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Update use of modules

Jérôme BUISINE il y a 4 ans

+ 0 - 28

@@ -102,34 +102,6 @@ All scripts named **prediction/predict_seuil_expe\*.py** are used to simulate mo
 Once you have simulation done. Checkout your **threshold_map/%MODEL_NAME%/simulation\_curves\_zones\_\*/** folder and use it with help of **** script.
-## Use with Calculco (OAR service)
-The `` is an example of script to run in OAR platform.
-oarsub -S
-Check your JOB_ID
-**Note:** Not forget to create symbolic link where it's necessary to logs results
-ln -s /where/to/store/you/data data
-ln -s /where/to/store/you/results/ results
-ln -s /where/to/store/you/models_info models_info
-ln -s /where/to/store/you/saved_models saved_models
-or simply use this script:
-bash /where/to/store/you
 ## License

+ 8 - 8

@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-from modules.config.cnn_config import *
 import os
-# store all variables from cnn config
-context_vars = vars()
 # Custom config used for redefined config variables if necessary
@@ -16,8 +12,8 @@ output_zones_learned            = os.path.join(output_data_folder, 'learned_zone
 output_models                   = os.path.join(output_data_folder, 'saved_models')
 output_results_folder           = os.path.join(output_data_folder, 'results')
-## noisy_folder                    = 'noisy'
-## not_noisy_folder                = 'notNoisy'
+noisy_folder                    = 'noisy'
+not_noisy_folder                = 'notNoisy'
 backup_model_folder             = os.path.join(output_data_folder, 'models_backup')
 # file or extensions
@@ -30,7 +26,7 @@ results_filename                = 'results.csv'
 perf_train_header_file          = "model_name;global_train_size;global_test_size;filtered_train_size;filtered_test_size;f1_train;f1_test;recall_train;recall_test;presicion_train;precision_test;acc_train;acc_test;roc_auc_train;roc_auc_test;\n"
 perf_prediction_header_file    = "data;data_size;model_name;accucary;f1;recall;precision;roc;\n"
-features_choices_labels         = ['static', 'svd_reconstruction', 'svd_reconstruction_dyn', 'fast_ica_reconstruction', 'ipca_reconstruction', 'min_diff_filter', 'sobel_based_filter','nl_mean_noise_mask']
+features_choices_labels         = ['static', 'svd_reconstruction', 'svd_reconstruction_dyn', 'fast_ica_reconstruction', 'ipca_reconstruction', 'min_diff_filter', 'sobel_based_filter','nl_mean_noise_mask', 'gini_map']
 # parameters
@@ -39,4 +35,8 @@ keras_epochs                    = 30
 ## keras_batch                     = 32
 ## val_dataset_size                = 0.2
-keras_img_size                  = (200, 200)
+keras_img_size                  = (200, 200)
+# parameters
+scene_image_quality_separator     = '_'
+scene_image_extension             = '.png'

