function res = hdrvdp( test, reference, color_encoding, pixels_per_degree, options ) % HDR-VDP-2 compute visually significant differences between an image pair. % % diff = HDRVDP( test, reference, color_encoding, pixels_per_degree, options ) % % Parameters: % test - image to be tested (e.g. with distortions) % reference - reference image (e.g. without distortions) % color_encoding - color representation for both input images. See below. % pixels_per_degree - visual resolution of the image. See below. % options - cell array with { 'option', value } pairs. See the list of options % below. Note if unknown or misspelled option is passed, no warning % message is issued. % % The function returns a structure with the following fields: % P_map - probability of detection per pixel (matrix 0-1) % P_det - a single valued probability of detection (scalar 0-1) % C_map - threshold normalized contrast map, so that C_max=1 % corresponds to the detection threshold (P_det=0.5). % C_max - maximum threshold normalized contrast, so that C_max=1 % corresponds to the detection threshold (P_det=0.5). % Q - Quality correlate, which is 100 for the best quality and gets % lower for lower quality. Q can be negative in case of very large % differences. % % Test and references images are matrices of size (height, width, % channel_count). If there is only one channel, it is assumed to be % achromatic (luminance) with D65 spectra. The values must be given in % absolute luminance units (cd/m^2). If there are three color channels, % they are assumed to be RGB of an LCD display with red, green and blue LED % backlight. If different number of color channels is passed, their spectral % emission curve should be stored in a comma separated text file and its % name should be passed as 'spectral_emission' option. % % Note that the current version of HDR-VDP does NOT take color differences % into account. Spectral channels are used to properly compute luminance % sensed by rods and cones. % % COLOR ENCODING: % % HDR-VDP-2 requires that the color encoding is specified explicitly to avoid % mistakes when passing images. HDR-VDP operates on absolue physical units, % not pixel values that can be found in images. Therefore, it is necessary % to specify how the metric should interpret input images. The available % options are: % % 'luminance' - images contain absolute luminance values provided in % photopic cd/m^2. The images must contain exactly one color channel. % % 'luma-display' - images contain grayscale pixel values, sometimes known % as gamma-corrected luminance. The images must contain exactly one color % channel and the maximum pixel value must be 1 (not 256). % It corresponds to a gray-scale channel in % YCrCb color spaces used for video encoding. Because 'luma' alone does not % specify luminance, HDR-VDP-2 assumes the following display model: % % L = 99 * V^2.2 + 1, % % where L is luminance and V is luma. This corresponds to a display with % 2.2 gamma, 100 cd/m^2 maximum luminance and 1 cd/m^2 black level. % % 'sRGB-display' - use this color encoding for standard (LDR) color images. % This encoding assumes an sRGB display, with 100 cd/m^2 peak luminance and % 1 cd/m^2 black level. Note that this is different from sRGB->XYZ % transform, which assumes the peak luminance of 80 cd/m^2 and 1 cd/m^2 % black level. The maximum pixel value must be 1 (not 256). % % 'rgb-bt.709' - use this color space for HDR images AFTER they are at % least roughly calibrated in absolute photometric units. The encoding % assumes the ITU-R BT.709 RGB color primaries (the same as for sRGB), but also % non-gamma corrected RGB color space. % % 'XYZ' - input image is provided as ABSOLUTE trichromatic color values in % CIE XYZ (1931) color space. The Y channel must be equal luminance in % cd/m^2. % % PIXELS_PER_DEGREE: % % This argument specifies the angular resolution of the image in terms of the % number of pixels per one visual degree. It % will change with a viewing distance and display resolution. A typical % value for a stanard resolution computer display is around 30. A % convenience function hdrvdp_pix_per_deg can be used to compute pixels per % degree parameter. % % OPTIONS: % The options must be given as name-value pairs in a cell array. % Default values are given in square brackets. % % 'surround_l' - [mean value of each color channel] luminance/intensity