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- 'use strict'
- import test from 'ava'
- import { json, getHttpServer, connectDb } from '../utils/_test_functions'
- import DataController from '../../server/database/controllers/Data'
- // Database and WebSocket testing
- // Before all tests, connect to the database
- test.beforeEach(async t => (t.context.server = await getHttpServer()))
- test('Check database is working', async t => {
- // Connect to database
- await connectDb()
- // Add the document
- const testData = { AUTOMATED_TEST_DB: true, TEST_DATABASE_OBJ: { msg: 'add' } }
- const doc = await DataController.add(testData)
- t.deepEqual(doc.data, testData, json(doc))
- // Find the document
- const findDoc = await DataController.find(doc.id)
- t.deepEqual(findDoc.data, testData, json(findDoc))
- // Update the document
- testData.TEST_DATABASE_OBJ.msg = 'updated'
- const updateTo = { AUTOMATED_TEST_DB: true, newObject: 'test', newProperties: { test: true } }
- const docUpdated = await DataController.update(doc.id, updateTo)
- t.deepEqual(docUpdated.data, updateTo, json(docUpdated))
- // Delete the added document
- await t.notThrowsAsync(DataController.del(doc.id))
- })