@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+# import
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import os, sys, math, json
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import easygui
+# miam import
+from . import WFNode, WFProcess, WFConnector
+import miam.image.Image as MIMG
+import miam.histogram.Histogram as MHIST
+import miam.image.channel
+import miam.utils
+from miam.processing import (ColorSpaceTransform, ContrastControl, Duplicate, ExposureControl, NoOp,
+ TMO_CCTF, TMO_Lightness, TMO_Linear, Ymap, Blend, MaskSegmentPercentile,
+ Fuse
+ )
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# MIAM project 2020
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# author: remi.cozot@univ-littoral.fr
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WFWorkflow(object):
+ """container of workflow"""
+ def __init__(self, name='workflow:noname'):
+ # attributes
+ self.name = name
+ # list of processes
+ self.processes = []
+ # list of images
+ self.connectors = []
+ # root
+ self.root = None
+ # end
+ self.leafs = []
+ # methods
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # add process, connect, root and leaf
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def addProcess(self,p):
+ self.processes.append(p)
+ return p
+ # connecting processes
+ def connect(self, outputProcess=None, inputProcess=None, name=None):
+ if (not outputProcess) or (not inputProcess):
+ if not outputProcess: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.connect(): unknown output !")
+ if not inputProcess: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.connect(): unknown input !")
+ return None
+ else:
+ # outputProcess -- WFImage --> inputProcess
+ outputProcess = self.getByName(outputProcess) if isinstance(outputProcess,str) else outputProcess
+ inputProcess = self.getByName(inputProcess) if isinstance(inputProcess,str) else inputProcess
+ if not outputProcess: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.connect(): unknown output !")
+ if not inputProcess: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.connect(): unknown input !")
+ if not name:
+ name = name=outputProcess.name+"->"+inputProcess.name
+ connector = WFConnector.WFConnector(name=name)
+ # link components
+ outputProcess.outputs.append(connector)
+ inputProcess.inputs.append(connector)
+ connector.outputOf = outputProcess
+ connector.inputOf = inputProcess
+ self.connectors.append(connector)
+ return connector
+ def setRoot(self,p):
+ p = self.getByName(p) if isinstance(p,str) else p
+ if not p: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.setRoot(): unknown process !")
+ connector = WFConnector.WFConnector(name="root"+"->"+p.name)
+ connector.isRoot = True
+ self.connectors.append(connector)
+ self.root = connector
+ # link components
+ p.inputs.append(connector)
+ connector.inputOf = p
+ return connector
+ def setLeaf(self,p):
+ p = self.getByName(p) if isinstance(p,str) else p
+ if not p: print("[ERROR] WFWorkflow.setLeaf(): unknown process !")
+ connector = WFConnector.WFConnector(name=p.name+"->"+"leaf")
+ connector.isLeaf = True
+ self.connectors.append(connector)
+ self.leafs.append(connector)
+ # link components
+ p.outputs.append(connector)
+ connector.outputOf = p
+ return connector
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # utils method
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def checkName(self, name):
+ res = []
+ for p in self.processes:
+ if p.name == name: res.append(p)
+ for i in self.connectors:
+ if i.name == name: res.append(i)
+ return res
+ def getByName(self, name):
+ res = None
+ asName = self.checkName(name)
+ if len(asName)>0: res = asName[0]
+ return res
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # computing
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def compute(self, input=None):
+ #
+ #
+ if not input:
+ filename = easygui.fileopenbox(msg="select image.")
+ print("selected image:", filename)
+ # reading image
+ input= MIMG.Image.readImage(filename)
+ if input.isHDR(): input = input.removeZeros(0.5)
+ self.root.image=input
+ # main loop:
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ awaitingProcess = []
+ # reset ready for compute
+ for con in self.connectors:
+ con.ready = False
+ # start with root
+ self.root.ready = True
+ # put all processes in awaiting Process
+ awaitingProcess = self.processes
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ while len(awaitingProcess)>0 :
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # looking for first process in list that all inputs are ready
+ pReady = None
+ pNotReady = []
+ for p in awaitingProcess:
+ if p.isReady() and (not pReady):
+ # take first ready for computation
+ pReady = p
+ else: # not ready or firest ready already find
+ pNotReady.append(p)
+ awaitingProcess = pNotReady
+ pReady.compute()
+ def compile(self):
+ # check process input and output
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ print("| check process input and output")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ noInput =[]
+ noOutput =[]
+ for p in self.processes:
+ print("| process:",p.name)
+ print("|-----------------------------------")
+ print("| input(s) -> ")
+ if len(p.inputs) == 0:
+ # no input
+ noInput.append(p)
+ print("| ", "no input -> root")
+ for input in p.inputs:
+ print("| ",input.name)
+ print("| output(s) -> ")
+ if len(p.outputs) == 0:
+ # no output
+ noOutput.append(p)
+ print("| ", "no output -> leaf")
+ for output in p.outputs:
+ print("| ",output.name)
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ # root
+ if self.root and (len(noInput)== 0):
+ print("| root:",self.root.name, ": OK")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ if (not self.root) and (len(noInput)== 1):
+ # add Root
+ self.setRoot(noInput[0])
+ print("| root -> pocess:",noInput[0].name)
+ print("| root:",self.root.name, ": OK")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ noInput.pop()
+ if not self.root or (len(noInput)>1):
+ print("[ERROR] root error !")