+ 0 - 265

@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Wed Jun 19 11:47:42 2019
-@author: jbuisine
-# main imports
-import sys, os, argparse
-import numpy as np
-import random
-# images processing imports
-from PIL import Image
-from ipfml.processing.segmentation import divide_in_blocks
-# modules imports
-sys.path.insert(0, '') # trick to enable import of main folder module
-import custom_config  as cfg
-from modules.utils import data as dt
-from modules.classes.Transformation import Transformation
-# getting configuration information
-zone_folder             = cfg.zone_folder
-learned_folder          = cfg.learned_zones_folder
-min_max_filename        = cfg.min_max_filename_extension
-# define all scenes values
-scenes_list             = cfg.scenes_names
-scenes_indices          = cfg.scenes_indices
-dataset_path            = cfg.dataset_path
-zones                   = cfg.zones_indices
-seuil_expe_filename     = cfg.seuil_expe_filename
-features_choices        = cfg.features_choices_labels
-output_data_folder      = cfg.output_data_folder
-generic_output_file_svd = '_random.csv'
-def generate_data_model(_filename, _transformations, _scenes_list, _nb_zones = 4, _random=0):
-    output_train_filename = _filename + ".train"
-    output_test_filename = _filename + ".test"
-    if not '/' in output_train_filename:
-        raise Exception("Please select filename with directory path to save data. Example : data/dataset")
-    # create path if not exists
-    if not os.path.exists(output_data_folder):
-        os.makedirs(output_data_folder)
-    zones_indices = zones
-    train_file_data = []
-    test_file_data  = []
-    scenes = os.listdir(dataset_path)
-    # remove min max file from scenes folder
-    scenes = [s for s in scenes if min_max_filename not in s]
-    # go ahead each scenes
-    for folder_scene in _scenes_list:
-        scene_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, folder_scene)
-        # shuffle list of zones (=> randomly choose zones)
-        # only in random mode
-        if _random:
-            random.shuffle(zones_indices)
-         # store zones learned
-        learned_zones_indices = zones_indices[:_nb_zones]
-        # write into file
-        folder_learned_path = os.path.join(learned_folder, _filename.split('/')[1])
-        if not os.path.exists(folder_learned_path):
-            os.makedirs(folder_learned_path)
-        file_learned_path = os.path.join(folder_learned_path, folder_scene + '.csv')
-        with open(file_learned_path, 'w') as f:
-            for i in learned_zones_indices:
-                f.write(str(i) + ';')
-        for id_zone, index_folder in enumerate(zones_indices):
-            index_str = str(index_folder)
-            if len(index_str) < 2:
-                index_str = "0" + index_str
-            current_zone_folder = "zone" + index_str
-            zone_path = os.path.join(scene_path, current_zone_folder)
-            # custom path for interval of reconstruction and metric
-            features_path = []
-            for transformation in _transformations:
-                # check if it's a static content and create augmented images if necessary
-                if transformation.getName() == 'static':
-                    # {sceneName}/zoneXX/static
-                    static_metric_path = os.path.join(zone_path, transformation.getName())
-                    # img.png
-                    image_name = transformation.getParam().split('/')[-1]
-                    # {sceneName}/zoneXX/static/img
-                    image_prefix_name = image_name.replace('.png', '')
-                    image_folder_path = os.path.join(static_metric_path, image_prefix_name)
-                    if not os.path.exists(image_folder_path):
-                        os.makedirs(image_folder_path)
-                    features_path.append(image_folder_path)
-                    # get image path to manage
-                    # {sceneName}/static/img.png
-                    transform_image_path = os.path.join(scene_path, transformation.getName(), image_name) 
-                    static_transform_image =
-                    static_transform_image_block = divide_in_blocks(static_transform_image, cfg.sub_image_size)[id_zone]
-                    dt.augmented_data_image(static_transform_image_block, image_folder_path, image_prefix_name)
-                else:
-                    metric_interval_path = os.path.join(zone_path, transformation.getTransformationPath())
-                    features_path.append(metric_interval_path)
-            # as labels are same for each metric
-            for label in os.listdir(features_path[0]):
-                label_features_path = []
-                for path in features_path:
-                    label_path = os.path.join(path, label)
-                    label_features_path.append(label_path)
-                # getting images list for each metric
-                features_images_list = []
-                for index_metric, label_path in enumerate(label_features_path):
-                    if _transformations[index_metric].getName() == 'static':
-                        # by default append nothing..
-                        features_images_list.append([])
-                    else:
