AppletMain.html 3.7 KB

  1. <html><head>
  2. <title>Braid applet, main page</title>
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  9. <center>
  10. <h1>A braid applet
  11. <font size=2>version 1.0 (June 2007)</font></h1>
  12. <h4>by
  13. <a href="">Patrick Dehornoy</a>
  14. (conception, text) and
  15. <a href="">Jean Fromentin</a>
  16. (realization, implementation)
  17. </h4></center>
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  23. <td style="text-align: justify">
  24. <b>What does this applet?</b>
  25. It allows you to draw braid diagrams, and to perform a few basic operations, namely recognizing if a braid diagram is really braided, or, more generally, if a braid diagram can be continuously deformed into another one. The program grew out from an applet by
  26. <a href="">Stephen Bigelow</a>.
  27. We intend to gradually enrich it with more braid operations.
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  33. <td width="480">
  34. <applet code="HandleReduction.class" height="640" width="480">
  35. </applet>
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  37. <td style="text-align: justify;">
  38. <b>How to use the applet?</b>
  39. Click on the buttons at the bottom of the window; at the moment, three procedures are implemented -- click on colored words to obtain explanation about technical terms.
  40. <br>
  41. <ul>
  42. <li>
  43. <font color="red">Draw</font>: You enter a braid word, i.e., any word in the letters 'a', 'A', 'b', 'B', ..., 'z', 'Z', and the program draws the braid diagram <a href="AppletInfo.html">encoded by</a> that word.
  44. <p>
  45. <li>
  46. <font color="red">Reduce</font>: You enter a braid word as above, the program draws the corresponding braid diagram, but, then, it dynamically transforms it so as to obtain a simpler diagram, for instance a diagram with no crossing if this is possible; in other words, the program decides if the initial diagram is really braided, i.e., it solves the <a href="AppletInfo.html">Braid Triviality Problem</a>; the method used to transform the diagram is <a href="AppletInfo.html">handle reduction</a>, one of the many ways to recognize trivial braid diagrams.
  47. <p>
  48. <li>
  49. <font color="red">Compare</font>: You enter two braid words, the program draws the corresponding braid diagrams <i><b>D, D'</b></i> and, then, it decides if one can deform <i><b>D</b></i> into <i><b>D'</b></i> continuously, i.e., it solves the <a href="AppletInfo.html">Braid Isotopy Problem</a>; the method consists in building a new diagram
  50. <i><b>D''</b></i> by stacking the mirror image of <i><b>D</b></i> over <i><b>D'</b></i> and then applying <a href="AppletInfo.html">handle reduction</a> to <i><b>D''</b></i>.
  51. <p>
  52. <li>
  53. <font color="red">Controls</font> enables you to change the parameters of animations:
  54. <ul>
  55. <li><font color="red">Speed</font> adjusts the speed of diagram deformations (it mostly depends on the machine on which the applet runs);
  56. <li><font color="red">Mode</font> selects between <font color="red">Continuous</font> (deformations occur automatically) and <font color="red">Step-by-step</font> (deformations occur when you click on the <font color="red">Reduce</font> button).
  57. </ul>
  58. </ul>
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  66. <td>
  67. Total number of visitors : <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  68. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  69. Number of visitors currently online:
  70. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  71. </td>
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  73. <A href=",">Send a question or a comment</A>
  74. </td>
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  77. </body></html>