import numpy as np import time def muem(data, G, F, r, Tmax): delta_measure = 1 iter_max = round(Tmax / delta_measure) + 1 T = np.empty(shape=(iter_max + 1)) T.fill(np.nan) RMSE = np.empty(shape=(2, iter_max + 1)) RMSE.fill(np.nan) mu_rate = 0.05 mu_res = mu(data, G, F, r, mu_rate * Tmax, T, RMSE, delta_measure) return em(data, mu_res['G'], mu_res['F'], r, (1 - mu_rate) * Tmax, mu_res['T'], mu_res['RMSE'], mu_res['mu_state'], delta_measure) def mu(data, G, F, r, Tmax, T, RMSE, delta_measure): W2 = np.square(data.W) secu = 1e-12 # RRE = np.empty(shape=(iter_max + 1)) # RRE.fill(np.nan) delta_G = G delta_F = F t = time.time() T[0] = time.time() - t RMSE[:, 0] = np.linalg.norm(F[:, 0:-1] - data.F[:, 0:-1], 2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(F.shape[1] - 1) i = 0 while time.time() - t <= Tmax + delta_measure: # Updating G np.put(delta_G, data.idxOG, 0) delta_G = np.divide( np.multiply( delta_G, np.multiply( W2, secu_plus(data.X -, secu) ), F.T ) ), np.multiply( W2, ), F.T ) ) delta_G[np.isnan(delta_G)] = 0 G = delta_G np.put(G, data.idxOG, data.sparsePhi_G) # Updating F np.put(F, data.idxOF, 0) delta_F = np.divide( np.multiply( delta_F, G.T, np.multiply( W2, secu_plus(data.X -, secu) ) ) ), G.T, np.multiply( W2, ) ) ) delta_F[np.isnan(delta_F)] = 0 F = delta_F np.put(F, data.idxOF, data.sparsePhi_F) # Saving results for this iteration if time.time() - t - i * delta_measure >= delta_measure: i = i + 1 RMSE[:, i] = np.linalg.norm(F[:, 0:-1] - data.F[:, 0:-1], 2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(F.shape[1] - 1) T[i] = time.time() - t return {'G': G, 'F': F, 'T': T, 'RMSE': RMSE, 'mu_state': i} def secu_plus(tutu, s): toto = np.maximum(tutu, s) toto[np.isnan(tutu)] = 0 return toto def em(data, G, F, r, Tmax, T, RMSE, mu_state, delta_measure): tol = 1e-5 em_iter_max = round(Tmax / delta_measure) + 1 # M_loop = 5 # Number of passage over M step ITER_MAX = 3 # maximum inner iteration number (Default) ITER_MIN = 1 # minimum inner iteration number (Default) np.put(F, data.idxOF, data.sparsePhi_F) np.put(G, data.idxOG, data.sparsePhi_G) X = data.X + np.multiply(data.nW,, F)) FXt =, X.T) FFt =, F.T) GtX =, X) GtG =, G) tolF = tol * stop_rule(F,, F) - GtX) tolG = tol * stop_rule(G.T, (, FFt) - FXt.T).T) # Stopping tolerance # Iterative updating G = G.T k = mu_state t = time.time() # Main loop while time.time() - t <= Tmax + delta_measure: # Estimation step X = data.X + np.multiply(data.nW,, F)) # Maximisation step for _ in range(M_loop): # Optimize F with fixed G np.put(F, data.idxOF, 0) F, iterF, _ = NNLS(F, GtG, GtX -, ITER_MIN, ITER_MAX, tolF, data.idxOF, False) np.put(F, data.idxOF, data.sparsePhi_F) # print(F[:,0:5]) if iterF <= ITER_MIN: tolF = tolF / 10 # print('Tweaked F tolerance to '+str(tolF)) FFt =, F.T) FXt =, X.T) # Optimize G with fixed F np.put(G.T, data.idxOG, 0) G, iterG, _ = NNLS(G, FFt, FXt -, ITER_MIN, ITER_MAX, tolG, data.idxOG, True) np.put(G.T, data.idxOG, data.sparsePhi_G) if iterG <= ITER_MIN: tolG = tolG / 10 # print('Tweaked G tolerance to '+str(tolG)) GtG =, G.T) GtX =, X) if time.time() - t - (k-mu_state) * delta_measure >= delta_measure: k = k + 1 if (k-mu_state) >= em_iter_max: break RMSE[:, k] = np.linalg.norm(F[:, 0:-1] - data.F[:, 0:-1], 2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(F.shape[1] - 1) T[k] = T[mu_state] + time.time() - t return {'RMSE': RMSE, 'T': T} def stop_rule(X, GradX): # Stopping Criterions pGrad = GradX[np.any(np.dstack((X > 0, GradX < 0)), 2)] return np.linalg.norm(pGrad, 2) def NNLS(Z, GtG, GtX, iterMin, iterMax, tol, idxfixed, transposed): L = np.linalg.norm(GtG, 2) # Lipschitz constant H = Z # Initialization Grad =, Z) - GtX # Gradient alpha1 = 1 for iter in range(1, iterMax + 1): H0 = H H = np.maximum(Z - Grad / L, 0) # Calculate squence 'Y' if transposed: # If Z = G.T np.put(H.T, idxfixed, 0) else: # If Z = F np.put(H, idxfixed, 0) alpha2 = 0.5 * (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * alpha1 ** 2)) Z = H + ((alpha1 - 1) / alpha2) * (H - H0) alpha1 = alpha2 Grad =, Z) - GtX # Stopping criteria if iter >= iterMin: # Lin's stopping criteria pgn = stop_rule(Z, Grad) if pgn <= tol: break return H, iter, Grad def nmf_norm_fro(X, G, F, *args): W = args if len(W) == 0: f = np.square(np.linalg.norm(X -, F), 'fro')) / np.square(np.linalg.norm(X, 'fro')) else: W = W[0] f = np.square(np.linalg.norm(X - np.multiply(W,, F)), 'fro')) / np.square(np.linalg.norm(X, 'fro')) return f