beamerthemeumbc2.sty 818 B

  1. \ProvidesPackage{beamerthemeumbc2}[2004/12/19 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
  2. % A slightly modified version of the Classic theme (beamer 2.21) and
  3. % and the Singapore theme (beamer 3.01).
  4. %
  5. % Usage:
  6. %
  7. % \documentclass{beamer}
  8. % \usetheme{umbc2}
  9. % ...
  10. % Rouben Rostamian <>
  11. \mode<presentation>
  12. % vertical shading for header
  13. \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg!25!bg}
  14. \AtBeginDocument{%
  15. {\usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}}
  16. \pgfdeclareverticalshading{beamer@headfade}{\paperwidth}{%
  17. color(0cm)=(bg); color(1.5cm)=(section in head/ }
  18. \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}
  19. }
  20. \addtoheadtemplate{\pgfuseshading{beamer@headfade}\vskip-1.5cm}{}
  21. \setbeamertemplate{items}[ball] % 3-D balls for itemize/enumerate
  22. \useoutertheme{umbcfootline}
  23. \mode<all>