-                        images = sorted(os.listdir(label_path))
-                        features_images_list.append(images)
-                # construct each line using all images path of each
-                for index_image in range(0, len(features_images_list[0])):
-                    images_path = []
-                    # get information about rotation and flip from first transformation (need to be a not static transformation)
-                    current_post_fix =  features_images_list[0][index_image].split(cfg.post_image_name_separator)[-1]
-                    # getting images with same index and hence name for each metric (transformation)
-                    for index_metric in range(0, len(features_path)):
-                        # custom behavior for static transformation (need to check specific image)
-                        if _transformations[index_metric].getName() == 'static':
-                            # add static path with selecting correct data augmented image
-                            image_name = _transformations[index_metric].getParam().split('/')[-1].replace('.png', '')
-                            img_path = os.path.join(features_path[index_metric], image_name + cfg.post_image_name_separator + current_post_fix)
-                            images_path.append(img_path)
-                        else:
-                            img_path = features_images_list[index_metric][index_image]
-                            images_path.append(os.path.join(label_features_path[index_metric], img_path))
-                    if label == cfg.noisy_folder:
-                        line = '1;'
-                    else:
-                        line = '0;'
-                    # compute line information with all images paths
-                    for id_path, img_path in enumerate(images_path):
-                        if id_path < len(images_path) - 1:
-                            line = line + img_path + '::'
-                        else:
-                            line = line + img_path
-                    line = line + '\n'
-                    if id_zone < _nb_zones:
-                        train_file_data.append(line)
-                    else:
-                        test_file_data.append(line)
-    train_file = open(output_train_filename, 'w')
-    test_file = open(output_test_filename, 'w')
-    random.shuffle(train_file_data)
-    random.shuffle(test_file_data)
-    for line in train_file_data:
-        train_file.write(line)
-    for line in test_file_data:
-        test_file.write(line)
-    train_file.close()
-    test_file.close()
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute specific dataset for model using of metric")
-    parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, help='output file name desired (.train and .test)')
-    parser.add_argument('--features', type=str, 
-                                     help="list of features choice in order to compute data",
-                                     default='svd_reconstruction, ipca_reconstruction',
-                                     required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--params', type=str, 
-                                    help="list of specific param for each metric choice (See for further information in 3D mode)", 
-                                    default='100, 200 :: 50, 25',
-                                    required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--size', type=str, 
-                                  help="Size of input images",
-                                  default="100, 100")
-    parser.add_argument('--scenes', type=str, help='List of scenes to use for training data')
-    parser.add_argument('--nb_zones', type=int, help='Number of zones to use for training data set', choices=list(range(1, 17)))
-    parser.add_argument('--random', type=int, help='Data will be randomly filled or not', choices=[0, 1])
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    p_filename = args.output
-    p_features  = list(map(str.strip, args.features.split(',')))
-    p_params   = list(map(str.strip, args.params.split('::')))
-    p_scenes   = args.scenes.split(',')
-    p_size     = args.size # not necessary to split here
-    p_nb_zones = args.nb_zones
-    p_random   = args.random
-    # create list of Transformation
-    transformations = []
-    for id, feature in enumerate(p_features):
-        if feature not in features_choices:
-            raise ValueError("Unknown metric, please select a correct metric : ", features_choices)
-        transformations.append(Transformation(feature, p_params[id], p_size))
-    if transformations[0].getName() == 'static':
-        raise ValueError("The first transformation in list cannot be static")
-    # Update: not use of renderer scenes list
-    # getting scenes from indexes user selection
-    scenes_selected = []
-    for scene_id in p_scenes:
-        index = scenes_indices.index(scene_id.strip())
-        scenes_selected.append(scenes_list[index])
-    # create database using img folder (generate first time only)
-    generate_data_model(p_filename, transformations, scenes_selected, p_nb_zones, p_random)
-if __name__== "__main__":
-    main()

