Parcourir la source

Add doc and remove virtual class.

Jean Fromentin il y a 2 ans

+ 31 - 2

@@ -1,2 +1,31 @@
-	g++ -I. *.cpp layers/*.cpp mnist/*.cpp -O3 -g -o ia 
+CPP = g++
+EXE = deep-network
+CPP_FLAG = -Isrc -O3 #$(DEBUG)
+OBJ_FILES = obj/mnist.o obj/network.o obj/layer.o obj/full_connected.o obj/convolution.o #obj/pooling.o
+all: $(EXE)
+$(EXE): $(OBJ_FILES) src/main.cpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) $^ -o $@
+obj/network.o: src/network.cpp src/network.hpp src/layers/activation.hpp  obj/full_connected.o obj/convolution.o #obj/pooling.o
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+obj/mnist.o: src/mnist/mnist.cpp src/mnist/mnist.hpp src/dataset.hpp src/vector.hpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+obj/layer.o: src/layers/layer.cpp src/layers/layer.hpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+obj/full_connected.o: src/layers/full_connected.cpp src/layers/full_connected.hpp src/layers/layer.hpp src/vector.hpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+obj/convolution.o: src/layers/convolution.cpp src/layers/convolution.hpp src/layers/layer.hpp src/vector.hpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+obj/pooling.o: src/layers/pooling.cpp src/layers/pooling.hpp src/layers/layer.hpp src/vector.hpp
+	$(CPP) $(CPP_FLAG) -c $< -o $@
+	-$(RM) obj/*.o $(EXE)

+ 0 - 43

@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DATASET_HPP
-#define DATASET_HPP
-#include <cstddef>
-#include "vector.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-class Dataset{
-  size_t train_size;
-  size_t test_size;
-  size_t x_size;
-  size_t y_size;
-  Dataset();
-  size_t get_train_size() const;
-  size_t get_test_size() const;
-  size_t get_y_size() const;
-  virtual pair<Vector,Vector> get_train(const size_t i) const=0;
-  virtual pair<Vector,Vector> get_test(const size_t i) const=0;
-inline size_t
-Dataset::get_train_size() const{
-  return train_size;
-inline size_t
-Dataset::get_test_size() const{
-  return test_size;
-inline size_t
-Dataset::get_y_size() const{
-  return y_size;

+ 0 - 14

@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef DEBUG_HPP
-#define DEBUG_HPP
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define assert(cond) if(!(cond)){cout<<"Assertion failed @ "<<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__<<endl;exit(0);}
-#define NDEBUG
-#define assert(cond)

+ 0 - 64

@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#include "layer.hpp"
-#include "math.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  enum ActivationMap{Sigmoid};
-  template<ActivationMap A> Real activation_map(Real);
-  template<ActivationMap A> Real activation_diff_map(Real);
-  template<> Real activation_map<Sigmoid>(Real);
-  template<> Real activation_diff_map<Sigmoid>(Real);
-  template<ActivationMap A> class Activation:public Layer{
-  private:
-    using Layer::x_out;
-  public:
-    Activation(size_t n);
-    Vector feed_forward(Vector x);
-    void init_nabla(){};
-    Vector back_propagation(Vector d);
-    void update(Real){};
-  };
-  template<ActivationMap A>
-  inline
-  Activation<A>::Activation(size_t n):Layer(n,n){
-  }
-  template<ActivationMap A>
-  inline Vector
-  Activation<A>::feed_forward(Vector x){
-    x_in=x;
-    for(size_t i=0;i<n_in;++i){
-      x_out[i]=activation_map<A>(x[i]);
-    }
-    return x_out;
-  }
-  template<ActivationMap A>
-  inline Vector
-  Activation<A>::back_propagation(Vector d){
-    for(size_t i=0;i<n_in;++i){
-      delta[i]=activation_diff_map<A>(x_in[i])*d[i];
-    }
-    return delta;
-  }
-  template<>
-  Real
-  activation_map<Sigmoid>(Real x){
-    return 1.0/(1.0+exp(-x));
-  }
-  template<>
-  Real
-  activation_diff_map<Sigmoid>(Real x){
-    Real t=activation_map<Sigmoid>(x);
-    return t*(1.0-t);
-  }

