README_python.txt 790 B

  1. Python(2) version for Jamet's Kd
  2. -
  3. A small Test case application which use
  4. Must be launch with three arguments, this way :
  5. $ LOG_KdNeuralNetwork_test LOG_KdNeuralNetwork_TestCase_Input.csv your_output.csv SensorID [idMERIS, idSEAWIFS, idMODIS]
  6. Result are in your_output.csv, which may match LOG_KdNeuralNetwork_TestCase_Output[Sensor]_Python.csv if everithing is OK !
  7. See comments in source code for more information.
  8. Contact for code implementation :
  9. Reference :
  10. Jamet, C., H. Loisel, and D. Dessailly (2012), Retrieval of the spectral diffuse
  11. attenuation coefficient Kd(lambda) in open and coastal ocean waters using a neural network inversion,
  12. J. Geophys. Res.,117, C10023, doi:10.1029/2012JC008076