+ 2 - 20

@@ -18,26 +18,8 @@ from ipfml.processing.segmentation import divide_in_blocks
 # modules imports
 sys.path.insert(0, '') # trick to enable import of main folder module
-import custom_config  as cfg
-from modules.utils import data as dt
-from modules.classes.Transformation import Transformation
-# getting configuration information
-zone_folder             = cfg.zone_folder
-learned_folder          = cfg.learned_zones_folder
-min_max_filename        = cfg.min_max_filename_extension
-# define all scenes values
-scenes_list             = cfg.scenes_names
-scenes_indices          = cfg.scenes_indices
-dataset_path            = cfg.dataset_path
-zones                   = cfg.zones_indices
-seuil_expe_filename     = cfg.seuil_expe_filename
-features_choices        = cfg.features_choices_labels
-output_data_folder      = cfg.output_datasets
-generic_output_file_svd = '_random.csv'
+import config  as cfg
+from transformations import Transformation
 def generate_data_model(_filename, _transformations, _dataset_folder, _selected_zones, _sequence):

+ 0 - 232

@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Wed Jun 19 11:47:42 2019
-@author: jbuisine
-# main imports
-import sys, os, argparse
-import numpy as np
-# images processing imports
-from PIL import Image
-from ipfml.processing.segmentation import divide_in_blocks
-# modules imports
-sys.path.insert(0, '') # trick to enable import of main folder module
-import custom_config as cfg
-from import get_scene_image_quality
-from modules.classes.Transformation import Transformation
-# getting configuration information
-zone_folder             = cfg.zone_folder
-min_max_filename        = cfg.min_max_filename_extension
-# define all scenes values
-scenes_list             = cfg.scenes_names
-scenes_indices          = cfg.scenes_indices
-path                    = cfg.dataset_path
-zones                   = cfg.zones_indices
-seuil_expe_filename     = cfg.seuil_expe_filename
-features_choices        = cfg.features_choices_labels
-output_data_folder      = cfg.output_data_folder
-generic_output_file_svd = '_random.csv'
-def generate_data(transformation, _scenes, _replace):
-    """
-    @brief Method which generates all .csv files from scenes
-    @return nothing
-    """
-    scenes = os.listdir(path)
-    # remove min max file from scenes folder
-    scenes = [s for s in scenes if min_max_filename not in s]
-    # go ahead each scenes
-    for id_scene, folder_scene in enumerate(scenes):
-        if folder_scene in _scenes:
-            print(folder_scene)
-            scene_path = os.path.join(path, folder_scene)
-            # construct each zones folder name
-            zones_folder = []
-            features_folder = []
-            zones_threshold = []
-            # get zones list info
-            for index in zones:
-                index_str = str(index)
-                if len(index_str) < 2:
-                    index_str = "0" + index_str
-                current_zone = "zone"+index_str
-                zones_folder.append(current_zone)
-                zone_path = os.path.join(scene_path, current_zone)
-                with open(os.path.join(zone_path, cfg.seuil_expe_filename)) as f:
-                    zones_threshold.append(int(f.readline()))
-                # custom path for feature
-                feature_path = os.path.join(zone_path, transformation.getName())
-                if not os.path.exists(feature_path):
-                    os.makedirs(feature_path)
-                # custom path for interval of reconstruction and feature
-                feature_interval_path = os.path.join(zone_path, transformation.getTransformationPath())
-                features_folder.append(feature_interval_path)
-                if not os.path.exists(feature_interval_path):
-                    os.makedirs(feature_interval_path)
-                # create for each zone the labels folder
-                labels = [cfg.not_noisy_folder, cfg.noisy_folder]
-                for label in labels:
-                    label_folder = os.path.join(feature_interval_path, label)
-                    if not os.path.exists(label_folder):
-                        os.makedirs(label_folder)
-            # get all images of folder
-            scene_images = sorted([os.path.join(scene_path, img) for img in os.listdir(scene_path) if cfg.scene_image_extension in img])
-            number_scene_image = len(scene_images)
-            # for each images
-            for id_img, img_path in enumerate(scene_images):
-                current_img =
-                img_blocks = divide_in_blocks(current_img, cfg.sub_image_size)
-                current_quality_index = int(get_scene_image_quality(img_path))
-                for id_block, block in enumerate(img_blocks):
-                    ##########################
-                    # Image computation part #
-                    ##########################
-                    label_path = features_folder[id_block]
-                    # get label folder for block
-                    if current_quality_index > zones_threshold[id_block]:
-                        label_path = os.path.join(label_path, cfg.not_noisy_folder)
-                    else:
-                        label_path = os.path.join(label_path, cfg.noisy_folder)
-                    # check if necessary to compute or not images
-                    # Data augmentation!