+ 0 - 113

@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#include "convolution.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  void
-  Convolution::init(Real m,Real d){
-    default_random_engine generator;
-    normal_distribution<Real> distribution(m,d);
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf*i*q;++i){
-      K[i]=distribution(generator);
-    }
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf;++i){
-      b[i]=distribution(generator);
-    }
-  }
-  Vector
-  Convolution::feed_forward(Vector x){
-    x_in=x;
-    for(size_t g=0;g<mf;++g){
-      for(size_t k=0;k<mi;++k){
-        for(size_t l=0;l<mj;++l){
-          Real temp=0;
-          for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-            for(size_t r=0;r<p;++r){
-              for(size_t s=0;s<q;++s){
-                temp+=x[indice3(f,k+r,l+s,ni,nj)]*K[indice4(g,f,r,s,nf,p,q)];
-              }
-            }
-            temp+=b[indice2(g,f,nf)];
-          }
-          x_out[indice3(g,k,l,mi,mj)]=temp;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return x_out;
-  }
-  void
-  Convolution::init_nabla(){
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf;++i){
-      nabla_b[i]=0;
-    }
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf*p*q;++i){
-      nabla_K[i]=0;
-    }
-  }
-  Vector
-  Convolution::back_propagation(Vector d){
-    for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-      for(size_t i=0;i<ni;++i){
-        for(size_t j=0;j<nj;++j){
-          Real temp=0;
-          for(size_t g=0;g<mf;++g){
-            size_t r=(i>=mi-1)?i-mi+1:0;
-            for(;r<min(i,p);++r){
-              size_t s=(j>=mj-1)?j-mj+1:0;
-              for(;s<min(j,q);++s){
-                temp+=K[indice4(g,f,r,s,nf,p,q)]*d[indice3(g,i-r,j-s,mi,mj)];
-              }//s
-            }//r
-          }//g
-          delta[indice3(f,i,j,ni,nj)]=temp;
-        }//j
-      }//i
-    }//f
-    //display(delta,nf*ni*nj);
-    //char a;cin>>a;
-    //cout<<"  - Update nabla_b"<<endl;
-    //Update nabla_b<<
-    for(size_t g=0;g<mf;++g){
-      for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-        Real temp=0;
-        for(size_t k=0;k<mi;++k){
-          for(size_t l=0;l<mj;++l){
-            temp+=d[indice3(g,k,l,mi,mj)];
-          }//l
-        }//k
-        nabla_b[indice2(g,f,nf)]+=temp;
-      }
-    }
-    //Update nabla_w
-    for(size_t g=0;g<mf;++g){
-      for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-        for(size_t r=0;r<p;++r){
-          for(size_t s=0;s<q;++s){
-            Real temp=0;
-            for(size_t k=0;k<mi;++k){
-              for(size_t l=0;l<mj;++l){
-                temp+=d[indice3(g,k,l,mi,mj)]*x_in[indice3(f,k+r,l+s,ni,nj)];
-              }//l
-            }//k
-            nabla_K[indice4(g,f,r,s,nf,p,q)]+=temp;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return delta;
-  }
-  void
-  Convolution::update(Real eta){
-    //Update b
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf;++i){
-      b[i]-=eta*nabla_b[i];
-    }
-    //Update K
-    for(size_t i=0;i<mf*nf*p*q;++i){
-      K[i]-=eta*nabla_K[i];
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 54