+ # leaf
+ for p in noOutput:
+ self.setLeaf(p)
+ print("| process:",p.name, "- > leaf")
+ if len(self.leafs)>0:
+ for c in self.leafs:
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ print("| leaf:",c.name)
+ print("| leaf: OK")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ else:
+ print("[ERROR] leaf error !")
+ # simulate processing
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ print("| check workflow")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ awaitingProcess = []
+ # reset ready for compute
+ for con in self.connectors:
+ con.ready = False
+ # start with root
+ self.root.ready = True
+ # put all processes in awaiting Process
+ awaitingProcess = self.processes
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ while len(awaitingProcess)>0 :
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # looking for first process in list that all inputs are ready
+ pReady = None
+ pNotReady = []
+ for p in awaitingProcess:
+ if p.isReady() and (not pReady):
+ # take first ready for computation
+ pReady = p
+ else: # not ready or firest ready already find
+ pNotReady.append(p)
+ awaitingProcess = pNotReady
+ # 'compute'
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ print("| computing:", pReady.name)
+ # set ouputs to ready
+ for con in pReady.outputs:
+ con.ready = True
+ print("| +---->", con.name, "ready")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ print("| check workflow: end reached: OK")
+ print("+-----------------------------------")
+ return self
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # read
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def readWorkflow(filename):
+ # read filename
+ with open(filename) as json_file:
+ jsonData = json.load(json_file)
+ # recover data
+ # name
+ wf_name = jsonData['name'] if 'name' in jsonData else filename
+ # processes and connectors
+ processesJSON = jsonData['processes'] if 'processes' in jsonData else []
+ connectorsJSON = jsonData['connectors'] if 'connectors' in jsonData else []
+ # build process and connectors
+ error = False
+ # create wf
+ wf = WFWorkflow(name=wf_name)
+ # build process
+ for processJSON in processesJSON:
+ # type, name, params
+ if 'type' in processJSON :
+ type= processJSON['type']
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",processJSON,"): no type found !]")
+ error = True
+ if 'name' in processJSON:
+ process_name= processJSON['name']
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",processJSON,"): no name found !]")
+ error = True
+ if 'parameters' in processJSON:
+ parameters= processJSON['parameters']
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",processJSON,"): no parameters found !]")
+ error = True
+ # build process
+ if not error:
+ # add here all new processing class
+ # --------------------------------------------
+ # ColorSpaceTransform
+ # ContrastControl
+ # Duplicate
+ # ExposureControl
+ # NoOp
+ # TMO_Lightness
+ # TMO_Linear
+ # Ymap
+ # Blend
+ # MaskSegmentPercentile
+ # Fuse
+ # --------------------------------------------
+ if type =='ColorSpaceTransform':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=ColorSpaceTransform.ColorSpaceTransform()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'ContrastControl':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=ContrastControl.ContrastControl()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'Duplicate':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=Duplicate.Duplicate()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'ExposureControl':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=ExposureControl.ExposureControl()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'NoOp':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=NoOp.NoOp())
+ )
+ elif type == 'TMO_CCTF':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=TMO_CCTF.TMO_CCTF()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'TMO_Lightness':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=TMO_Lightness.TMO_Lightness()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'TMO_Linear':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=TMO_Linear.TMO_Linear()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'Ymap':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=Ymap.Ymap()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'Blend':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=Blend.Blend()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'MaskSegmentPercentile':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=MaskSegmentPercentile.MaskSegmentPercentile()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ elif type == 'Fuse':
+ wf.addProcess(WFProcess.WFProcess(
+ name = process_name,
+ process=Fuse.Fuse()).setParameters(eval(parameters))
+ )
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",filename,"): unkown process type: ",type," !]")
+ error = True
+ # build connector
+ for connectorJSON in connectorsJSON:
+ # outputProcess -> inputProcess
+ if 'outputProcess' in connectorJSON :
+ outputProcess = connectorJSON['outputProcess']
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",connectorJSON,"): no outputProcess found !]")
+ error = True
+ if 'inputProcess' in connectorJSON:
+ inputProcess= connectorJSON['inputProcess']
+ else:
+ print("ERROR[miam.workflow.WFWorflow.readWorkflow(",connectorJSON,"): no inputProcess found !]")
+ error = True
+ # find output and input
+ pout = wf.getByName(outputProcess)
+ pin = wf.getByName(inputProcess)
+ wf.connect(outputProcess=pout, inputProcess=pin, name=outputProcess+"->"+inputProcess)
+ # compile and return
+ return wf.compile()
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ # display
+ # ---------------------------------------------
+ def display(self, withHistogram=True):
+ # number of leaf image
+ nbRes = len(self.leafs)
+ # dual display
+ dd = 2 if withHistogram else 1
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,nbRes*dd)
+ # display input
+ self.root.image.plot(ax[0,0])
+ if withHistogram:
+ if self.root.image.isHDR():
+ ch = miam.image.channel.channel.Y
+ else:
+ ch = miam.image.channel.channel.L
+ MHIST.Histogram.build(self.root.image, ch).plot(ax[0,1])
+ # display results
+ for i, leaf in enumerate(self.leafs):
+ leaf.image.plot(ax[1,i*dd])
+ if withHistogram:
+ if leaf.image.isHDR():
+ ch = miam.image.channel.channel.Y
+ else:
+ ch = miam.image.channel.channel.L
+ MHIST.Histogram.build(leaf.image, ch).plot(ax[1,i*dd+1])
+ plt.show(block=True)