/** * @file test/test.cpp * @author See the AUTHORS file */ /* * Copyright (C) 2012-2017 ULCO http://www.univ-littoral.fr * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN //#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace artis::kernel; using namespace artis::builder; using Creator = ObjectCreator < Model, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters >; using Factory = ModelFactory < Model, int, Creator, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters >; DECLARE_MODEL(AModel, ::Model, ::Factory, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters); DECLARE_MODEL(BModel, ::Model, ::Factory, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters); DECLARE_MODEL(RootModel, ::Model, ::Factory, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters); typedef artis::kernel::Simulator < RootModel, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters, GlobalParameters > ASimulator; typedef artis::builder::Builder < ::Factory, RootModel, artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters, GlobalParameters > ABuilder; typedef artis::context::Context < artis::utils::DoubleTime > AContext; class AView : public artis::observer::View < artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters > { public: AView() { selector("A::I", INT, { RootModel::A, AModel::IX }); selector("A::B", BOOL, { RootModel::A, AModel::BX }); selector("A::D", DOUBLE, { RootModel::A, AModel::DX }); selector("B::I", INT, { RootModel::B, BModel::IY }); selector("B::B", BOOL, { RootModel::B, BModel::BY }); selector("B::D", DOUBLE, { RootModel::B, BModel::DY }); } virtual ~AView() { } }; typedef artis::observer::Output < artis::utils::DoubleTime, ModelParameters > AnOutput; //TEST_CASE("Simulator_tests", "simple") int main() { GlobalParameters globalParameters; ModelParameters modelParameters; /**********************/ // AModel a; // artis::kernel::Any v(&AModel::_ix); // a.init(0, modelParameters); // artis::kernel::to_value < AModel >(v, &a); /**********************/ ABuilder builder("{ \"type\": \"RootModel\", " \ "\"name\": \"root\", " \ "\"states\": [ " \ "{ \"name\":\"_i\", \"type\":\"int\"} " \ "]," \ "\"submodels\": [ " \ "{ \"type\": \"AModel\", " \ "\"name\": \"_a\", " \ "\"internals\": [" \ "{ \"name\":\"_ix\", \"type\":\"int\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_bx\", \"type\":\"bool\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_dx\", \"type\":\"double\"} " \ "] }, " \ "{ \"type\": \"BModel\", " \ "\"name\": \"_b\", " \ "\"internals\": [" \ "{ \"name\":\"_iy\", \"type\":\"int\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_by\", \"type\":\"bool\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_dy\", \"type\":\"double\"} " \ "], " \ "\"externals\": [" \ "{ \"name\":\"_ix\", \"type\":\"int\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_bx\", \"type\":\"bool\"}, " \ "{ \"name\":\"_dx\", \"type\":\"double\"} " \ "], " \ "\"states\": [ " \ "{ \"name\":\"_n\", \"type\":\"int\"} " \ "] }" \ "] }"); AContext context(artis::utils::DateTime::toJulianDayNumber("2016-1-1"), artis::utils::DateTime::toJulianDayNumber("2016-1-10")); ASimulator simulator(builder.build(), globalParameters); simulator.attachView("Root", new AView); ::Trace::trace().clear(); simulator.init(0, modelParameters); simulator.run(context); std::cout << ::Trace::trace().elements().to_string() << std::endl; AnOutput output(simulator.observer()); output(); return 0; }