# OSX fortran compilers F=gfortran # Linux fortran compilers #F=ifort M=mpif90 OPTS= -o # BLAS and LAPACK DIRECTORY for intel #OPTS2=-lm -L /opt/intel/mkl721/lib/64 -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_ipf -lguide -lpthread # BLAS and LAPACK DIRECTORY for OSX #OPTS2=-DYA_BLAS -DYA_LAPACK -DYA_BLASMULT -framework vecLib # BLAS and LAPACK DIRECTORY on baru OPTS2= -lm -L/usr/lib -llapack -lblas FILE= randvectors.f90 all: $(F) $(OPTS) rand0 rand0.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) vecrand vecrand.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) helsing helsing.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) rbf rbf.f90 $(F) -c randvectors.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) initialisation initialisation.f90 $(FILE) $(F) $(OPTS) CMRH CMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) $(M) $(OPTS) PCMRH PCMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) allseq: $(F) $(OPTS) rand0 rand0.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) vecrand vecrand.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) helsing helsing.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) rbf rbf.f90 $(F) -c randvectors.f90 $(F) initialisation.f90 $(FILE) $(OPTS) initialisation $(F) $(OPTS) CMRH CMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) allpar: $(F) $(OPTS) rand0 rand0.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) vecrand vecrand.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) helsing helsing.f90 $(F) $(OPTS) PCMRH PCMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) rand0: $(F) $(OPTS) rand0 rand0.f90 vecrand: $(F) $(OPTS) vecrand vecrand.f90 helsing: $(F) $(OPTS) helsing helsing.f90 PCMRH: $(M) $(OPTS) PCMRH PCMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) CMRH: $(F) $(OPTS) CMRH CMRH.f90 $(OPTS2) clean: rm -f *.dat rm -f *.o rm -f *.mod rm -f rand0 rm -f vecrand rm -f helsing rm -f rbf rm -f initialisation rm -f CMRH rm -f PCMRH testCMRH: ./initialisation ./CMRH testPCMRHbaru: touch ~/.mpd.conf chmod 600 ~/.mpd.conf mpd & mpirun -np 4 PCMRH