
Supprimer 'RSI_NeNMF.m'

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-% % Non-negative Matrix Factorization via Nesterov's Optimal Gradient Method: Improved via Randomized Subspace Iterations NeNMF (RSI) 
-% Reference
-%  F. Yahaya, M. Puigt, G. Delmaire, G. Roussel, Faster-than-fast NMF using
-%  random projections and Nesterov iterations, to appear in the Proceedings
-%  of iTWIST: international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between
-%  low-complexity data models and Sensing Techniques, Marseille, France,
-%  November 21-23, 2018
-% <Inputs>
-%        X : Input data matrix (m x n)
-%        r : Target low-rank
-%        MAX_ITER : Maximum number of iterations. Default is 1,000.
-%        MIN_ITER : Minimum number of iterations. Default is 10.
-%        TOL : Stopping tolerance. Default is 1e-5. If you want to obtain a more accurate solution, decrease TOL and increase MAX_ITER at the same time.
-% <Outputs>
-%        W : Obtained basis matrix (m x r).
-%        H : Obtained coefficients matrix (r x n).
-%        T : CPU TIME.
-%        RRE: Relative reconstruction error in each iteration
-%        Tmax : CPU time in seconds.
-% Note: another file 'stop_rule.m' should be included under the same
-% directory as this code.
-function [W,H,RRE,T]=RSI_NeNMF( X,W,H,r,Tmax)
-ITER_MAX=500;      % maximum inner iteration number (Default)
-ITER_MIN=10;        % minimum inner iteration number (Default)
-% Compress left and right
-X_L = L * X;
-X_R = X * R;
-H_comp= H* R;
-W_comp = L*W;
-tolW=tolH; % Stopping tolerance
-% Iterative updating
-RRE(k) = nmf_norm_fro( X, W', H);
-T(k) =0;
-% main loop
-while(toc<= Tmax+0.05)
-    % Optimize H with W fixed
-    [H,iterH]=NNLS(H,WtW,WtV,ITER_MIN,ITER_MAX,tolH);
-    if iterH<=ITER_MIN
-        tolH=tolH/10;
-    end
-    H_comp=H*R;
-    HHt=H_comp*H_comp';   HVt=H_comp*X_R';
-    % Optimize W with H fixed
-    [W,iterW,GradW]=NNLS(W,HHt,HVt,ITER_MIN,ITER_MAX,tolW);
-    if iterW<=ITER_MIN
-        tolW=tolW/10;
-    end
-    W_comp=W * L';
-    WtW=W_comp*W_comp';
-    WtV=W_comp*X_L;
-    GradH=WtW*H-WtV;
-    %     HIS.niter=niter+iterH+iterW;
-    delta=stop_rule([W,H],[GradW,GradH]);
-  % Stopping condition
-    if (delta<=tol*init_delta && k>=MinIter)
-        break;
-    end
-    if toc-(k-1)*0.05>=0.05
-        k = k+1;
-        RRE(k) = nmf_norm_fro( X, W', H);
-        T(k) = toc;
-    end
-end  %end of  loop
-function [H,iter,Grad]=NNLS(Z,WtW,WtV,iterMin,iterMax,tol)
-if ~issparse(WtW)
-    L=norm(WtW);	% Lipschitz constant
-    L=norm(full(WtW));
-H=Z;    % Initialization
-Grad=WtW*Z-WtV;     % Gradient
-for iter=1:iterMax
-    H0=H;
-    H=max(Z-Grad/L,0);    % Calculate sequence 'Y'
-    alpha2=0.5*(1+sqrt(1+4*alpha1^2));
-    Z=H+((alpha1-1)/alpha2)*(H-H0);
-    alpha1=alpha2;
-    Grad=WtW*Z-WtV;
-    % Stopping criteria
-    if iter>=iterMin
-        % Lin's stopping condition
-        pgn=stop_rule(Z,Grad);
-        if pgn<=tol
-            break;
-        end
-    end
-function f = nmf_norm_fro(X, W, H)
-% Author : F. Yahaya
-% Date: 13/04/2018
-% Contact: farouk.yahaya@univ-littoral.fr
-% Goal: compute a normalized error reconstruction of the mixing matrix V
-% "Normalized" means that we divide the squared Frobenius norm of the error
-% by the squared Frobenius norm of the matrix V
-% Note: To express the error in dB, you have to compute 10*log10(f)
-f = norm(X - W * H,'fro')^2/norm(X,'fro')^2;
-function [ L,R ] = RSI_compression(X,r)
-%             Tepper, M., & Sapiro, G. (2016). Compressed nonnegative
-%             matrix factorization is fast and accurate. IEEE Transactions
-%             on Signal Processing, 64(9), 2269-2283.
-%             see: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.04650
-%             The corresponding code is originally created by the authors
-%             Then, it is modified by F. Yahaya.
-%             Date: 13/04/2018
-l = min(n, max(compressionLevel, r + 10));
-OmegaL = randn(n,l);
-Y = X * OmegaL;
-for i=1:4
-    [Y,~]=qr(Y,0);
-    S=X'*Y;
-    [Z,~]=qr(S,0);
-    Y=X* Z;
-OmegaR = randn(l, m);
-Y = OmegaR * X;
-for i=1:4
-    [Y,~]=qr(Y',0);
-    S=X*Y;
-    [Z,~]=qr(S,0);
-    Y=Z'*X;
-[R,~] = qr(Y,0);