import numpy as np import time from numpy import float64, sum, nonzero, newaxis, finfo nu = newaxis def emwfnnls(data, G, F, r, Tmax): tol = 0 delta_measure = 1 em_iter_max = round(Tmax / delta_measure) + 1 # T = np.empty(shape=(em_iter_max + 1)) T.fill(np.nan) RMSE = np.empty(shape=(2, em_iter_max + 1)) RMSE.fill(np.nan) # RRE = np.empty(shape=(em_iter_max + 1)) # RRE.fill(np.nan) np.put(F, data.idxOF, data.sparsePhi_F) np.put(G, data.idxOG, data.sparsePhi_G) X = data.X + np.multiply(data.nW,, F)) GtX =, X) GtG =, G) # Iterative updating G = G.T k = 0 RMSE[:, k] = np.linalg.norm(F[:, 0:-1] - data.F[:, 0:-1], 2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(F.shape[1] - 1) T[k] = 0 t = time.time() # Main loop while time.time() - t <= Tmax + delta_measure: # Estimation step X = data.X + np.multiply(data.nW,, F)) # Maximisation step # Optimize F with fixed G np.put(F, data.idxOF, 0) F, _ = fnnls(GtG, GtX - np.put(F, data.idxOF, data.sparsePhi_F) FFt =, F.T) FXt =, X.T) # Optimize G with fixed F np.put(G.T, data.idxOG, 0) G, _ = fnnls(FFt, FXt - np.put(G.T, data.idxOG, data.sparsePhi_G) GtG =, G.T) GtX =, X) if time.time() - t - k * delta_measure >= delta_measure: k = k + 1 if k >= em_iter_max + 1: break RMSE[:, k] = np.linalg.norm(F[:, 0:-1] - data.F[:, 0:-1], 2, axis=1) / np.sqrt(F.shape[1] - 1) T[k] = time.time() - t # RRE[k] = nmf_norm_fro(data.Xtheo, G.T, F, data.W) # if k%100==0: # print(str(k)+' '+str(RMSE[0,k])+' '+str(RMSE[1,k])) # plt.semilogy(RRE) # return {'RMSE': RMSE, 'T': T} def stop_rule(X, GradX): # Stopping Criterions pGrad = GradX[np.any(np.dstack((X > 0, GradX < 0)), 2)] return np.linalg.norm(pGrad, 2) # machine epsilon eps = finfo(float64).eps def any(a): # assuming a vector, a larger_than_zero = sum(a > 0) if larger_than_zero: return True else: return False def find_nonzero(a): # returns indices of nonzero elements in a return nonzero(a)[0] def fnnls(AtA, Aty, epsilon=None, iter_max=None): """ Given a matrix A and vector y, find x which minimizes the objective function f(x) = ||Ax - y||^2. This algorithm is similar to the widespread Lawson-Hanson method, but implements the optimizations described in the paper "A Fast Non-Negativity-Constrained Least Squares Algorithm" by Rasmus Bro and Sumen De Jong. Note that the inputs are not A and y, but are A^T * A and A^T * y This is to avoid incurring the overhead of computing these products many times in cases where we need to call this routine many times. :param AtA: A^T * A. See above for definitions. If A is an (m x n) matrix, this should be an (n x n) matrix. :type AtA: numpy.ndarray :param Aty: A^T * y. See above for definitions. If A is an (m x n) matrix and y is an m dimensional vector, this should be an n dimensional vector. :type Aty: numpy.ndarray :param epsilon: Anything less than this value is consider 0 in the code. Use this to prevent issues with floating point precision. Defaults to the machine precision for doubles. :type epsilon: float :param iter_max: Maximum number of inner loop iterations. Defaults to 30 * [number of cols in A] (the same value that is used in the publication this algorithm comes from). :type iter_max: int, optional """ if epsilon is None: epsilon = np.finfo(np.float64).eps n = AtA.shape[0] if iter_max is None: iter_max = 30 * n if Aty.ndim != 1 or Aty.shape[0] != n: raise ValueError('Invalid dimension; got Aty vector of size {}, ' \ 'expected {}'.format(Aty.shape, n)) # Represents passive and active sets. # If sets[j] is 0, then index j is in the active set (R in literature). # Else, it is in the passive set (P). sets = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool) # The set of all possible indices. Construct P, R by using `sets` as a mask ind = np.arange(n, dtype=int) P = ind[sets] R = ind[~sets] x = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float64) w = Aty s = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float64) i = 0 # While R not empty and max_(n \in R) w_n > epsilon while not np.all(sets) and np.max(w[R]) > epsilon and i < iter_max: # Find index of maximum element of w which is in active set. j = np.argmax(w[R]) # We have the index in MASKED w. # The real index is stored in the j-th position of R. m = R[j] # Move index from active set to passive set. sets[m] = True P = ind[sets] R = ind[~sets] # Get the rows, cols in AtA corresponding to P AtA_in_p = AtA[P][:, P] # Do the same for Aty Aty_in_p = Aty[P] # Update s. Solve (AtA)^p * s^p = (Aty)^p s[P] = np.linalg.lstsq(AtA_in_p, Aty_in_p, rcond=None)[0] s[R] = 0. while np.any(s[P] <= epsilon): i += 1 mask = (s[P] <= epsilon) alpha = np.min(x[P][mask] / (x[P][mask] - s[P][mask])) x += alpha * (s - x) # Move all indices j in P such that x[j] = 0 to R # First get all indices where x == 0 in the MASKED x zero_mask = (x[P] < epsilon) # These correspond to indices in P zeros = P[zero_mask] # Finally, update the passive/active sets. sets[zeros] = False P = ind[sets] R = ind[~sets] # Get the rows, cols in AtA corresponding to P AtA_in_p = AtA[P][:, P] # Do the same for Aty Aty_in_p = Aty[P] # Update s. Solve (AtA)^p * s^p = (Aty)^p s[P] = np.linalg.lstsq(AtA_in_p, Aty_in_p, rcond=None)[0] s[R] = 0. x = s.copy() w = Aty - return x