api-validation-result.md 3.0 KB

id: validation-result-api

title: Validation Result API

This is an unified API for dealing with errors, both in legacy and check APIs.

Each error returned by .array() and .mapped() methods have the following format by default:

  "msg": "The error message",
  "param": "param.name.with.index[0]",
  "value": "param value",
  // Location of the param that generated this error.
  // It's either body, query, params, cookies or headers.
  "location": "body",

  // nestedErrors only exist when using the oneOf function
  "nestedErrors": [{ ... }]


Returns: a boolean indicating whether this result object contains no errors at all.


  • formatter(error): the function to use to format when returning errors.
    The error argument is an object in the format of { location, msg, param, value, nestedErrors }, as described above. > Returns: this validation result instance
app.post('/create-user', yourValidationChains, (req, res, next) => {
  const errorFormatter = ({ location, msg, param, value, nestedErrors }) => {
    // Build your resulting errors however you want! String, object, whatever - it works!
    return `${location}[${param}]: ${msg}`;
  const result = validationResult(req).formatWith(errorFormatter);
  if (!result.isEmpty()) {
    // Response will contain something like
    // { errors: [ "body[password]: must be at least 10 chars long" ] }
    return res.json({ errors: result.array() });

  // Handle your request as if no errors happened


  • options (optional): an object of options. Defaults to { onlyFirstError: false } > Returns: an array of validation errors.

Gets all validation errors contained in this result object.

If the option onlyFirstError is set to true, then only the first error for each field will be included.


Returns: an object where the keys are the field names, and the values are the validation errors

Gets the first validation error of each failed field in the form of an object.


If this result object has errors, then this method will throw an exception decorated with the same validation result API.

try {
  // Oh look at ma' success! All validations passed!
} catch (err) {
  console.log(err.mapped()); // Oh noes!


  • options (optional): an object of options. Defaults to { formatter: error => error } > Returns: a new validationResult function is returned, using the provided options

This is useful when you have a consistent set of options you would like to use for all validation results throughout your application.

Below is an example which sets a default error formatter:

const { validationResult } = require('express-validator/check');

const result = validationResult.withDefaults({
    formatter: (error) => {
        return {
            myLocation: error.location,

module.exports = result;