04-create-an-experiment.md 5.6 KB

Create an experiment

This wiki page details how to fully create an experiment.



To learn how to create an experiment, you first need to know how Vue.js works.

If you want to use the same style as the application, here is the Vuetify documentation.

Experiment file tree

This is a more experiment-focused file tree.

The complete /src directory file tree can be found here: Application file tree - /src directory.

└── src                                              || 
    ├── components                                   || Common components
    │   └── ExperimentsComponents                    || Experiment-specific components
    │       ├── ExtractConfiguration.vue             || Extracts configurator
    │       └── ExtractsToImage.vue                  || Shows multiple extracts as a unique image
    ├── functions.js                                 || Common utils
    ├── mixins                                       || Experiments bases: contains utils for a type of experiment
    │   ├── ExperimentBaseAreSameImages.vue          || Images versus based experiment base
    │   ├── ExperimentBaseExtracts.vue               || Extracts-based experiment base
    │   └── ExperimentBase.vue                       || Global experiment base, used in every experiments
    ├── router                                       || Vue-router (routing logic)
    │   ├── experiments.js                           || Experiment-specific routing logic
    │   └── index.js                                 || Main routing logic
    └── views                                        || Application views (pages)
        └── Experiments                              || Experiments
            ├── _template_.vue                       || Experiment minimal template
            ├── AreSameImagesRandom.vue              || Two random quality images (versus)
            ├── AreSameImagesReference.vue           || One random quality image, one reference image (versus)
            ├── AreSameImagesReferenceOneExtract.vue || Two reference images, one has a random quality extract (versus)
            ├── IsImageCorrect.vue                   || An image cut in half horizontally, tell if it looks normal
            ├── IsImageCorrectOneExtract.vue         || An image cut in half horizontally, tell if it looks normal
            ├── MatchExtractsWithReference.vue       || Lowest quality extracts, match them to reference image
            └── PercentQualityRandom.vue             || Random quality image, tell how high the quality is

Experiment creation

Follow the following steps to create a new experiment.

1. Choose an experiment name, it must be in UpperCamelCase
2. Create a new <YourExperimentName>.vue file in the /src/views/Experiments directory

Create a new entry in the /src/router/experiments.js file following this structure:

  path: '/experiments/<YourExperimentName>/:sceneName',
  name: '<YourExperimentName>',
  component: () => import('@/views/Experiments/<YourExperimentName>'),
  props: true,
  meta: {
    fullName: '<The visible name of your experiment>'
4. Choose or create the experiment mixin

An experiment mixin is a subset of data or methods that can be used in a type of experiment. The ExperimentBase mixin is the bare minimum to include in your experiment, it is mandatory.

Keep in mind that if the mixin you are using already extends ExperimentBase, you do not need to import it a second time.

See Experiment mixins API to check data and methods available to you. You need to use the this keyword in any Vue methods/templates to use these features.

5. Create the experiment configuration

Create a new entry in the experiments object of the /experimentConfig.default.js file following this structure:

YourExperimentName: {
  mixins: [mixins.ExperimentBase], // Your used mixins
  defaultConfig: {                 // Configuration used for all scenes
    // Data to apply to any scenes of the experiment
    // maxTestCount: 5
  scenesConfig: {                  // Scene-specific configuration
    // Data to apply to only some scenes
    // bathroom: {
    //   maxTestCount: 5
    // }
  availableScenes: {
    whitelist: null,               // Whitelist available scenes (String[]). If null, takes all scenes
    blacklist: null                // Remove scenes (String[])

You can add any data in defaultConfig and scenesConfig properties, It will get merged with your experiment data (the configuration file has more priority, if you have an experiment data with the same key, it will replace it).

6. Actual experiment creation

Copy the minimal experiment template /src/views/Experiments/_template.vue content to your new experiment.

You are all set! You can now develop your own experiment.