function [bands, L_adapt, band_freq, bb_padvalue] = hdrvdp_visual_pathway( img, name, metric_par, bb_padvalue ) % HDRVDP_VISUAL_PATHWAY (internal) Process image along the visual pathway % to compute normalized perceptual response % % img - image data (can be multi-spectral) % name - string with the name of this map (shown in warnings and error % messages) % options - cell array with the 'option', value pairs % bands - CSF normalized freq. bands % % Copyright (c) 2011, Rafal Mantiuk % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any % purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above % copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES % WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR % ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES % WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN % ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF % OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. global hdrvdp_cache; if( any( isnan( img(:) ) ) ) warning( 'hdrvdp:BadImageData', '%s image contains NaN pixel values', name ); img(isnan(img)) = 1e-5; end % ================================= % Precompute % % precompute common variables and structures or take them from cache % ================================= width = size(img,2); height = size(img,1); img_sz = [height width]; % image size img_ch = size(img,3); % number of color channels rho2 = create_cycdeg_image( img_sz*2, metric_par.pix_per_deg ); % spatial frequency for each FFT coefficient, for 2x image size if( metric_par.do_mtf ) mtf_filter = hdrvdp_mtf( rho2, metric_par ); % only the last param is adjusted else mtf_filter = ones( size(rho2) ); end if( ~metric_par.debug ) % memory savings for huge images clear rho2; end % Load spectral sensitivity curves [lambda, LMSR_S] = load_spectral_resp( 'log_cone_smith_pokorny_1975.csv' ); LMSR_S(LMSR_S==0) = min(LMSR_S(:)); LMSR_S = 10.^LMSR_S; [~, ROD_S] = load_spectral_resp( 'cie_scotopic_lum.txt' ); LMSR_S(:,4) = ROD_S; IMG_E = metric_par.spectral_emission; % ================================= % Precompute photoreceptor non-linearity % ================================= pn = hdrvdp_get_from_cache( 'pn', [metric_par.rod_sensitivity metric_par.csf_sa], @() create_pn_jnd( metric_par ) ); pn.jnd{1} = pn.jnd{1} * metric_par.sensitivity_correction; pn.jnd{2} = pn.jnd{2} * metric_par.sensitivity_correction; % ================================= % Optical Transfer Function % ================================= L_O = zeros( size(img) ); for k=1:img_ch % for each color channel if( metric_par.do_mtf ) % Use per-channel or one per all channels surround value pad_value = metric_par.surround_l( k ); L_O(:,:,k) = clamp( fast_conv_fft( double(img(:,:,k)), mtf_filter, pad_value ), 1e-5, 1e10 ); else % NO mtf L_O(:,:,k) = img(:,:,k); end end if( ~metric_par.debug ) % memory savings for huge images clear mtf_filter; end %TODO - MTF reduces luminance values % ================================= % Photoreceptor spectral sensitivity % ================================= M_img_lmsr = zeros( img_ch, 4 ); % Color space transformation matrix for k=1:4 for l=1:img_ch M_img_lmsr(l,k) = trapz( lambda, LMSR_S(:,k).*IMG_E(:,l) ); end end % Color space conversion R_LMSR = reshape( reshape( L_O, width*height, img_ch )*M_img_lmsr, height, width, 4 ); if( ~metric_par.debug ) % memory savings for huge images clear L_O; end %surround_LMSR = metric_par.surround_l * M_img_lmsr; % ================================= % Adapting luminance % ================================= L_adapt = R_LMSR(:,:,1) + R_LMSR(:,:,2); % ================================= % Photoreceptor non-linearity % ================================= %La = mean( L_adapt(:) ); P_LMR = zeros(height, width, 4); %surround_P_LMR = zeros(1,4); for k=[1:2 4] % ignore S - does