Film "image" "integer xresolution" [2560] "integer yresolution" [1440] "float cropwindow" [.3 .8 .15 .7] "string filename" "head.exr" LookAt 0.322839 0.0534825 0.504299 -0.140808 -0.162727 -0.354936 0.0355799 0.964444 -0.261882 Camera "perspective" "float fov" [30.0] # The "path" integrator directly handles subsurface scattering Integrator "path" "integer maxdepth" [2] Sampler "halton" "integer pixelsamples" [2048] WorldBegin AttributeBegin Scale -1 1 1 Rotate 90 -1 0 0 Rotate 90 0 0 1 LightSource "infinite" "string mapname" ["textures/doge2_latlong.exr"] AttributeEnd Texture "albedomap" "color" "imagemap" "string filename" ["textures/head_albedomap.png"] # mfp = inverse sigma_t value of Jensen's skin1 parameters (in meters) Material "kdsubsurface" "texture Kd" "albedomap" "float eta" [1.33] "color mfp" [1.2953e-03 9.5238e-04 6.7114e-04] "float uroughness" [0.05] "float vroughness" [0.05] "bool remaproughness" ["false"] Shape "plymesh" "string filename" "geometry/head.ply" "bool discarddegenerateUVs" ["false"] WorldEnd