#!/usr/bin/env python3 ''' Python generator for MATSim plans. ''' import sys import time import numpy as np import lxml.etree as etree # constants MIN_DEPARTURE_TIME = 8 * 3600 # '08:00:00' MAX_DEPARTURE_TIME = 9 * 3600 # '09:00:00' WORK_DURATION = '04:00:00' def read_nodes(input_network): ''' returns all network nodes as a list ''' tree = etree.parse(input_network) return [node for node in tree.xpath("/network/nodes/node")] def rand_time(low, high): ''' returns a random time between low and high bounds (in seconds) ''' delta = np.random.randint(high - low) return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(low + delta)) def rand_person(nodes): ''' returns a person as a dictionnary of random parameters ''' len_nodes = len(nodes) # home coordinates home_node = nodes[np.random.randint(len_nodes)] home_xy = (home_node.get('x'), home_node.get('y')) # work coordinates work_node = nodes[np.random.randint(len_nodes)] work_xy = (work_node.get('x'), work_node.get('y')) # home departure time home_departure = rand_time(MIN_DEPARTURE_TIME, MAX_DEPARTURE_TIME) return {'home': home_xy, 'work': work_xy, 'home_departure': home_departure} def create_child(parent_node, child_name, child_attrs=None): ''' creates an xml child element and set its attributes ''' child = etree.SubElement(parent_node, child_name) for attr, value in child_attrs.items(): child.set(attr, value) return child def make_plans(persons): ''' makes xml tree of plans based on persons list ''' plans = etree.Element('plans') for n, p in enumerate(persons): person = create_child(plans, 'person', {'id': str(n+1)}) plan = create_child(person, 'plan') # plan create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'h', 'x': p['home'][0], 'y': p['home'][1], 'end_time': p['home_departure']}) create_child(plan, 'leg', {'mode': 'car'}) create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'w', 'x': p['work'][0], 'y': p['work'][1], 'dur': WORK_DURATION}) create_child(plan, 'leg', {'mode': 'car'}) create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'h', 'x': p['home'][0], 'y': p['home'][1]}) return plans if __name__ == '__main__': # command line arguments if len(sys.argv) != 3: print('usage:', sys.argv[0], ' ') sys.exit(-1) INPUT_NETWORK = sys.argv[1] NB_PERSONS = int(sys.argv[2]) NODES = read_nodes(INPUT_NETWORK) PERSONS = [rand_person(NODES) for _ in range(NB_PERSONS)] PLANS = make_plans(PERSONS) # print XML print('') print('') print(etree.tostring(PLANS, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8'))