main.m 506 B

  1. clear all
  2. %% Adding every files in the path
  3. addpath(genpath(pwd))
  4. %% run config with maag et al values of the phenomenon
  5. % run_config("config3.json")
  6. % res = run_config("config.json");
  7. % run_config("config4.json") % Not working for IN_CAL ???
  8. % run_config("config2.json")
  9. % run_config_forget_other_sen("config3.json")
  10. % run_config("SNR_100dB.json")
  11. % run_config("SNR_infdB.json")
  12. % res = run_config("config10x10.json");
  13. res = run_config("test_rapport.json");
  14. % res = run_config("30x30farincal.json");