-                    rotations = [0, 90, 180, 270]
-                    #img_flip_labels = ['original', 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'both']
-                    img_flip_labels = ['original', 'horizontal']
-                    output_images_path = []
-                    check_path_exists = []
-                    # rotate and flip image to increase dataset size
-                    for id, flip_label in enumerate(img_flip_labels):
-                        for rotation in rotations:
-                            output_reconstructed_filename = img_path.split('/')[-1].replace('.png', '') + '_' + zones_folder[id_block] + cfg.post_image_name_separator
-                            output_reconstructed_filename = output_reconstructed_filename + flip_label + '_' + str(rotation) + '.png'
-                            output_reconstructed_path = os.path.join(label_path, output_reconstructed_filename)
-                            if os.path.exists(output_reconstructed_path):
-                                check_path_exists.append(True)
-                            else:
-                                check_path_exists.append(False)
-                            output_images_path.append(output_reconstructed_path)
-                    # compute only if not exists or necessary to replace
-                    if _replace or not np.array(check_path_exists).all():
-                        # compute image
-                        # pass block to grey level
-                        output_block = transformation.getTransformedImage(block)
-                        output_block = np.array(output_block, 'uint8')
-                        # current output image
-                        output_block_img = Image.fromarray(output_block)
-                        horizontal_img = output_block_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
-                        #vertical_img = output_block_img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
-                        #both_img = output_block_img.transpose(Image.TRANSPOSE)
-                        #flip_images = [output_block_img, horizontal_img, vertical_img, both_img]
-                        flip_images = [output_block_img, horizontal_img]
-                        # rotate and flip image to increase dataset size
-                        counter_index = 0 # get current path index
-                        for id, flip in enumerate(flip_images):
-                            for rotation in rotations:
-                                if _replace or not check_path_exists[counter_index]:
-                                    rotated_output_img = flip.rotate(rotation)
-                          [counter_index])
-                                counter_index +=1
-                print(transformation.getName() + "_" + folder_scene + " - " + "{0:.2f}".format(((id_img + 1) / number_scene_image)* 100.) + "%")
-                sys.stdout.write("\033[F")
-            print('\n')
-    print("%s_%s : end of data generation\n" % (transformation.getName(), transformation.getParam()))
-def main():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compute and prepare data of feature of all scenes using specific interval if necessary")
-    parser.add_argument('--features', type=str, 
-                                     help="list of features choice in order to compute data",
-                                     default='svd_reconstruction, ipca_reconstruction',
-                                     required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--params', type=str, 
-                                    help="list of specific param for each feature choice (See for further information in 3D mode)", 
-                                    default='100, 200 :: 50, 25',
-                                    required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--size', type=str, 
-                                help="specific size of image", 
-                                default='100, 100',
-                                required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--scenes', type=str, help='List of scenes to use for training data')
-    parser.add_argument('--replace', type=int, help='replace previous picutre', default=1)
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    p_features  = list(map(str.strip, args.features.split(',')))
-    p_params    = list(map(str.strip, args.params.split('::')))
-    p_size      = args.size
-    p_scenes    = args.scenes.split(',')
-    p_replace   = bool(args.replace)
-    # getting scenes from indexes user selection
-    scenes_selected = []
-    for scene_id in p_scenes:
-        index = scenes_indices.index(scene_id.strip())
-        scenes_selected.append(scenes_list[index])
-    # list of transformations
-    transformations = []
-    for id, feature in enumerate(p_features):
-        if feature not in features_choices or feature == 'static':
-            raise ValueError("Unknown feature, please select a correct feature (`static` excluded) : ", features_choices)
-        transformations.append(Transformation(feature, p_params[id], p_size))
-    print("Scenes used", scenes_selected)
-    # generate all or specific feature data
-    for transformation in transformations:
-        generate_data(transformation, scenes_selected, p_replace)
-if __name__== "__main__":
-    main()