not influence luminance if( k==4 ) ph_type = 2; % rod ii = 3; else ph_type = 1; % cone ii = k; end P_LMR(:,:,ii) = pointOp( log10( clamp(R_LMSR(:,:,k), 10^pn.Y{ph_type}(1), 10^pn.Y{ph_type}(end)) ), ... pn.jnd{ph_type}, pn.Y{ph_type}(1), pn.Y{ph_type}(2)-pn.Y{ph_type}(1), 0 ); % surround_P_LMR(ii) = interp1( pn_Y{ph_type}, pn_jnd{ph_type}, ... % log10( clamp(surround_LMSR(k), 10^pn_Y{ph_type}(1), 10^pn_Y{ph_type}(end)) ) ); end if( ~metric_par.debug ) % memory savings for huge images clear R_LMSR; end % ================================= % Remove the DC component, from % cone and rod pathways separately % ================================= % TODO - check if there is a better way to do it % cones P_C = P_LMR(:,:,1)+P_LMR(:,:,2); mm = mean(mean( P_C )); P_C = P_C - mm; % rods mm = mean(mean( P_LMR(:,:,3) )); P_R = P_LMR(:,:,3) - mm; % ================================= % Achromatic response % ================================= P = P_C + P_R; if( ~metric_par.debug ) % memory savings for huge images clear P_LMR P_C P_R; end %surround_P = surround_P_LMR(1)+surround_P_LMR(2)+surround_P_LMR(3); % ================================= % Multi-channel decomposition % ================================= %[lo0filt,hi0filt,lofilt,bfilts,steermtx,harmonics] = eval(metric_par.steerpyr_filter); %max_ht = maxPyrHt(size(P), size(lofilt,1)); %[bands.pyr,bands.pind] = buildSpyr( P, min(max_ht,6), metric_par.steerpyr_filter ); [bands.pyr,bands.pind] = buildSpyr( P, 'auto', metric_par.steerpyr_filter ); = ones( spyrHt( bands.pind ) + 2, 1 ); = spyrNumBands( bands.pind ); band_freq = 2.^-(0:(spyrHt( bands.pind )+1)) * metric_par.pix_per_deg / 2; % CSF-filter the base band L_mean = mean( L_adapt(:) ); BB = pyrBand( bands.pyr, bands.pind, sum( ); % I wish to know why sqrt(2) works better, as it should be 2 rho_bb = create_cycdeg_image( size(BB)*2, band_freq(end)*2*sqrt(2) ); csf_bb = hdrvdp_ncsf( rho_bb, L_mean, metric_par ); % pad value must be the same for test and reference images. if( bb_padvalue == -1 ) bb_padvalue = mean(BB(:)); end bands.pyr(pyrBandIndices(bands.pind,sum( = fast_conv_fft( BB, csf_bb, bb_padvalue ); if( 0 ) for b=1:length( for b_ind = sum(; BB = pyrBand( bands.pyr, bands.pind, b_ind ); rho_bb = create_cycdeg_image( size(BB)*2, band_freq(b)*4 ); csf_bb = hdrvdp_csf( rho_bb, L_mean, metric_par ); if( metric_par.surround_l == -1 ) pad_value = mean(BB(:)); else pad_value = metric_par.surround_l; end bands.pyr(pyrBandIndices(bands.pind,b_ind)) = fast_conv_fft( BB, csf_bb, pad_value ); end end end function item = cache_get( item_name, item_signature, compute_func ) sign_name = [ item_name '_sign' ]; if( isfield( hdrvdp_cache, sign_name ) && all( hdrvdp_cache.( sign_name ) == item_signature) ) % caching item = hdrvdp_cache.( item_name ); else item = compute_func(); hdrvdp_cache.( sign_name ) = zeros(size(item_signature)); % in case of breaking at this point hdrvdp_cache.( item_name ) = item; hdrvdp_cache.( sign_name ) = item_signature; end end end function [Y jnd] = build_jndspace_from_S(l,S) L = 10.^l; dL = zeros(size(L)); for k=1:length(L) thr = L(k)/S(k); % Different than in the paper because integration is done in the log % domain - requires substitution with a Jacobian determinant dL(k) = 1/thr * L(k) * log(10); end Y = l; jnd = cumtrapz( l, dL ); end function pn = create_pn_jnd( metric_par ) % Create lookup tables for intensity -> JND mapping c_l = logspace( -5, 5, 2048 ); s_A = hdrvdp_joint_rod_cone_sens( c_l, metric_par ); s_R = hdrvdp_rod_sens( c_l, metric_par ) * 10.^metric_par.rod_sensitivity; % s_C = s_L = S_M s_C = 0.5 * interp1( c_l, max(s_A-s_R, 1e-3), min( c_l*2, c_l(end) ) ); pn = struct(); [pn.Y{1} pn.jnd{1}] = build_jndspace_from_S( log10(c_l), s_C ); [pn.Y{2} pn.jnd{2}] = build_jndspace_from_S( log10(c_l), s_R ); end