123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627 |
- program rand0
- ! rand0.f90
- ! This file creates a random vector of size n and stores it in rand0.dat
- implicit none
- integer n,i,init(4)
- real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:) ::x
- integer*4,dimension(3) ::timearray
- real ::rand
- call itime(timearray) ! Get the current time
- i = rand ( timearray(1)+timearray(2)+timearray(3) )
- open(unit=20,file='inputfile.dat',status='old')
- read(20,*)init
- n=init(1)
- close(20)
- allocate(x(n))
- do i=1,n
- x(i)=rand(0);
- enddo
- open(unit=10,file='rand0.dat',status='unknown')
- do i=1,n
- write(unit=10,FMT=*) x(i)
- enddo
- close(10)
- deallocate(x)
- end program rand0