123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding: utf-8
- import numpy as np
- import os
- import sys
- import copy
- import time
- import argparse
- from skimage.io import imread, imsave
- from skimage.color import rgb2gray
- from skimage import exposure
- from skimage.transform import resize
- from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageColor
- def gradient4D(img):
- (row, col) = img.shape
- g4d = np.zeros((row, col))
- for i in range(row-1):
- for j in range(col-1):
- g4d[i, j] = abs(img[i+1, j] - img[i, j] ) + abs(img[i, j+1] - img[i, j]) + abs(img[i+1, j-1] - img[i, j]) + abs(img[i+1, j+1] - img[i, j])
- return npNormalise(g4d)
- def npNormalise(xArray):
- XNorm = (xArray - xArray.min()) / (xArray.max() - xArray.min())
- return XNorm
- def getBaseLines(ws):
- baseLineList = []
- baseLineListIdex = []
- for i in range(0,ws-5):
- #if i == 1: break
- for j in range(5,ws): # cut bord
- #if j == 6: break
- # 1
- # -------------
- # | |
- # 4 | |2
- # | |
- # | |
- # --------------
- # 3
- # adjacent edge
- img12 = Image.new('F', (ws,ws),0)
- draw12 = ImageDraw.Draw(img12)
- draw12.line(xy=(i, 0, ws-1, j),
- fill=(1), width = 1)
- baseLineList.append(np.asarray(img12))
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[i, 0],[ws-1, j]]))
- baseLineList.append(np.rot90(np.asarray(img12), 1, axes=(0, 1)))
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[j, 0],[0, ws-1-i]]))
- baseLineList.append(np.rot90(np.asarray(img12), 2, axes=(0, 1)))
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[0, ws-1-j],[ws-1-i, ws-1]]))
- baseLineList.append(np.rot90(np.asarray(img12), 3, axes=(0, 1)))
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[ws-1, i],[ws-1-j, ws-1]]))
- # opposite side
- img13 = Image.new('F', (ws,ws),0)
- draw13 = ImageDraw.Draw(img13)
- draw13.line(xy=(i, 0, j, ws-1),
- fill=(1), width = 1)
- baseLineList.append(np.asarray(img13))
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[i,0],[j, ws-1]]))
- baseLineList.append(np.asarray(img13).T)
- baseLineListIdex.append(np.asarray([[0,i],[ws-1, j]]))
- print('base line number :', len(baseLineList))
- return np.asarray(baseLineList), np.asarray(baseLineListIdex)
- def calculSlope(v1,v2):
- difX = v2[0] - v1[0]
- difY = v2[1] - v1[1]
- if difX == 0 :
- lk = 5*difY
- else:
- lk = difY / difX
- return lk
- def clusterRegion(centerLine, scale = 4, windowSize=64):
- H = windowSize
- W = windowSize
- sMask = np.zeros([H,W])
- ix = int(centerLine[0][0])
- iy = int(centerLine[0][1])
- pixelRange = int(min(H,W) / scale) # scale = 10
- k = calculSlope(centerLine[0],centerLine[1])
- if abs(k) > 1:
- while ix > 0:
- iy = int(round(((ix-centerLine[0][1]) / k) + centerLine[0][0]))
- frontY = max(0, iy-pixelRange)
- backY = min(W,iy+pixelRange+1)
- sMask[ix, frontY:backY] = 1
- ix = ix - 1
- ix = int(centerLine[0][0])
- while ix < H:
- iy = int(round(((ix-centerLine[0][1]) / k) + centerLine[0][0]))
- frontY = max(0, iy-pixelRange)
- backY = min(W,iy+pixelRange+1)
- sMask[ix, frontY:backY] = 1
- ix = ix + 1
- else:
- while iy > 0:
- ix = int(round(((iy-centerLine[0][0]) * k) + centerLine[0][1]))
- frontX = max(0, ix-pixelRange)
- backX = min(H,ix+pixelRange+1)
- sMask[frontX:backX, iy] = 1
- iy = iy - 1
- iy = int(centerLine[0][1])
- while iy < W:
- ix = int(round(((iy-centerLine[0][0]) * k) + centerLine[0][1]))
