var Socket = require('net').Socket; var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var inherits = require('util').inherits; var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var cp = require('child_process'); var readUInt32BE = require('./buffer-helpers').readUInt32BE; var writeUInt32BE = require('./buffer-helpers').writeUInt32BE; var writeUInt32LE = require('./buffer-helpers').writeUInt32LE; var REQUEST_IDENTITIES = 11; var IDENTITIES_ANSWER = 12; var SIGN_REQUEST = 13; var SIGN_RESPONSE = 14; var FAILURE = 5; var RE_CYGWIN_SOCK = /^\!(\d+) s ([A-Z0-9]{8}\-[A-Z0-9]{8}\-[A-Z0-9]{8}\-[A-Z0-9]{8})/; // Format of `//./pipe/ANYTHING`, with forward slashes and backward slashes being interchangeable var WINDOWS_PIPE_REGEX = /^[/\\][/\\]\.[/\\]pipe[/\\].+/; module.exports = function(sockPath, key, keyType, data, cb) { var sock; var error; var sig; var datalen; var keylen = 0; var isSigning = Buffer.isBuffer(key); var type; var count = 0; var siglen = 0; var nkeys = 0; var keys; var comlen = 0; var comment = false; var accept; var reject; if (typeof key === 'function' && typeof keyType === 'function') { // agent forwarding accept = key; reject = keyType; } else if (isSigning) { keylen = key.length; datalen = data.length; } else { cb = key; key = undefined; } function onconnect() { var buf; if (isSigning) { /* byte SSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST string key_blob string data uint32 flags */ var p = 9; buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(4 + 1 + 4 + keylen + 4 + datalen + 4); writeUInt32BE(buf, buf.length - 4, 0); buf[4] = SIGN_REQUEST; writeUInt32BE(buf, keylen, 5); key.copy(buf, p); writeUInt32BE(buf, datalen, p += keylen); data.copy(buf, p += 4); writeUInt32BE(buf, 0, p += datalen); sock.write(buf); } else { /* byte SSH2_AGENTC_REQUEST_IDENTITIES */ sock.write(Buffer.from([0, 0, 0, 1, REQUEST_IDENTITIES])); } } function ondata(chunk) { for (var i = 0, len = chunk.length; i < len; ++i) { if (type === undefined) { // skip over packet length if (++count === 5) { type = chunk[i]; count = 0; } } else if (type === SIGN_RESPONSE) { /* byte SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE string signature_blob */ if (!sig) { siglen <<= 8; siglen += chunk[i]; if (++count === 4) { sig = Buffer.allocUnsafe(siglen); count = 0; } } else { sig[count] = chunk[i]; if (++count === siglen) { sock.removeAllListeners('data'); return sock.destroy(); } } } else if (type === IDENTITIES_ANSWER) { /* byte SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER uint32 num_keys Followed by zero or more consecutive keys, encoded as: string public key blob string public key comment */ if (keys === undefined) { nkeys <<= 8; nkeys += chunk[i]; if (++count === 4) { keys = new Array(nkeys); count = 0; if (nkeys === 0) { sock.removeAllListeners('data'); return sock.destroy(); } } } else { if (!key) { keylen <<= 8; keylen += chunk[i]; if (++count === 4) { key = Buffer.allocUnsafe(keylen); count = 0; } } else if (comment === false) { key[count] = chunk[i]; if (++count === keylen) { keys[nkeys - 1] = key; keylen = 0; count = 0; comment = true; if (--nkeys === 0) { key = undefined; sock.removeAllListeners('data'); return sock.destroy(); } } } else if (comment === true) { comlen <<= 8; comlen += chunk[i]; if (++count === 4) { count = 0; if (comlen > 0) comment = comlen; else { key = undefined; comment = false; } comlen = 0; } } else { // skip comments if (++count === comment) { comment = false; count = 0; key = undefined; } } } } else if (type === FAILURE) { if (isSigning) error = new Error('Agent unable to sign data'); else error = new Error('Unable to retrieve list of keys from agent'); sock.removeAllListeners('data'); return sock.destroy(); } } } function onerror(err) { error = err; } function onclose() { if (error) cb(error); else if ((isSigning && !sig) || (!isSigning && !keys)) cb(new Error('Unexpected disconnection from agent')); else if (isSigning && sig) cb(undefined, sig); else if (!isSigning && keys) cb(undefined, keys); } if (process.platform === 'win32' && !WINDOWS_PIPE_REGEX.test(sockPath)) { if (sockPath === 'pageant') { // Pageant (PuTTY authentication agent) sock = new PageantSock(); } else { // cygwin ssh-agent instance var triedCygpath = false; fs.readFile(sockPath, function readCygsocket(err, data) { if (err) { if (triedCygpath) return cb(new Error('Invalid cygwin unix socket path')); // try using `cygpath` to convert a possible *nix-style path to the // real Windows path before giving up ... cp.exec('cygpath -w "' + sockPath + '"', function(err, stdout, stderr) { if (err || stdout.length === 0) return cb(new Error('Invalid cygwin unix socket path')); triedCygpath = true; sockPath = stdout.toString().replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''); fs.readFile(sockPath, readCygsocket); }); return; } var