# Create your own expe ## Description This website can let you create and manage your own experiences ## Explanations The `expe` module is the django app created for managing experiences. - `expe/config.py`: contains the main variables used by website, save experiences content and experiences configuration. - `expe/views.py`: is django app file used for enable routes of website. - `expe/expes/run.py`: contains **run** functions in order to launch step of experience. - `expe/expes/classes`: is folder which contains all the necessary Python classes for experiences. ## Create your own experience ### 1. Experience configuration Let's start with the `expe/config.py` python file. As explained earlier, this file contains experiences configuration. The variable `expes_configuration` is the dictionnary which declares all information of experiences. An example for the `quest_one_image` key experience: ```python 'quest_one_image':{ 'text':{ 'question': "Do you see one image or a composition of more than one?", 'indication': "press left if you see one image, right if not", 'end_text': "Experience is finished. Thanks for your participation", }, 'params':{ 'iterations': 10 }, # if others custom session param are directly set for experience 'session_params': [ 'expe_data', ], # template file used in django `expe` route 'template': 'expe/expe.html', # javascript file used 'js':[ 'loadImg.js', 'keyEvents.js' ], 'output_header': "stimulus;name_stimulus;cropping_percentage;...\n" } ``` The `params` section is where you put all your necessary information for your experience. ### 2. The experience `expe` route The `expe/` route define by the `expe` function in `expe/views.py` is used to launch experience. This route uses few parameters pass using GET method: - `expe`: the experience name to use - `scene`: the scene name to use for this experience - `iteration`: step of this experience - `answer`: the answer of the user Using this parameter, the route know which experience to launch with specific scene and manage experience steps. **Note:** `answer` and `iteration` parameters are used into `js/keyEvents.js` file. This means the `answer` and `iteration` values are sent depending of user interactions. You can implement your own interaction by creating your own `js` file and add it into your experience configuration declaration (see `expe/config.py`). ### 3. The `run` experience function Into the `expe` function in `expe/views.py`, the `run` method your experience is dynamically call. Hence you need to implement into the `expe/expes/run.py` a function which follow this naming convention: - `run_{{you_experience_name}}` As you have communication exchanges between the django server and the client side, it's necessary to store the experience process at each step. Hence, this function need to follow this prototype: ```python def run_experience_name(request, model_filepath, output_file): ``` Information about parameters: - `request`: contains all information into GET, POST and session storages - `model_filepath`: filename where you need to store information about experience model into a binary file (can be just data information or object instanciated from file of `expe/expes/classes`) - `output_file`: buffer where you can add information about your experience (following your `output_header` declared into your experience configuration) Example of accessing request variables: ```python scene_name_session = request.session.get('scene') scene_name_get = request.GET.get('scene') scene_name_post = request.POST.get('scene') ``` Example of loading or saving Python object (need of pickle): ```python # check if necessary to construct `quest` object or if backup exists if not os.path.exists(model_filepath): qp = QuestPlus(stim_space, [thresholds, slopes], function=psychometric_fun) else: print('Load `qp` model') filehandler = open(model_filepath, 'rb') qp = pickle.load(filehandler) ``` ```python # save `quest` model file_pi = open(model_filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(qp, file_pi) ``` Example of writing and append information into `output_file`: ```python line = str(previous_stim) line += ";" + scene_name line += ";" + str(previous_percentage) line += ";" + str(previous_orientation) line += ";" + str(previous_position) line += ";" + str(answer) line += ";" + str(expe_answer_time) line += ";" + str(entropy) line += '\n' output_file.write(line) output_file.flush() ``` ### 5. Display experience data into custom template Finally your `run` function need to return python dictionnary of data your need to use into your `expe/` django template. If you want to create your own template, specify your template path into configuration: ```python 'experience_name':{ ... # template file used in django `expe` route 'template': 'expe/my_expe_template.html', ... } ``` Example of way to use your experience data into template: ```python {{request.session.expe_data|get_value_from_dict:'image_path'}} ```