of the % surround, which is assumed to be uniform outside the input images. % The default value is 1e-5 (10^-5), which corresponds to almost % absolute darkness. Note that surround_l=0 should be avoided. It is % unrealistic to expect absolutely no light in physically plausible % environment. The special value -1 makes the surround surround_l % equal to the geometric mean of the image. % 'spectral_emission' - name of the comma separated file that contains % spectral emission curves of color channels of reference and test % images. % 'rgb_display' - [ccfl-lcd] use this option to specify one of the % predefined emission spectra for typical displays. Availaeble options % are: % crt - a typical CRT display % ccfl-lcd - an LCD display with CCFL backlight % led-lcd - an LCD display with LED backlight % % The following are the most important options used to fine-tune and calibrate % HDR-VDP: % 'peak_sensitivity' - absolute sensitivity of the HDR-VDP % 'mask_p' - excitation of the visual contrast masking model % 'mask_q' - inhibition of the visual contrast masking model % % EXAMPLE: % The following example creates a luminance ramp (gradient), distorts it % with a random noise and computes detection probabilities using HDR-VDP. % % reference = logspace( log10(0.1), log10(1000), 512 )' * ones( 1, 512 ); % test = reference .* (1 + (rand( 512, 512 )-0.5)*0.1); % res = hdrvdp( test, reference, 'luminance', 30, { 'surround_l', 13 } ); % clf; % imshow( hdrvdp_visualize( res.P_map, test ) ); % % BUGS and LIMITATIONS: % % If you suspect the predictions are wrong, check first the Frequently % Asked Question section on the HDR-VDP-2 web-site % ( If it does not help, post your problem to % the HDR-VDP discussion group: % (preffered) or send an e-mail directly to the author. % % REFERENCES % % The metric is described in the paper: % Mantiuk, Rafat, Kil Joong Kim, Allan G. Rempel, and Wolfgang Heidrich. % ?HDR-VDP-2: A Calibrated Visual Metric for Visibility and % Quality Predictions in All Luminance Conditions.? % ACM Trans. Graph (Proc. SIGGRAPH) 30, no. 4 (July 01, 2011): 1. % doi:10.1145/2010324.1964935. % % When refering to the metric, please cite the paper above and include the % version number, for example "HDR-VDP 2.2.0". To check the version number, % see the ChangeLog.txt. To check the version in the code, call % hdrvdp_version.txt. % % Copyright (c) 2011, Rafal Mantiuk % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any % purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above % copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES % WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR % ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES % WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN % ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF % OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. if( any( size(test) ~= size(reference) ) ) error( 'reference and test images must be the same size' ); end if( ~exist( 'options', 'var' ) ) options = {}; end if( ~exist( 'reconSpyr', 'file' ) ) % If matlabPyrTools not in the path, add them now % Get the path to the hdrvdp directory pathstr = fileparts(mfilename( 'fullpath' )); addpath( fullfile( pathstr, 'matlabPyrTools_1.4_fixed' ) ); % Re-check if everything went OK if( ~exist( 'reconSpyr', 'file' ) ) error( 'Failed to add matlabPyrTools to the path.' ); end end metric_par = hdrvdp_parse_options( options ); % The parameters overwrite the options if( ~isempty( pixels_per_degree ) ) metric_par.pix_per_deg = pixels_per_degree; end if( ~isempty( color_encoding ) ) metric_par.color_encoding = color_encoding; end % Load spectral emission curves img_channels = size( test, 3 ); switch lower( metric_par.color_encoding ) case 'luminance' if( img_channels ~= 1 ) error( 'Only one channel must be provided for "luminance" color encoding' ); end check_if_values_plausible( test, metric_par ); case 'luma-display' if( img_channels ~= 1 ) error( 'Only one channel must be provided for "luma-display" color encoding' ); end test = display_model( test, 2.2, 99, 1 ); reference = display_model( reference, 2.2, 99, 1 ); case 'srgb-display' if( img_channels ~= 3 ) error( 'Exactly 3 color channels must be provided for "sRGB-display" color encoding' ); end test = display_model_srgb( test ); reference = display_model_srgb( reference ); case 