function map = hdrvdp_visualize( p1, varargin ) % HDRVDP_VISUALIZE produces color or grayscale visualization of the metric % predictions % % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( P ) % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( P, context_image ) % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( P, context_image, target ) % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( P, context_image, target, colormap ) % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( 'pmap', P, options ) % map = HDRVDP_VISUALIZE( 'diff', P, test, reference, options ) % % Creates a colorful visualization from the HDR-VDP-2 results. Depending on % whether 'diff' or 'pmap' type is selected, the function visualizes a % different aspect of the prediction. The older syntax with the first % parameter 'P' is equivalent to 'pmap'. % % 'pmap' produces the probability of detection map. Such a map shows where % and how likely a difference will be noticed. However, It does not % show what this differece is. % % The required argument 'P' is the probability of detection map. P % must be within the range 0-1 % % 'diff' shows the contrast-normalized per-pixel difference weighted by the % probability of detection. The resulting images do NOT show % probabilities. However, they better correspond to the perceived % differences and thus are easier to interpret. % % The required argument 'P' is the probability of detection map. P % must be within the range 0-1 % % The two required argumants are the test and references images, the % same as passed to the hdrvdp. % % 'options' a cell array with { 'name', value } pairs. Refer to the examples % below. Available options: % % 'context_image' (default: []) - display context image on top of a % colour map. This is usually a 'test' image passed to the hdrvdp. % % % 'target' (default 'screen') - specifies desired output device and can % be one of: % % 'screen' - (default) - the map be shown on a color screen. % The map will contain good reproduction of the context % image 'img'. % % 'print' - the map can be printed on a gray-scale printer, so color % information will be lost. If this target is selected, % the color map will contain luma differences in addition % to color differences. To ensure that the context image % does not interfere with errors, only low-contrast and % high frequency content of the image will be preserved. % % 'colormap' (default 'trichromatic') parameter can be one of: % % 'trichromatic' - Errors are represented as multiple colors: blue, % cyan, green, yellow and red, which correspond to P equal % 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1. % % 'dichromatic' - more appropriate if observes may be color % deficient. The hue changes from cyan (0.0) to gray (0.5) % and then yellow (1.0). The look of images for % color-deficient observers can be tested at: % % % 'monochromatic' - use only grayscale. Makes sense only with % target='print' or when no context image is specified % % % Tone-mapping is applied to the context image to reduce the dynamic range % so that highly saturated colors can be used also in bright image regions. % Tone-mapping will enhance contrast if it is lower than the available % contrast. This behavior is useful for images that have contrast that is % near detection threshold (e.g. ModelFest stimuli). % % The function returns a gamma-corrected sRGB image. % % Example: % % reference = logspace( log10(0.1), log10(1000), 512 )' * ones( 1, 512 ); % test = reference .* (1 + (rand( 512, 512 )-0.5)*0.02); % res = hdrvdp( test, reference, 'luminance', 30 ); % % imshow( hdrvdp_visualize( 'pmap', res.P_map, { 'context_image', test } ) ) % % Legend for the color-scales can be found in the color_scales % directory. % % Copyright (c) 2011, Rafal Mantiuk % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any % purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above % copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES % WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR % ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES % WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN % ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF % OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. if( ischar( p1 ) ) % new syntax switch( p1 ) case 'diff' [P, test_img, reference_img, options] = set_params( varargin, 'required', 'required', 'required', {} ); opt = parse_options( options ); P = norm_diff_img( test_img, reference_img ) .