@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#include <random>
-#include "layer.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  /*****************************************
-   * Implementation of a convolutionnal Layer
-   */
-  class Convolution:public Layer{
-  public:
-    size_t nf,ni,nj;
-    size_t mf,mi,mj;
-    size_t p,q;
-    Vector K;
-    Vector b;
-    Vector nabla_K;
-    Vector nabla_b;
-  public:
-    Convolution(size_t nf,size_t ni,size_t nj,size_t p,size_t q,size_t mf);
-    ~Convolution();
-    void init(Real m,Real d);
-    Vector feed_forward(Vector x);
-    void init_nabla();
-    Vector back_propagation(Vector d);
-    void update(Real eta);
-  };
-  inline Convolution::Convolution(size_t nf_,size_t ni_,size_t nj_,size_t p_,size_t q_,size_t mf_):Layer(nf_*ni_*nj_,mf_*(ni_-p_+1)*(nj_-q_+1)){
-    nf=nf_;
-    ni=ni_;
-    nj=nj_;
-    p=p_;
-    q=q_;
-    mf=mf_;
-    mi=ni-p+1;
-    mj=nj-q+1;
-    K=init_vector(mf*nf*p*q);
-    b=init_vector(mf*nf);
-    nabla_K=init_vector(mf*nf*p*q);
-    nabla_b=init_vector(mf*nf);
-  }
-  inline
-  Convolution::~Convolution(){
-    delete_vector(K);
-    delete_vector(b);
-    delete_vector(nabla_K);
-    delete_vector(nabla_b);
-  }

+ 0 - 85

@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-#include "full_connected.hpp"
-using namespace Layer;
-FullConnected::init(Real m,Real d){
-  default_random_engine generator;
-  normal_distribution<Real> distribution(m,d);
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    b[i]=distribution(generator);
-  }
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out*n_in;++i){
-    w[i]=distribution(generator);
-  }
-  default_random_engine generator;
-  normal_distribution<Real> distribution(0,1);
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    b[i]=distribution(generator);
-  }
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out*n_in;++i){
-    normal_distribution<Real> distribution2(0,1/sqrt(n_in));
-    w[i]=distribution2(generator);
-  }
-FullConnected::feed_forward(Vector x){
-  x_in=x;
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    Real temp=b[i];
-    for(size_t j=0;j<n_in;++j){
-      temp+=w[indice2(i,j,n_in)]*x[j];
-    }
-    x_out[i]=temp;
-  }
-  return x_out;
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    nabla_b[i]=0;
-  }
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out*n_in;++i){
-    nabla_w[i]=0;
-  }
-FullConnected::back_propagation(Vector d){
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_in;++i){
-    Real temp=0;
-    for(size_t j=0;j<n_out;++j){
-      temp+=w[indice2(j,i,n_in)]*d[j];
-    }
-    delta[i]=temp;
-  }
-  //Update nabla_b
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    nabla_b[i]+=d[i];
-  }
-  //Update nabla_w
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    for(size_t j=0;j<n_in;++j){
-      nabla_w[indice2(i,j,n_in)]+=d[i]*x_in[j];
-    }
-  }
-  return delta;
-FullConnected::update(Real eta){
-  //Update b
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-    b[i]-=eta*nabla_b[i];
-  }
-  //Update w
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n_out*n_in;++i){
-    w[i]-=eta*nabla_w[i];
-  }

+ 0 - 44

@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#include <random>
-#include "layer.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  class FullConnected:public Layer{
-  public:
-    //9using Layer::x_out;
-    Vector b;
-    Vector w;
-    Vector nabla_b;
-    Vector nabla_w;
-  public:
-    FullConnected(size_t n_in,size_t n_out);
-    ~FullConnected();
-    void init(Real m,Real d);
-    void init_standard();
-    Vector feed_forward(Vector x);
-    void init_nabla();
-    Vector back_propagation(Vector d);
-    void update(Real eta);
-  };
-  inline
-  FullConnected::FullConnected(size_t n_in,size_t n_out):Layer(n_in,n_out){
-    b=init_vector(n_out);
-    w=init_vector(n_out*n_in);
-    nabla_b=init_vector(n_out);
-    nabla_w=init_vector(n_out*n_in);
-  }
-  inline
-  FullConnected::~FullConnected(){
-    delete_vector(b);
-    delete_vector(w);
-    delete_vector(nabla_b);
-    delete_vector(nabla_w);
-  }

