/** * This file is part of Gomu. * * Copyright 2016 by Jean Fromentin * * Gomu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Gomu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Gomu. If not, see . */ #include #include "../../module.hpp" #include "monoid.hpp" #include "braids.hpp" //***************** //* Global object * //***************** extern Gomu::Type* type_ArtinWordA; extern Gomu::Type* type_DualWordA; extern Gomu::Type* type_monoid_family; extern Gomu::Type* type_word; //**************** //* MonoidFamily * //**************** //! Display a MonoidFamily string mf_display(void* m); //! Delete a MonoidFamily void mf_delete(void* m); //! Return garside element of a given rank void* mf_garside_element(void* m,void* r); //! Return generators number fror rank n void* mf_generators_number(void* m,void* n); //! Return the word under ranked Garside automorphism void* mf_phi(void* m,void* r,void* w); //! Return phi-normal form of an element void* mf_phi_normal(void* m,void* w); //! Return the word under power of ranked Garside automorphism void* mf_phi_power(void* m,void* r,void* w,void* p); //! Return ranked phi-tail of an element void* mf_phi_tail(void* m,void* r,void* w); //! Return ranked phi-tail of an element together with remainder void* mf_phi_tail_x(void* m,void* r,void* w); //! Return the ranked phi-splitting of an element void* mf_phi_splitting(void* m,void* r,void* w); //! Return the rank of a Word void* mf_rank(void* m,void* w); //*************** //* MonoidTrait * //*************** //! Test is a left divides b void* mt_is_left_divisible(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Test is a left divides b and return extar informations void* mt_is_left_divisible_x(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Test is a right divides b void* mt_is_right_divisible(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Test is a right divides b and return extar informations void* mt_is_right_divisible_x(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return left complememnt void* mt_left_complement(void* m,void* a,void*b); //! Return left denominator void* mt_left_denominator(void* m); //! Return left gcd of a and b void* mt_left_gcd(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return left gcd with extra informations of a and b void* mt_left_gcd_x(void* m,void* a,void *b); //! Return left lcm of a and b void* mt_left_lcm(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return left lcm complement of a and b void* mt_left_lcm_complement(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return left numerator void* mt_left_numerator(void* m); //! Left reverse a word void* mt_left_reverse(void* m,void* w); //! Left reverse num*den^-1 void* mt_left_reverse2(void* m,void* num,void* den); //! Return right complememnt void* mt_right_complement(void* m,void* a,void*b); //! Return right denominator void* mt_right_denominator(void* m); //! Return right gcd of a and b void* mt_right_gcd(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return right gcd with extra informations of a and b void* mt_right_gcd_x(void* m,void* a,void *b); //! Return right lcm of a and b void* mt_right_lcm(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Return right lcm complement of a and b void* mt_right_lcm_complement(void* m,void* a,void* b); //! Right reverse a word void* mt_right_reverse(void* m,void* w); //! Right reverse den^-1*num void* mt_right_reverse2(void* m,void* den,void* num); //! Return right numerator void* mt_right_numerator(void* m); //******** //* Word * //******** //! Display a Word monoid string word_display(void* w); //! Delete a Word monoid void word_delete(void* w); //! Copy a word monoid void* word_copy(void* w); //! Compare to Word monoid int word_compare(void* w1,void* w2); //! Create a Word monoid from an array of integer void* word_from_array(void* arr); //! Return the length of a Word void* word_length(void*); //! Inverse a Word void* word_invserse(void*); //! Concatenate two words void* word_concatenate(void*,void*); //************** //* ArtinWordA * //************** //! Display a ArtinWordA string ArtinWordA_display(void* w); //! Test equivalence between ArtinWordA void* ArtinWordA_equivalent(void* u,void* v); //************* //* DualWordA * //************* //! Display a DualWordA string DualWordA_display(void* w); //! Test equivalence between DualWordA void* DualWordA_equivalent(void* u,void* v); //********************** //* Inline definitions * //********************** //-------------- // MonoidFamily //-------------- inline string mf_display(void* m){ return ((MonoidFamily*)m)->display(); } inline void mf_delete(void* m){ delete (MonoidFamily*)m; } inline void* mf_generators_number(void* m,void* n){ return Gomu::to_integer(((MonoidFamily*)m)->generators_number(Gomu::get_slong(n))); } inline void* mf_phi_normal(void* m,void* w){ return (void*)(new Word(((MonoidFamily*)m)->phi_normal(*(Word*)w))); } inline void* mf_rank(void* m,void* w){ return Gomu::to_integer(((MonoidFamily*)m)->rank(*(Word*)w)); } //------ // Word //------ inline string word_display(void* w){ return to_string(*((Word*)w)); } inline void word_delete(void* w){ delete (Word*)w; } inline void* word_copy(void* w){ return (void*)new Word(*(Word*)w); } inline int word_compare(void* u,void* v){ return cmp(*(Word*)u,*(Word*)v); } inline void* word_length(void* u){ return Gomu::to_integer(((Word*)u)->size()); } inline void* word_inverse(void* u){ return new Word(((Word*)u)->inverse()); } inline void* word_concatenate(void* u,void *v){ return new Word(((Word*)u)->concatenate(*(Word*)v)); } //------------ // ArtinWordA //------------ inline string ArtinWordA_display(void* w){ return ((Word*)w)->display(ArtinA_disp); } inline void* ArtinWordA_equivalent(void* u,void* v){ return Gomu::to_boolean(ArtinA_mf.are_equivalent(*(Word*)u,*(Word*)v)); } //------------ // DualWordA //------------ inline string DualWordA_display(void* w){ return ((Word*)w)->display(DualA_disp); } inline void* DualWordA_equivalent(void* u,void* v){ return Gomu::to_boolean(DualA_mf.are_equivalent(*(Word*)u,*(Word*)v)); }