// A special, edited version of the multipart parser from parted is needed here // because otherwise it attempts to do some things above and beyond just parsing // -- like saving to disk and whatnot var assert = require('assert'); var Parser = require('./parted-multipart'), boundary = '-----------------------------168072824752491622650073', parser = new Parser('boundary=' + boundary), mb = 100, buffer = createMultipartBuffer(boundary, mb * 1024 * 1024), callbacks = { partBegin: -1, partEnd: -1, headerField: -1, headerValue: -1, partData: -1, end: -1, }; parser.on('header', function() { //callbacks.headerField++; }); parser.on('data', function() { //callbacks.partBegin++; }); parser.on('part', function() { }); parser.on('end', function() { //callbacks.end++; }); var start = +new Date(), nparsed = parser.write(buffer), duration = +new Date - start, mbPerSec = (mb / (duration / 1000)).toFixed(2); console.log(mbPerSec+' mb/sec'); //assert.equal(nparsed, buffer.length); function createMultipartBuffer(boundary, size) { var head = '--'+boundary+'\r\n' + 'content-disposition: form-data; name="field1"\r\n' + '\r\n' , tail = '\r\n--'+boundary+'--\r\n' , buffer = new Buffer(size); buffer.write(head, 'ascii', 0); buffer.write(tail, 'ascii', buffer.length - tail.length); return buffer; } process.on('exit', function() { /*for (var k in callbacks) { assert.equal(0, callbacks[k], k+' count off by '+callbacks[k]); }*/ });