'rgb-bt.709' if( img_channels ~= 3 ) error( 'Exactly 3 color channels must be provided for "rgb-bt.709" color encoding' ); end check_if_values_plausible( test(:,:,2), metric_par ); case 'xyz' if( img_channels ~= 3 ) error( 'Exactly 3 color channels must be provided for "XYZ" color encoding' ); end test = xyz2rgb( test ); reference = xyz2rgb( reference ); check_if_values_plausible( test(:,:,2), metric_par ); case 'generic' if( isempty( metric_par.spectral_emission ) ) error( '"spectral_emission" option must be specified when using the "generic" color encoding' ); end end if( metric_par.surround_l == -1 ) % If surround_l is set to -1, use the geometric (log) mean of each color % channel of the reference image metric_par.surround_l = geomean( reshape( reference, [size(reference,1)*size(reference,2) size(reference,3)] ) ); elseif( length(metric_par.surround_l) == 1 ) metric_par.surround_l = repmat( metric_par.surround_l, [1 img_channels] ); end if( img_channels == 3 && ~isfield( metric_par, 'rgb_display' ) ) metric_par.rgb_display = 'ccfl-lcd'; end if( ~isempty( metric_par.spectral_emission ) ) [tmp, IMG_E] = load_spectral_resp( [metric_par.base_dir '/' metric_par.spectral_emission] ); elseif( isfield( metric_par, 'rgb_display' ) ) [tmp, IMG_E] = load_spectral_resp( sprintf( 'emission_spectra_%s.csv', metric_par.rgb_display ) ); elseif( img_channels == 1 ) [tmp, IMG_E] = load_spectral_resp( 'd65.csv' ); else error( '"spectral_emissiom" option needs to be specified' ); end if( img_channels == 1 && size(IMG_E,2)>1 ) % sum-up spectral responses of all channels for luminance-only data IMG_E = sum( IMG_E, 2 ); end if( img_channels ~= size( IMG_E, 2 ) ) error( 'Spectral response data is either missing or is specified for different number of color channels than the input image' ); end metric_par.spectral_emission = IMG_E; % Compute spatially- and orientation-selective bands % Process reference first to reuse bb_padvalue [B_R L_adapt_reference band_freq bb_padvalue] = hdrvdp_visual_pathway( reference, 'reference', metric_par, -1 ); [B_T L_adapt_test] = hdrvdp_visual_pathway( test, 'test', metric_par, bb_padvalue ); L_adapt = (L_adapt_test + L_adapt_reference)./2; % precompute CSF csf_la = logspace( -5, 5, 256 ); csf_log_la = log10( csf_la ); b_count = length(; CSF = zeros( length(csf_la), b_count ); for b=1:b_count CSF(:,b) = hdrvdp_ncsf( band_freq(b), csf_la', metric_par ); end log_La = log10(clamp( L_adapt, csf_la(1), csf_la(end) )); D_bands = B_T; % Pixels that are actually different diff_mask = any((abs( test-reference ) ./ reference) > 0.001, 3); if( metric_par.do_quality_raw_data ) qres = quality_pred_init(); end Q = 0; % quality correlate % For each band for b = 1:b_count %masking params p = 10.^metric_par.mask_p; q = 10.^metric_par.mask_q; pf = (10.^metric_par.psych_func_slope)/p; % accumulate masking activity across orientations (cross-orientation % masking) mask_xo = zeros( get_band_size(B_T,b,1) ); for mask_xo = mask_xo + mutual_masking( b, o ); %min( abs(B_T{b,o}), abs(B_R{b,o}) ); end log_La_rs = clamp( imresize(log_La,get_band_size(B_T,b,1)), csf_log_la(1), csf_log_la(end) ); % per-pixel contrast sensitivity CSF_b = interp1( csf_log_la, CSF(:,b), log_La_rs ); % REMOVED: Transform CSF linear sensitivity to the non-linear space of the % photoreceptor response % CSF_b = CSF_b .* 1./hdrvdp_joint_rod_cone_sens_diff( 10.^log_La_rs, metric_par ); band_norm = 2^(b-1); % = 1/n_f from the paper band_mult = 1; %2^-(b-1); for %excitation difference band_diff = (get_band(B_T,b,o) - get_band(B_R,b,o))*band_mult; if( metric_par.do_si_gauss ) band_scale = size(band_diff,1)/size(test,1); % Sigma grows with lower frequencies to subtend a similar number of % cycles. Note that the scale differs between the bands. sigma = 10^metric_par.si_size / band_freq(b) * metric_par.pix_per_deg * band_scale; local_sum = fast_gauss( abs(band_diff), sigma, false ); ex_diff = (sign_pow(band_diff/band_norm, p-1) * band_norm) .* local_sum; else ex_diff = sign_pow(band_diff/band_norm, p) * band_norm; end if( b == b_count ) % base band N_nCSF = 1; else N_nCSF = (1./CSF_b); end if( metric_par.do_masking ) k_mask_self = 10.^metric_par.mask_self; % self-masking k_mask_xo = 10.^metric_par.mask_xo; % masking across orientations k_mask_xn = 10.