+ 0 - 69

@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LAYER_HPP
-#define LAYER_HPP
-#include "debug.hpp"
-#include "vector.hpp"
-#include <cmath>
-namespace Layer{
-  class Layer{
-  public:
-    size_t n_in,n_out;
-    Vector x_in;
-    Vector x_out;
-    Vector delta;
-    string name;
-  public:
-    Layer(size_t n);
-    Layer(size_t n_in,size_t n_out);
-    ~Layer();
-    size_t get_input_size() const;
-    size_t get_output_size() const;
-    Vector get_output() const;
-    virtual Vector feed_forward(Vector x)=0;
-    virtual void init_nabla()=0;
-    virtual Vector back_propagation(Vector d)=0;
-    virtual void update(Real eta)=0;
-  };
-  inline
-  Layer::Layer(size_t n){
-    n_in=n;
-    n_out=n;
-    x_out=init_vector(n);
-    delta=init_vector(n);
-  }
-  inline
-  Layer::Layer(size_t n_in_,size_t n_out_){
-    n_in=n_in_;
-    n_out=n_out_;
-    x_out=init_vector(n_out);
-    delta=init_vector(n_in);
-  }
-  inline
-  Layer::~Layer(){
-    delete_vector(x_out);
-    delete_vector(delta);
-  }
-  inline size_t
-  Layer::get_input_size() const{
-    return n_in;
-  }
-  inline size_t
-  Layer::get_output_size() const{
-    return n_out;
-  }
-  inline Vector
-  Layer::get_output() const{
-    return x_out;
-  }

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef LAYERS_HPP
-#define LAYERS_HPP
-#include "activation.hpp"
-#include "full_connected.hpp"
-#include "convolution.hpp"
-#include "pooling.hpp"

+ 0 - 46

@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#include "pooling.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  Vector
-  Pooling::feed_forward(Vector x){
-    x_in=x;
-    for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-      for(size_t k=0;k<mi;++k){
-        for(size_t l=0;l<mi;++l){
-          size_t i=p*k;
-          size_t j=q*l;
-          Real temp=x[indice3(f,i,j,ni,nj)];
-          for(;i<min(p*k+p,ni);++i){
-            for(;j<min(q*l+q,nj);++j){
-              temp=max(temp,x[indice3(f,i,j,ni,nj)]);
-            }
-          }
-          x_out[indice3(f,k,l,mi,mj)]=temp;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return x_out;
-  }
-  Vector
-  Pooling::back_propagation(Vector d){
-    for(size_t f=0;f<nf;++f){
-      for(size_t i=0;i<ni;++i){
-        size_t k=i/p;
-        for(size_t j=0;j<nj;++j){
-          size_t l=j/q;
-          bool is_max=true;
-          Real val=x_in[indice3(f,i,j,ni,nj)];
-          for(size_t i2=k*p;i2<min(k*p+p,ni) and is_max;++i2){
-            for(size_t j2=l*q;j2<min(l*q+q,nj) and is_max;++j2){
-              if(x_in[indice3(f,i2,j2,ni,nj)]>val) is_max=false;
-            }
-          }
-          delta[indice3(f,i,j,ni,nj)]=(is_max)?d[indice3(f,k,l,mi,mj)]:0;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return delta;
-  }

+ 0 - 40

@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-#include "layer.hpp"
-namespace Layer{
-  class Pooling:public Layer{
-  public:
-    size_t nf;
-    size_t ni;
-    size_t nj;
-    size_t p;
-    size_t q;
-    size_t mi;
-    size_t mj;
-  public:
-    Pooling(size_t nf,size_t ni,size_t nj,size_t p,size_t q);
-    ~Pooling(){};
-    Vector feed_forward(Vector x);
-    void init_nabla(){};
-    Vector back_propagation(Vector d);
-    void update(Real){};
-  };
-  inline
-  Pooling::Pooling(size_t nf_,size_t ni_,size_t nj_,size_t p_,size_t q_):
-  Layer(nf_*ni_*nj_,nf_*((ni_+p_-1)/p_)*((nj_+q_-1)/q_)){
-    nf=nf_;
-    ni=ni_;
-    nj=nj_;
-    p=p_;
-    q=q_;
-    mi=(ni+p-1)/p;
-    mj=(nj+q-1)/p;
-  }

