function [lambda R] = load_spectral_resp( file_name ) % LOAD_SPECTRAL_RESP (intetrnal) load spectral response or emmision curve % from a comma separated file. The first column must contain wavelengths in % nm (lambda) and the remaining columns response / sensitivity / emission % data. The data is resampled to the 360-780 range with the step of 1nm. % % (C) Rafal Mantiuk % This is an experimental code for internal use. Do not redistribute. D = dlmread( file_name ); l_minmax = [360 780]; l_step = 1; lambda = linspace( l_minmax(1), l_minmax(2), (l_minmax(2)-l_minmax(1))/l_step ); R = zeros( length(lambda), size(D,2)-1 ); for k=2:size(D,2) R(:,k-1) = interp1( D(:,1), D(:,k), lambda, 'cubic', 0 ); end end