* P; case 'pmap' [P, options] = set_params( varargin, 'required', {} ); opt = parse_options( options ); otherwise error( 'Urecognizaed visuzalization type' ); end else % old syntax P = p1; opt = struct(); [opt.context_image,, opt.colormap] = set_params( varargin, [], 'screen', 'trichromatic' ); end if( isempty(opt.context_image) ) tmo_img = ones(size(P))*0.5; elseif( strcmp(, 'print' ) ) l = log_luminance( opt.context_image ); hp_img = (l - blur_gaussian( l, 2 ) + mean(l(:))); tmo_img = vis_tonemap(hp_img, 0.1) + 0.5; elseif( strcmp(, 'screen' ) ) tmo_img = vis_tonemap( log_luminance(opt.context_image), 0.6 ); else error( 'Unknown target: %s', ); end P(P<0) = 0; P(P>1) = 1; if( strcmp( opt.colormap, 'trichromatic' ) || strcmp( opt.colormap, 'print' ) ) color_map = [0.2 0.2 1.0; 0.2 1.0 1.0; 0.2 1.0 0.2; 1.0 1.0 0.2; 1.0 0.2 0.2]; color_map_in = [0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1]; elseif( strcmp( opt.colormap, 'dichromatic' ) ) color_map = [0.2 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.2]; color_map_in = [0 0.5 1]; elseif( strcmp( opt.colormap, 'monochromatic' ) ) color_map = [1.0 1.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0 1.0]; color_map_in = [0 1]; else error( 'Unknown colormap: %s', opt.colormap ); end if( strcmp(, 'screen' ) ) color_map_l = color_map * [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722]'; %sum(color_map,2); color_map_ch = color_map ./ repmat( color_map_l, [1 3] ); else if( strcmp( opt.colormap, 'monochromatic' ) ) color_map_l = (color_map * [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722]') ./ color_map_in'; else % luminance map start at 0.3, so that colors are visible color_map_l = (color_map * [0.2126 0.7152 0.0722]') ./ (color_map_in'*0.8+0.2); end color_map_ch = color_map ./ repmat( color_map_l, [1 3] ); end %The line belows display pixel values %round(min( color_map_ch*255, 255 )) map = zeros( size(P,1), size(P,2), 3 ); map(:,:,1) = interp1( color_map_in, color_map_ch(:,1), P ); map(:,:,2) = interp1( color_map_in, color_map_ch(:,2), P ); map(:,:,3) = interp1( color_map_in, color_map_ch(:,3), P ); %map(:,:,3) = 1 - map(:,:,2) - map(:,:,1); %map = repmat( tmo_img, [1 1 3] ); map = map .* repmat( tmo_img, [1 1 3] ); end function l = log_luminance( X ) if( size(X,3) == 3 ) Y = X(:,:,1) * 0.212656 + X(:,:,2) * 0.715158 + X(:,:,3) * 0.072186; else Y = X; end Y(Y<=0) = min(Y(Y>0)); l = log(Y); end function tmo_img = vis_tonemap( b, dr ) t = 3; b_min = min(b(:)); b_max = max(b(:)); b_scale = linspace( b_min, b_max, 1024 ); b_p = hist( b(:), b_scale ); b_p = b_p / sum( b_p(:) ); sum_b_p = sum( b_p.^(1/t) ); dy = b_p.^(1/t) / sum_b_p; v = cumsum( dy )*dr + (1-dr)/2; tmo_img = interp1( b_scale, v, b ); end function Y = blur_gaussian( X, sigma ) ksize2 = round(sigma*3); gauss_1d = exp( -(-ksize2:ksize2).^2/(2*sigma^2) ); gauss_1d = gauss_1d/sum(gauss_1d); Y = conv2( X, gauss_1d, 'same' ); Y = conv2( Y, gauss_1d', 'same' ); end function varargout = set_params( vals, varargin ) for kk=1:length(varargin) if( length(vals) >= kk ) varargout(kk) = vals(kk); else if( ischar( varargin{kk} ) && strcmp( 'required', varargin{kk} ) ) error( 'Required parameter missing' ); else varargout(kk) = varargin(kk); end end end end function I = norm_diff_img( test, reference ) % Computer contrast-normalized difference image D = get_luminance(test)-get_luminance(reference); sigma = 5; window = fspecial('gaussian', round(sigma*4), sigma); img_mu = filter2(window, D, 'same'); sigma_sq = max(0, filter2(window, D.^2, 'same' ) - img_mu.^2); v = ( sigma_sq ).^(1/2); I = min(D./(v+1),1); end function Y = get_luminance( img ) % Return 2D matrix of luminance values for 3D matrix with an RGB image %dims = sum(nnz( size(img)>1 )); dims = find(size(img)>1,1,'last'); if( dims == 3 ) Y = img(:,:,1) * 0.212656 + img(:,:,2) * 0.715158 + img(:,:,3) * 0.072186; elseif( dims == 1 || dims == 2 ) Y = img; else error( 'get_luminance: wrong matrix dimension' ); end end function opt = parse_options( options ) opt = struct(); valid_opts = { 'colormap', 'trichromatic', 'target', 'screen', 'context_image', [] }; for kk=1:2:length(options) opt_found = false; for ll=1:2:length(valid_opts) if( strcmp( options{kk}, valid_opts{ll} ) ) opt_found = true; valid_opts{ll+1} = 'done'; break; end end if( ~opt_found ) error( 'Unrecognized option: %s', options{kk} ); end opt.(options{kk}) = options{kk+1}; end %Insert default options for kk=1:2:length(valid_opts) if( ~ischar( valid_opts{kk+1} ) || ~strcmp( valid_opts{kk+1}, 'done' ) ) opt.(valid_opts{kk}) = valid_opts{kk+1}; end end end