class QuestPlus(object): def __init__(self, stim, params, function): self.function = function self.stim_domain = stim self.param_domain = reformat_params(params) self._orig_params = deepcopy(params) self._orig_param_shape = (list(map(len, params)) if isinstance(params, list) else len(params)) self._orig_stim_shape = (list(map(len, params)) if isinstance(params, list) else len(params)) n_stim, n_param = self.stim_domain.shape[0], self.param_domain.shape[0] # setup likelihoods for all combinations # of stimulus and model parameter domains self.likelihoods = np.zeros((n_stim, n_param, 2)) for p in range(n_param): self.likelihoods[:, p, 0] = self.function(self.stim_domain, self.param_domain[p, :]) # assumes (correct, incorrect) responses self.likelihoods[:, :, 1] = 1. - self.likelihoods[:, :, 0] # we also assume a flat prior (so we init posterior to flat too) self.posterior = np.ones(n_param) self.posterior /= self.posterior.sum() self.stim_history = list() self.resp_history = list() self.entropy = np.ones(n_stim) def update(self, contrast, ifcorrect, approximate=False): '''Update posterior probability with outcome of current trial. contrast - contrast value for the given trial ifcorrect - whether response was correct or not 1 - correct, 0 - incorrect ''' # turn ifcorrect to response index resp_idx = 1 - ifcorrect contrast_idx = self._find_contrast_index( contrast, approximate=approximate)[0] # take likelihood of such resp for whole model parameter domain likelihood = self.likelihoods[contrast_idx, :, resp_idx] self.posterior *= likelihood self.posterior /= self.posterior.sum() # log history of contrasts and responses self.stim_history.append(contrast) self.resp_history.append(ifcorrect) def _find_contrast_index(self, contrast, approximate=False): contrast = np.atleast_1d(contrast) if not approximate: idx = [np.nonzero(self.stim_domain == cntrst)[0][0] for cntrst in contrast] else: idx = np.abs(self.stim_domain[np.newaxis, :] - contrast[:, np.newaxis]).argmin(axis=1) return idx def next_contrast(self, axis=None): '''Get contrast value minimizing entropy of the posterior distribution. Expected entropy is updated in self.entropy. Returns ------- contrast : contrast value for the next trial.''' full_posterior = self.likelihoods * self.posterior[ np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis] if axis is not None: shp = full_posterior.shape new_shape = [shp[0]] + self._orig_param_shape + [shp[-1]] full_posterior = full_posterior.reshape(new_shape) reduce_axes = np.arange(len(self._orig_param_shape)) + 1 reduce_axes = tuple(np.delete(reduce_axes, axis)) full_posterior = full_posterior.sum(axis=reduce_axes) norm = full_posterior.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) full_posterior /= norm H = -np.nansum(full_posterior * np.log(full_posterior), axis=1) self.entropy = (norm[:, 0, :] * H).sum(axis=1) # choose contrast with minimal entropy return self.stim_domain[self.entropy.argmin()] def get_entropy(self): return self.entropy.min() def get_posterior(self): return self.posterior.reshape(self._orig_param_shape) def get_fit_params(self, select='mode'): if select in ['max', 'mode']: # parameters corresponding to maximum peak in posterior probability return self.param_domain[self.posterior.argmax(), :] elif select == 'mean': # parameters weighted by their probability return (self.posterior[:, np.newaxis] * self.param_domain).sum(axis=0) def fit(self, contrasts, responses, approximate=False): for contrast, response in zip(contrasts, responses): self.update(contrast, response, approximate=approximate) def plot(self): '''Plot posterior model parameter probabilities and weibull fits.''' pass # TODO : implement this method # return plot_quest_plus(self)