- frontX = max(0, ix-pixelRange)
- backX = min(H,ix+pixelRange+1)
- sMask[frontX:backX, iy] = 1
- iy = iy + 1
- return sMask
- def drawGroupLine(file, lineList, flineListCluster, scale, functionName, colorSTR, outputPath):
- c = ImageColor.colormap
- cList = list(c.items())
- (inputPath,inputFile) = os.path.split(file)
- print(inputPath)
- print(inputFile)
- with Image.open(file) as img4draw:
- w, h = img4draw.size
- scale = 1/64
- wScale = np.ceil(w*scale)
- hScale = np.ceil(h*scale)
- img1 = ImageDraw.Draw(img4draw)
- # for n,lineSet in enumerate(flineListCluster):
- # for [v1,v2],w,_ in lineSet[1:]:
- # img1.line([(v1[0]*wScale,v1[1]*hScale), (v2[0]*wScale,v2[1]*hScale)], fill = cList[int(n*2)+2][1], width = 4)
- for [v1,v2] in lineList:
- img1.line([(v1[0],v1[1]), (v2[0],v2[1])], fill = colorSTR, width = 8)
- img4draw.save(os.path.join(outputPath, inputFile[:-4] + '_' + str(functionName) + inputFile[-4:] ))
- def sortSlope(lineListArray):
- slopeList = []
- groupWeight = 0
- for l in lineListArray:
- if (l[0][1][0] - l[0][0][0] ) == 0:
- k = 1000
- else:
- k = (l[0][1][1] - l[0][0][1]) / (l[0][1][0] - l[0][0][0])
- slopeList.append(k)
- groupWeight = groupWeight + l[1]
- # print('weight = ', l[1])
- index = np.argsort(np.array(slopeList))
- #groupWeight = np.mean(groupWeight)
- return [lineListArray[int(np.median(index))][0], lineListArray[0][1], lineListArray[int(np.median(index))][2]]
- # index[len(index)//2]
- def forceLinesClusterIntegration(cluster):
- forceL = []
- for i,lineSet in enumerate(cluster):
- forceL.append(sortSlope(lineSet[1:]))
- return forceL
- def refine(lineList, fg, wg, iP, ws):
- wlist = []
- forceList = []
- for l in lineList:
- wlist.append(l[1])
- npwList = np.array(wlist)
- sortWeight = npwList.argsort()[::-1]
- for n,wId in enumerate(sortWeight):
- if n == 0:
- gMask = clusterRegion(lineList[wId][0], fg, ws)
- forceList.append([gMask, lineList[wId]])
- else:
- judge, forceList = judgeVertexAdvanced(lineList[wId][2], lineList[wId][0], npwList[wId], forceList, wg, iP )
- if judge == False:
- gMask = clusterRegion(lineList[wId][0], fg, ws)
- forceList.append([gMask, lineList[wId]])
- flList = forceLinesClusterIntegration(forceList)
- return flList
- def findSaliantLineCluster(gradient4d,allLines,allLinesIndex,ws, orgW, orgH ):
- weightList = []
- fineGrained0 = 8
- intePrec0 = 0.8
- forceLinesCluster = []
- for l in allLines:
- w = np.sum(gradient4d*l)
- weightList.append(w)
- npWeightList = np.array(weightList)
- sortWeightList = npWeightList.argsort()[::-1] # [::-1] inverse a list
- for n,wId in enumerate(sortWeightList[:300]):
- if n == 0:
- groupMask = clusterRegion(allLinesIndex[wId], fineGrained0, ws)
- forceLinesCluster.append([groupMask, [allLinesIndex[wId], npWeightList[wId], allLines[wId]]])
- #
- else:
- # print(npWeightList[sortWeightList[n-1]])
- # print(npWeightList[wId])
- if (npWeightList[sortWeightList[n-1]] - npWeightList[wId]) > 10 :
- print('weight break------in line ', str(n))
- break
- judge, forceLinesCluster = judgeVertexAdvanced(allLines[wId], allLinesIndex[wId], npWeightList[wId], forceLinesCluster , 2, intePrec0)
- if judge == False:
- groupMask = clusterRegion(allLinesIndex[wId], fineGrained0, ws)
- forceLinesCluster.append([groupMask, [allLinesIndex[wId], npWeightList[wId], allLines[wId]]])
- forceLinesRough = forceLinesClusterIntegration(forceLinesCluster)