m; if (m = RE_CYGWIN_SOCK.exec(data.toString('ascii'))) { var port; var secret; var secretbuf; var state; var bc = 0; var isRetrying = false; var inbuf = []; var credsbuf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(12); var i; var j; // use 0 for pid, uid, and gid to ensure we get an error and also // a valid uid and gid from cygwin so that we don't have to figure it // out ourselves credsbuf.fill(0); // parse cygwin unix socket file contents port = parseInt(m[1], 10); secret = m[2].replace(/\-/g, ''); secretbuf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(16); for (i = 0, j = 0; j < 32; ++i,j+=2) secretbuf[i] = parseInt(secret.substring(j, j + 2), 16); // convert to host order (always LE for Windows) for (i = 0; i < 16; i += 4) writeUInt32LE(secretbuf, readUInt32BE(secretbuf, i), i); function _onconnect() { bc = 0; state = 'secret'; sock.write(secretbuf); } function _ondata(data) { bc += data.length; if (state === 'secret') { // the secret we sent is echoed back to us by cygwin, not sure of // the reason for that, but we ignore it nonetheless ... if (bc === 16) { bc = 0; state = 'creds'; sock.write(credsbuf); } } else if (state === 'creds') { // if this is the first attempt, make sure to gather the valid // uid and gid for our next attempt if (!isRetrying) inbuf.push(data); if (bc === 12) { sock.removeListener('connect', _onconnect); sock.removeListener('data', _ondata); sock.removeListener('close', _onclose); if (isRetrying) { addSockListeners(); sock.emit('connect'); } else { isRetrying = true; credsbuf = Buffer.concat(inbuf); writeUInt32LE(credsbuf,, 0); sock.destroy(); tryConnect(); } } } } function _onclose() { cb(new Error('Problem negotiating cygwin unix socket security')); } function tryConnect() { sock = new Socket(); sock.once('connect', _onconnect); sock.on('data', _ondata); sock.once('close', _onclose); sock.connect(port); } tryConnect(); } else cb(new Error('Malformed cygwin unix socket file')); }); return; } } else sock = new Socket(); function addSockListeners() { if (!accept && !reject) { sock.once('connect', onconnect); sock.on('data', ondata); sock.once('error', onerror); sock.once('close', onclose); } else { var chan; sock.once('connect', function() { chan = accept(); var isDone = false; function onDone() { if (isDone) return; sock.destroy(); isDone = true; } chan.once('end', onDone) .once('close', onDone) .on('data', function(data) { sock.write(data); }); sock.on('data', function(data) { chan.write(data); }); }); sock.once('close', function() { if (!chan) reject(); }); } } addSockListeners(); sock.connect(sockPath); }; // win32 only ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (process.platform === 'win32') { var RET_ERR_BADARGS = 10; var RET_ERR_UNAVAILABLE = 11; var RET_ERR_NOMAP = 12; var RET_ERR_BINSTDIN = 13; var RET_ERR_BINSTDOUT = 14; var RET_ERR_BADLEN = 15; var ERROR = {}; var EXEPATH = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'util/pagent.exe'); ERROR[RET_ERR_BADARGS] = new Error('Invalid pagent.exe arguments'); ERROR[RET_ERR_UNAVAILABLE] = new Error('Pageant is not running'); ERROR[RET_ERR_NOMAP] = new Error('pagent.exe could not create an mmap'); ERROR[RET_ERR_BINSTDIN] = new Error('pagent.exe could not set mode for stdin'); ERROR[RET_ERR_BINSTDOUT] = new Error('pagent.exe could not set mode for stdout'); ERROR[RET_ERR_BADLEN] = new Error('pagent.exe did not get expected input payload'); function PageantSock() { this.proc = undefined; this.buffer = null; } inherits(PageantSock, EventEmitter); PageantSock.prototype.write = function(buf) { if (this.buffer === null) this.buffer = buf; else { this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, buf], this.buffer.length + buf.length); } // Wait for at least all length bytes if (this.buffer.length < 4) return; var len = readUInt32BE(this.buffer, 0); // Make sure we have a full message before querying pageant if ((this.buffer.length - 4) < len) return; buf = this.buffer.slice(0, 4 + len); if (this.buffer.length > (4 + len)) this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(4 + len); else this.buffer = null; var self = this; var proc; var hadError = false; proc = this.proc = cp.spawn(EXEPATH, [ buf.length ]); proc.stdout.on('data', function(data) { self.emit('data', data); }); proc.once('error', function(err) { if (!hadError) { hadError = true; self.emit('error', err); } }); proc.once('close', function(code) { self.proc = undefined; if (ERROR[code] && !hadError) { hadError = true; self.emit('error', ERROR[code]); } self.emit('close', hadError); }); proc.stdin.end(buf); }; PageantSock.prototype.end = PageantSock.prototype.destroy = function() { this.buffer = null; if (this.proc) { this.proc.kill(); this.proc = undefined; } }; PageantSock.prototype.connect = function() { this.emit('connect'); }; }