# pbrt v2.0 Scene File # Exported by pbrtBlend Blender Exporter Scale -1 1 1 # account for fixed lookat bug... # in corner, looking across dining room table #LookAt 24.064064 1.208986 3.816026 # 23.369665 1.925634 3.751019 # -0.045243 0.046679 0.997885 # higher up, over by counter looking at living room area LookAt 22.694149 3.264620 4.273204 21.974380 3.941408 4.118640 -0.112611 0.105872 0.987983 #LookAt 24.913168 4.199413 4.306132 # 24.118280 4.773721 4.110367 # -0.158681 0.114649 0.980651 # still by counter, a little lower to the ground #LookAt 24.743057 3.784065 3.648668 # 23.931385 4.364570 3.583843 # -0.052733 0.037702 0.997897 Camera "realistic" "string lensfile" "lenses/wide.22mm.dat" "float aperturediameter" 5 # 5.5 "float focusdistance" 3 # 0.55 #Camera "perspective" "float fov" [60] Film "image" "integer xresolution" [1000] "integer yresolution" [600] "float scale" 9 "string filename" "villa-photons.exr" Integrator "sppm" "integer numiterations" 16 "float radius" .25 # Higher quality Integrator "sppm" "integer numiterations" 2048 "float radius" .125 WorldBegin # metal lamp LightSource "spot" "point from" [ 16.801588 8.158092 4.187272 ] "point to" [ 16.786858 8.159492 3.1 ] "float coneangle" [45] "float conedeltaangle" [20] "spectrum I" "spds/SHPS.spd" "rgb scale" [210 210 210] ## [70 70 70 ] # kitchen counter LightSource "spot" "point from" [ 21.276855 7.200419 3.96 ] "point to" [ 21.276855 7.200419 2.96 ] "color I" [1 1 1] "float coneangle" [60] LightSource "spot" "point from" [ 22.116617 7.185427 3.96 ] "point to" [ 22.116617 7.185427 2.96 ] "color I" [1 1 1] "float coneangle" [60] LightSource "spot" "point from" [ 23.058599 7.186698 3.96 ] "point to" [ 23.058599 7.186698 2.96 ] "color I" [1 1 1] "float coneangle" [60] # table LightSource "point" "point from" [ 23.565807 2.462955 4.35 ] "spectrum I" "spds/SHPS.spd" "rgb scale" [1 1 1] LightSource "point" "point from" [ 21.317902 2.461441 4.35] "spectrum I" "spds/SHPS.spd" "rgb scale" [1 1 1] Include "materials.pbrt" Include "geometry.pbrt" WorldEnd