+ 0 - 77

@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#include <iomanip>
-#include "layers/layers.hpp"
-#include "network.hpp"
-#include "mnist/mnist.hpp"
-int main(int argc,char** argv){
-  Network N;
-    size_t nf=4;
-    Layer::Convolution L1(1,28,28,5,5,nf);
-    L1.init(0,1);
-    Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L2(nf*24*24);
-    //Layer::Pooling L3(nf,24,24,2,2);
-    Layer::FullConnected L4(nf*24*24,10);
-    L4.init_standard();
-    Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L5(10);
-"[Sigmoid of convolutionnal]";
-    //"[Pooling]";
-"[Full connected]";
-"[Sigmoid of full]";
-    N.push_layer(&L1);
-    N.push_layer(&L2);
-//    N.push_layer(&L3);
-    N.push_layer(&L4);
-    N.push_layer(&L5);
-    N.is_done();
-    Mnist dataset;
-    N.train(&dataset,10,10,0.1);
-  //exit(0);
-/*  Network N;
-  size_t nf=4;
-  Layer::Convolution L1(1,28,28,5,5,nf);
-  L1.init(0,1);
-  Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L2(nf*24*24);
-  Layer::FullConnected L3(nf*24*24,10);
-  L3.init_standard();
-  Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L4(10);
-"[Sigmoid of convolutionnal]";
-"[Full connected]";
-"[Sigmoid of full]";
-  N.push_layer(&L1);
-  N.push_layer(&L2);
-  N.push_layer(&L3);
-  N.push_layer(&L4);
-  N.is_done();
-  cout<<"Network out size = "<<N.n_out<<endl;
-  Mnist dataset;
- N.train(&dataset,20,10,0.1);
-/*  Network N;
-  size_t n=20;
-  Layer::FullConnected L0(28*28,n);
-  L0.init_standard();
-  Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L1(n);
-  Layer::FullConnected L2(n,10);
-  L2.init_standard();
-  Layer::Activation<Layer::Sigmoid> L3(10);
-"[Full 0]";
-"[Sigmoid 0]";
-"[Full 1]";
-"[Sigmoid 1]";
-  N.push_layer(&L0);
-  N.push_layer(&L1);
-  N.push_layer(&L2);
-  N.push_layer(&L3);
-  N.is_done();
-  cout<<"Network out size = "<<N.n_out<<endl;
-  Mnist dataset;
-  N.train(&dataset,20,10,3.0);*/

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MATH_HPP
-#define MATH_HPP
-namespace Math{
-  inline Real exp(Real x){
-    x=1+x/1024;
-    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
-    x *= x; x *= x; x *= x; x *= x;
-    x *= x; x *= x;
-    return x;
-  }

+ 0 - 73

@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-#include "mnist.hpp"
-Mnist::reverse_int32(unsigned char* buffer){
-  return (((int)buffer[0])<<24)|(((int)buffer[1])<<16)|(((int)buffer[2])<<8)|((int)buffer[3]);
-  x_size=784;
-  y_size=10;
-  x=init_vector(784);
-  y=init_vector(10);
-  train_size=load_labels("mnist/train-labels.idx1-ubyte",&train_labels);
-  size_t temp=load_images("mnist/train-images.idx3-ubyte",&train_images);
-  assert(train_size==temp);
-  test_size=load_labels("mnist/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte",&test_labels);
-  temp=load_images("mnist/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte",&test_images);
-  assert(test_size==temp);
-Mnist::load_labels(string filename,unsigned char** dst){
-  ifstream file(filename,ios::in|ios::binary);
-  if(not file.is_open()){
-    cerr<<"[error] Could not open "<<filename<<endl;
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  unsigned char buffer[4];
-  assert(reverse_int32(buffer)==2049);
-  int size;
-  size=reverse_int32(buffer);
-  *dst=new unsigned char[size];
-  file.close();
-  return size;
-Mnist::load_images(string filename,unsigned char** dst){
-  ifstream file(filename,ios::in|ios::binary);
-  if(not file.is_open()){
-    cerr<<"[error] Could not open "<<filename<<endl;
-    exit(-1);
-  }
-  unsigned char buffer[4];
-  int size;
-  assert(reverse_int32(buffer)==2051);
-  size=reverse_int32(buffer);
-  assert(reverse_int32(buffer)==28);
-  assert(reverse_int32(buffer)==28);
-  *dst=new unsigned char[784*size];
-  file.close();
-  return size;
-Mnist::get(const size_t i,const unsigned char* const * labels,const unsigned char* const * images) const{
-  size_t c=(size_t)(*labels)[i];
-  for(size_t i=0;i<10;++i) y[i]=0;
-  y[c]=1;
-  const unsigned char* x_src=&(*images)[784*i];
-  for(size_t i=0;i<784;++i){
-    x[i]=double(x_src[i])/256.0;
-  }
-  return pair<Vector,Vector>(x,y);

