% Passed using arguments : % matlab -nodesktop -nodisplay -nosplash -r "path_ref='../../data/Scenes/Appart1opt02/appartAopt_00900.png';path_noisy='../../data/Scenes/Appart1opt02/appartAopt_00050.png';prefix='vdp_appart';run;exit" %path_ref = '../../data/Scenes/Appart1opt02/appartAopt_00900.png' %path_noisy = '../../data/Scenes/Appart1opt02/appartAopt_00050.png' %prefix = 'passed as argument' T = imread(path_noisy); % images must be normalized 0-1 R = imread(path_ref); % normalized T = double(T) / 255. R = double(R) / 255. % Compute pixels per degree for the viewing conditions ppd = hdrvdp_pix_per_deg( 21, [size(T,2) size(T,1)], 1 ); % Run hdrvdp res1 = hdrvdp( T, R, 'sRGB-Display', 30) %vdp_img = imshow( hdrvdp_visualize( 'diff', res1.P_map, T, R, {'context_image', T} ) ) % output of c_map_computed = res1.C_map c_map_computed(c_map_computed < 0) = 10e-5 c_map_norm = c_map_computed / (max(max(c_map_computed))) img = hdrvdp_visualize(c_map_computed); img_mask = hdrvdp_visualize(c_map_computed, T); img_norm = hdrvdp_visualize(c_map_norm); img_norm_mask = hdrvdp_visualize(c_map_norm, T); disp(prefix) imwrite(img, strcat(prefix, '.png')); %imwrite(img_mask, strcat(prefix, '_mask.png')); %imwrite(img_norm, strcat(prefix, '_norm.png')); %imwrite(img_norm_mask, strcat(prefix, '_norm_mask.png')); fileID = fopen(strcat(prefix, '_q_max.txt'),'w'); fprintf(fileID, '%3.5f'res1.Q); fclose(fileID);