^metric_par.mask_xn; % masking across neighboring bands self_mask = mutual_masking( b, o ); mask_xn = zeros( size( self_mask ) ); if( b > 1 ) mask_xn = max( imresize( mutual_masking( b-1, o ), size( self_mask ) ), 0 )/(band_norm/2); end if( b < (b_count-1) ) mask_xn = mask_xn + max( imresize( mutual_masking( b+1, o ), size( self_mask ) ), 0 )/(band_norm*2); end % correct activity for this particular channel band_mask_xo = max( mask_xo - self_mask, 0 ); N_mask = band_norm * (k_mask_self*(self_mask./N_nCSF/band_norm).^q + ... k_mask_xo*(band_mask_xo./N_nCSF/band_norm).^q + ... k_mask_xn*(mask_xn./N_nCSF).^q); D = ex_diff./sqrt( N_nCSF.^(2*p) + N_mask.^2 ); % if( b == b_count ) % D_bands = set_band( D_bands, b, o, D ); % else D_bands = set_band( D_bands, b, o, sign_pow(D/band_norm, pf)*band_norm ); % end else % NO masking D = ex_diff./N_nCSF.^p; D_bands = set_band( D_bands, b, o, sign_pow(D/band_norm, pf)*band_norm ); end % Quality prediction % test w_f = interp1( metric_par.quality_band_freq, metric_par.quality_band_w, ... clamp( band_freq(b), metric_par.quality_band_freq(end), metric_par.quality_band_freq(1) ) ); epsilon = 1e-12; % Mask the pixels that are almost identical in test and % reference images. Improves predictions for small localized % differences. diff_mask_b = imresize( double(diff_mask), size( D ) ); D_p = D .* diff_mask_b; Q = Q + (log( msre( D_p ) + epsilon )-log(epsilon)) * w_f; if( metric_par.do_quality_raw_data ) qres = quality_pred_band( qres, D_p, b, o ); end end end S_map = abs(reconSpyr( D_bands.pyr, D_bands.pind, metric_par.steerpyr_filter )); % TODO: localized distortions may cause prediction of visibilble differences % in other parts of an image because they affect low frequencies. This is % especially apparent for super-threshold differences. A mechanism to % restrict location of such changes is needed. % %S_map = S_map .* double(diff_mask); if( metric_par.do_spatial_pooling ) S_map = sum(S_map(:))/(max(S_map(:))+1e-12)*S_map; end res.P_map = 1 - exp( log(0.5)*S_map ); res.P_det = max( res.P_map(:) ); res.C_map = S_map; res.C_max = max( S_map(:) ); res.Q = 100-Q; % This MOS fitting did not work very well, disabled for now %res.Q_MOS = 100 / (1+exp(metric_par.quality_logistic_q1*(Q+metric_par.quality_logistic_q2))); if( metric_par.do_quality_raw_data ) res.qres = qres; end function m = mutual_masking( b, o ) m = min( abs(get_band(B_T,b,o)), abs(get_band(B_R,b,o)) ); % simplistic phase-uncertainty mechanism % TODO - improve it if( metric_par.do_si_gauss ) m = blur_gaussian( m, 10^metric_par.si_size ); else F = ones( 3, 3 ); m = conv2( m, F/numel(F), 'same'); end end end function y = sign_pow( x, e ) y = sign(x) .* abs(x).^e; end function B = get_band( bands, b, o ) oc = min( o, ); B = pyrBand( bands.pyr, bands.pind, sum( ); end function sz = get_band_size( bands, b, o ) sz = bands.pind(sum(,:); end function bands = set_band( bands, b, o, B ) bands.pyr(pyrBandIndices(bands.pind,sum( = B; end function d = msre( X ) d = sqrt(sum(X(:).^2))/numel(X); end function L = display_model( V, gamma, peak, black_level ) L = peak * V.^gamma + black_level; end function RGB = display_model_srgb( sRGB ) a = 0.055; thr = 0.04045; RGB = zeros(size(sRGB)); RGB(sRGB<=thr) = sRGB(sRGB<=thr)/12.92; RGB(sRGB>thr) = ((sRGB(sRGB>thr)+a)/(1+a)).^2.4; RGB = 99*RGB + 1; end function RGB = xyz2rgb( XYZ ) % Transform image color space using matrix M % dest = M * src M = [ 3.240708 -1.537259 -0.498570; -0.969257 1.875995 0.041555; 0.055636 -0.203996 1.057069 ]; RGB = reshape( (M * reshape( XYZ, [size(XYZ,1)*size(XYZ,2) 3] )')', ... [size(XYZ,1) size(XYZ,2) 3] ); end function Y = spatial_summation( X, sigma ) % Essentilally a non-normalized Gaussian filter % ksize = round(sigma*6); h = fspecial( 'gaussian', ksize, sigma ); h = h / max(h(:)); Y = imfilter( X, h, 'replicate' ); end function check_if_values_plausible( img, metric_par ) % Check if the image is in plausible range and report a warning if not. % This is because the metric is often misused and used for with % non-absolute luminace data. if( ~metric_par.disable_lowvals_warning ) if( max(img(:)) <= 1 ) warning( 'hdrvdp:lowvals', [ 'The images contain very low physical values, below 1 cd/m^2. ' ... 'The passed values are most probably not scaled in absolute units, as requied for this color encoding. ' ... 'See ''doc hdrvdp'' for details. To disable this wanrning message, add option { ''disable_lowvals_warning'', ''true'' }.' ] ); end end end