- forceLinesRoughNew = forceLinesRough
- forceLinesRoughOrg = []
- fineGrained = 7
- wGrained = 3
- intePrec = 0.7
- for i in range(10000):
- if len(forceLinesRoughNew) == len(forceLinesRoughOrg):
- if (fineGrained <= 4 )and (wGrained >= 10) :
- print('break in loop ', str(i))
- break
- forceLinesRoughOrg = forceLinesRoughNew
- forceLinesRoughNew = refine(forceLinesRoughNew, fineGrained, wGrained, intePrec, ws)
- if fineGrained > 4:
- fineGrained = fineGrained-1
- if intePrec > 0.6:
- intePrec = intePrec - 0.05
- if wGrained < 10:
- wGrained = wGrained + 1
- forceLines = []
- for l in forceLinesRoughNew:
- forceLines.append(l[0])
- forceLines = np.array(forceLines)
- scale = 1/ws
- HWscale = np.array([[np.ceil(orgW*scale),np.ceil(orgH*scale)],
- [np.ceil(orgW*scale),np.ceil(orgH*scale)]])
- HWS = np.expand_dims(HWscale,0).repeat(forceLines.shape[0],axis=0)
- forceLines = forceLines*HWS
- return forceLines, forceLinesCluster,HWS
- def judgeVertexAdvanced(line1,v1, v1w, forceL, wSeuil = 4, intersectPrecent = 0.7):
- v1 = np.array(v1)
- newGroup = False
- for cl in forceL:
- vPossible = cl[0]*line1
- if np.sum(vPossible) > (np.sum(line1)*intersectPrecent):
- if abs(cl[1][1] - v1w) < wSeuil:
- cl.append([v1,v1w,line1])
- return True,forceL
- else:
- return True,forceL
- return False, forceL
- def getLeadingLine(imgpath, outPath):
- windowSize = 64
- allLines, allLinesIndex = getBaseLines(windowSize)
- img = imread(imgpath)
- print(img.shape)
- if (len(img.shape) != 3) or (img.shape[2] != 3):
- print('NOT a 3 channel image')
- else:
- orgH, orgW, _ = img.shape
- resizeImg = resize(img,(windowSize,windowSize))
- # Add contrast
- logImg = exposure.adjust_log(resizeImg, 1)
- grayImg = rgb2gray(logImg)
- gradient4d= gradient4D(grayImg)
- forceLines, forceLinesCluster, scale = findSaliantLineCluster(gradient4d,allLines,allLinesIndex,windowSize, orgW, orgH )
- drawGroupLine(imgpath, forceLines, forceLinesCluster, scale, 'forceLines', 'red', outPath)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find the Probable leading lines, please provide 1) your input image path or a folder path for input images, and 2) the output folder you wish.')
- parser.add_argument('input', type=str, help='The path for your input image or folder')
- parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, default='./OUTPUT', help='The path for your output folder ')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- INPUT_DIRECTORY = args.input
- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = args.output
- if not (os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)):
- print('Create output path:' , OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
- os.makedirs(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
- start = time.time()
- if os.path.isfile( INPUT_DIRECTORY ):
- if INPUT_DIRECTORY.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.png')) and not INPUT_DIRECTORY.lower().startswith('.'):
- elif os.path.isdir( INPUT_DIRECTORY ):
- files= os.listdir(INPUT_DIRECTORY)
- for i, file in enumerate(files):
- if file.lower().endswith(('.jpg', '.png')) and not file.lower().startswith('.'):
- fullpath = os.path.join(INPUT_DIRECTORY, file)
- getLeadingLine(fullpath,OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
- end = time.time()
- print(' use time = ', str((end - start)/60.0), 'm')