+ 0 - 42

@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef MNIST_HPP
-#define MNIST_HPP
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <cstdint>
-#include "../dataset.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-class Mnist:public Dataset{
-  unsigned char* train_labels;
-  unsigned char* test_labels;
-  unsigned char* train_images;
-  unsigned char* test_images;
-  mutable Vector x;
-  mutable Vector y;
-  size_t load_labels(string filename,unsigned char** dst);
-  size_t load_images(string filename,unsigned char** dst);
-  int reverse_int32(unsigned char* buffer);
-  pair<Vector,Vector> get(const size_t i,const unsigned char* const* labels,const unsigned char* const * images) const;
-  Mnist();
-  pair<Vector,Vector> get_train(const size_t i) const;
-  pair<Vector,Vector> get_test(const size_t i) const;
-inline pair<Vector,Vector>
-Mnist::get_train(const size_t i) const{
-  assert(i<train_size);
-  return get(i,&train_labels,&train_images);
-inline pair<Vector,Vector>
-Mnist::get_test(const size_t i) const{
-  assert(i<test_size);
-  return get(i,&test_labels,&test_images);





+ 0 - 126

@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-#include "network.hpp"
-  C=Quadratic;
-Network::push_layer(Layer::Layer* l){
-  if(layers.empty()){
-    n_in=l->get_input_size();
-    layers.push_back(l);
-    cout<<"In size = "<<n_in<<endl;
-  }
-  else{
-    assert(l->get_input_size()==layers.back()->get_output_size());
-    layers.push_back(l);
-  }
-  n_out=l->get_output_size();
-  last_delta=init_vector(n_out);
-Network::feed_forward(Vector x_in){
-  Vector x=x_in;
-  for(auto it=layers.begin();it!=layers.end();++it){
-    //cout<<" - Try feed_forward on layer "<<(*it)->name<<endl;
-    x=(*it)->feed_forward(x);
-  }
-  a=x;
-  return a;
-Network::eval(Dataset* dataset){
-  size_t n=dataset->get_test_size();
-  size_t nb=0;
-  for(size_t i=0;i<n;++i){
-    pair<Vector,Vector> t=dataset->get_test(i);
-    Vector a=feed_forward(t.first);
-    if(argmax(a,n_out)==argmax(t.second,n_out)) ++nb;
-  }
-  Real res=Real(nb)/Real(n)*100;
-  cout<<"> Res = "<<res<<"%"<<endl;
-  return res;
-Network::shuffle(size_t* tab,size_t size){
-  default_random_engine generator;
-  uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(0,size-1);
-  for(size_t k=0;k<size;++k){
-    size_t i=distribution(generator);
-    size_t j=distribution(generator);
-    swap(tab[i],tab[j]);
-  }
-Network::train(Dataset* dataset,size_t nb_epochs,size_t batch_size,Real eta){
-  size_t train_size=dataset->get_train_size();
-  size_t nb_batchs=(train_size-1)/batch_size+1;
-  size_t* indices=new size_t[train_size];
-  for(size_t i=0;i<train_size;++i){
-    indices[i]=i;
-  }
-  for(size_t epoch=0;epoch<nb_epochs;++epoch){
-    cout<<"Epoch "<<epoch<<endl;
-    shuffle(indices,train_size);
-    for(size_t batch=0;batch<nb_batchs;++batch){
-      size_t begin=batch*batch_size;
-      size_t end=min(train_size,begin+batch_size);
-      update_batch(dataset,indices,begin,end,eta);
-    }
-    eval(dataset);
-  }
-  delete[] indices;
-Network::update_batch(Dataset* dataset,size_t* indices,size_t begin,size_t end,Real eta){
-  Real batch_size=end-begin;
-  for(auto it=layers.begin();it!=layers.end();++it){
-    (*it)->init_nabla();
-  }
-  for(size_t i=begin;i<end;++i){
-    pair<Vector,Vector> data=dataset->get_train(indices[i]);
-    //cout<<"Call back_propagation on batch data "<<i-begin<<"/"<<batch_size<<endl;
-    back_propagation(data.first,data.second,eta);
-  }
-  Real eta_batch=eta/batch_size;
-  for(auto it=layers.begin();it!=layers.end();++it){
-    (*it)->update(eta_batch);
-  }
-Network::back_propagation(Vector x,Vector y,Real eta){
-  Vector z=feed_forward(x);
-  //cout<<" - Feed forward done"<<endl;
-  compute_last_delta(y);
-  Vector delta=last_delta;
-  //cout<<" - Last_delta computed"<<endl;
-  for(auto it=layers.rbegin();it!=layers.rend();++it){
-    //cout<<" - Try back_propagation on layer "<<(*it)->name<<endl;
-    delta=(*it)->back_propagation(delta);
-    //cout<<"    - Done"<<endl;
-  }
-Network::compute_last_delta(Vector y){
-  switch(C){
-    case Quadratic:
-    case CrossEntropy:
-    for(size_t i=0;i<n_out;++i){
-      last_delta[i]=a[i]-y[i];
-    }
-    break;
-    default:
-    assert(false);
-    break;
-  }

