function [ T , RMSE , MERs ] = remnenmf( X, X_theo, W, F_theo, Omega_G, Omega_F, Phi_G, Phi_F, G, F, config) %% loading the config parameters Tmax = config.Tmax; delta_measure = config.delta_measure; InnerMinIter = config.InnerMinIter; InnerMaxIter = config.InnerMaxIter; M_loop = config.M_loop; nu =; %% r = nu; X0 = X; Omega_G = (Omega_G == 1); % Logical mask is faster than indexing in matlab. Omega_F = (Omega_F == 1); % Logical mask is faster than indexing in matlab. nOmega_G = ~Omega_G; % Logical mask is faster than indexing in matlab. nOmega_F = ~Omega_F; % Logical mask is faster than indexing in matlab. num_sensor = config.numSensor; em_iter_max = round(Tmax / delta_measure) ; T = nan(1,em_iter_max); RMSE = nan(1+config.numSubSensor,em_iter_max); MERs = nan(1+config.numSubSensor,em_iter_max); nW = (1-W); % X = G*F+W.*(X0-G*F); X = X0 + nW.*(G*F); GG = G' * G; GX = G' * X ; GradF = GG * F - GX; FF = F * F'; XF = X * F' ; GradG = nOmega_G.*(G * FF - XF); d = Grad_P([GradG',GradF],[G',F]); StoppingCritF = 1.e-3*d; StoppingCritG = 1.e-3*d; T_E = []; T_M = []; tic i = 1; niter = 0; RMSE(:,i) = vecnorm(F(:,1:num_sensor)- F_theo(:,1:num_sensor),2,2)/sqrt(num_sensor); T(i) = toc; while toc= delta_measure i = i+1; if i > em_iter_max break end [MER,~]=bss_eval_mix(F_theo',F'); MERs(:,i) = MER; T(i) = toc; RMSE(:,i) = vecnorm(F(:,1:num_sensor) - F_theo(:,1:num_sensor),2,2)/sqrt(num_sensor); end T_M = cat(1,T_M,toc - t_m); end end niter disp(['rem E step : ',num2str(mean(T_E))]) disp(['rem M step : ',num2str(mean(T_M))]) end function [ L,R ] = RSI_compression(X,r,varargin) % Tepper, M., & Sapiro, G. (2016). Compressed nonnegative % matrix factorization is fast and accurate. IEEE Transactions % on Signal Processing, 64(9), 2269-2283. % see: % The corresponding code is originally created by the authors % Then, it is modified by F. Yahaya. % Date: 13/04/2018 % compressionLevel=2; [m,n]=size(X); l = min(min(n,m), max(compressionLevel, r )); switch nargin case 2 OmegaL = randn(n,l); OmegaR = randn(l, m); q = 4; case 4 OmegaL = varargin{2}; OmegaR = varargin{1}; q = 1; end Y = X * OmegaL; for i=1:q [Y,~]=qr(Y,0); S=X'*Y; [Z,~]=qr(S,0); Y=X* Z; end [L,~]=qr(Y,0); L=L'; Y = OmegaR * X; for i=1:q [Y,~]=qr(Y',0); S=X*Y; [Z,~]=qr(S,0); Y=Z'*X; end Y=Y'; [R,~] = qr(Y,0); end