api-filter.md 3.0 KB

id: filter-api

title: filter API

These methods are all available via require('express-validator/filter').

matchedData(req[, options])

  • req: the express request object.
  • options (optional): an object which accepts the following options:
    • includeOptionals: if set to true, the returned value includes optional data. Defaults to false.
    • onlyValidData: if set to false, the returned value includes data from fields that didn't pass their validations. Defaults to true.
    • locations: an array of locations to extract the data from. The acceptable values include body, cookies, headers, params and query. Defaults to undefined, which means all locations. > Returns: an object of data validated by the check APIs.

Extracts data validated by the check APIs from the request and builds an object with them. Nested paths and wildcards are properly handled as well.

// Suppose the request looks like this:
// req.query = { from: '2017-01-12' }
// req.body = { to: '2017-31-12' }

app.post('/room-availability', check(['from', 'to']).isISO8601(), (req, res, next) => {
  const queryData = matchedData(req, { locations: ['query'] });
  const bodyData = matchedData(req, { locations: ['body'] });
  const allData = matchedData(req);
  console.log(queryData); // { from: '2017-01-12' }
  console.log(bodyData);  // { to: '2017-31-12' }
  console.log(allData);   // { from: '2017-01-12', to: '2017-31-12' }


  • field: a string or an array of strings of field names to validate against. > Returns: a Sanitization Chain

Creates a sanitization chain for one or more fields. They may be located in any of the following request objects:

  • req.body
  • req.cookies
  • req.params
  • req.query

* req.headers is not supported at the moment.

If any of the fields are present in more than one location, then all instances of that field value will be sanitized.


Same as sanitize(fields), but only sanitizing req.body.


Same as sanitize(fields), but only sanitizing req.cookies.


Same as sanitize(fields), but only sanitizing req.params.


Same as sanitize(fields), but only sanitizing req.query.


  • locations: an array of request locations to gather data from.
    May include any of body, cookies, params or query. > Returns: a variant of sanitize() sanitizing the given request locations.

Creates a variant of sanitize() that sanitizes the given request locations.

const { buildSanitizeFunction } = require('express-validator/filter');
const sanitizeBodyAndQuery = buildSanitizeFunction(['body', 'query']);

app.put('/update-product', [
  // id being either in req.body or req.query will be converted to int
], productUpdateHandler)