+ 0 - 39

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef NETWORK_HPP
-#define NETWORK_HPP
-#include <random>
-#include <list>
-#include "layers/layer.hpp"
-#include "dataset.hpp"
-enum CostFunction{CrossEntropy,Quadratic};
-class Network{
-  list<Layer::Layer*> layers;
-  size_t n_in;
-  size_t n_out;
-  Vector a;
-  Vector last_delta;
-  CostFunction C;
-  void compute_last_delta(Vector y);
-  void shuffle(size_t* tab,size_t size);
-  void update_batch(Dataset* dataset,size_t* indices,size_t begin,size_t end,Real eta);
-  void back_propagation(Vector x,Vector y,Real eta);
-  Network();
-  void set_cost(CostFunction);
-  void push_layer(Layer::Layer* l);
-  void is_done();
-  Vector feed_forward(Vector x_in);
-  Real eval(Dataset *dataset);
-  void train(Dataset* dataset,size_t nb_epochs,size_t batch_size,Real eta);
-inline void
-Network::set_cost(CostFunction C_){
-  C=C_;

+ 0 - 100

@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef VECTOR_HPP
-#define VECTOR_HPP
-#include <iostream>
-#include "debug.hpp"
-using namespace std;
-using Real = float;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-struct Vector{
-  size_t n;
-  Real* data;
-  Real& operator[](size_t i);
-inline Real&
-Vector::operator[](size_t i){
-  assert(i<n);
-  return data[i];
-inline Vector
-init_vector(size_t n){
-  Vector v;
-  v.n=n;
- Real[n];
-  return v;
-inline void
-delete_vector(Vector v){
-  delete[];
-inline bool
-is_null(Vector v){
-  return v.n==0;
-static const Vector NullVector={0,nullptr};
-using Vector=Real*;
-inline Vector
-init_vector(size_t n){
-  return new Real[n];
-inline void
-delete_vector(Vector v){
-  delete[] v;
-inline void
-display(Vector v,size_t n){
-  if(n==0){
-    cout<<"[]"<<endl;
-    return;
-  }
-  cout<<'['<<v[0];
-  for(size_t i=1;i<n;++i){
-    cout<<','<<v[i];
-  }
-  cout<<']'<<endl;
-inline size_t
-argmax(Vector v,size_t n){
-  assert(n>0);
-  size_t imax=0;
-  Real vmax=v[0];
-  for(size_t i=1;i<n;++i){
-    if(v[i]>vmax){
-      vmax=v[i];
-      imax=i;
-    }
-  }
-  return imax;
-inline size_t
-indice2(size_t i,size_t j,size_t nj){
-  return i*nj+j;
-inline size_t
-indice3(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k,size_t nj,size_t nk){
-  return (i*nj+j)*nk+k;
-inline size_t
-indice4(size_t i,size_t j,size_t k,size_t l,size_t nj,size_t nk,size_t nl){
-  return ((i*nj+j)*nk+k)*nl+l;