+ 11 - 10

@@ -13,20 +13,21 @@ import numpy as np
 # images processing imports
 from PIL import Image
 from ipfml.processing.segmentation import divide_in_blocks
+from transformations import Transformation
 # modules imports
 sys.path.insert(0, '') # trick to enable import of main folder module
-import custom_config as cfg
-from import get_scene_image_quality
-from modules.classes.Transformation import Transformation
+import config as cfg
+zones = np.arange(16)
-# getting configuration information
-zone_folder             = cfg.zone_folder
+def get_scene_image_quality(img_path):
-# define all scenes values
-zones                   = cfg.zones_indices
-features_choices        = cfg.features_choices_labels
+    # if path getting last element (image name) and extract quality
+    img_postfix = img_path.split('/')[-1].split(cfg.scene_image_quality_separator)[-1]
+    img_quality = img_postfix.replace(cfg.scene_image_extension, '')
+    return int(img_quality)
 Display progress information as progress bar
@@ -259,8 +260,8 @@ def main():
     for id, feature in enumerate(p_features):
-        if feature not in features_choices or feature == 'static':
-            raise ValueError("Unknown feature {0}, please select a correct feature (`static` excluded) : {1}".format(feature, features_choices))
+        if feature not in cfg.features_choices_labels or feature == 'static':
+            raise ValueError("Unknown feature {0}, please select a correct feature (`static` excluded) : {1}".format(feature, cfg.features_choices_labels))
         transformations.append(Transformation(feature, p_params[id], p_size))

+ 278 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+# main imports
+import os
+import numpy as np
+# image processing imports
+from ipfml.processing import transform, compression
+from ipfml.processing import reconstruction
+from ipfml.filters import convolution, kernels
+from ipfml import utils
+import cv2
+from skimage.restoration import denoise_nl_means, estimate_sigma
+from PIL import Image
+def remove_pixel(img, limit):
+    width, height = img.shape
+    output = np.zeros((width, height))
+    for i in range(width):
+        for j in range(height):
+            if img[i,j] <= limit:
+                output[i,j] = img[i,j]
+    return output
+def get_random_value(distribution):
+    rand = random.uniform(0, 1)
+    prob_sum = 0.
+    for id, prob in enumerate(distribution):
+        prob_sum += prob
+        if prob_sum >= rand:
+            return id
+    return len(distribution) - 1
+def distribution_from_data(data):
+    occurences = np.array([data.count(x) for x in set(data)])
+    max_occurences = sum(occurences)
+    return occurences / max_occurences
+def fill_image_with_rand_value(img, func, value_to_replace):
+    width, height = img.shape
+    output = np.zeros((width, height))
+    for i in range(width):
+        for j in range(height):
+            if img[i,j] == value_to_replace:
+                output[i, j] = func()
+            else:
+                output[i, j] = img[i, j]
+    return output
+def _compute_relative_error(ref_sv, k_sv):
+    ref = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(ref_sv)))
+    k = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(k_sv)))
+    return k / ref
+def _find_n_components(block, e=0.1):
+    s = transform.get_LAB_L_SVD_s(block)
+    errors = []
+    found = False
+    k_components = None
+    for i in range(len(s)):
+        #Ak = reconstruction.svd(img, [0, i])
+        #error = compute_relative_error_matrix(A, Ak)
+        error = _compute_relative_error(s, s[i:])
+        errors.append(error)
+        if error < e and not found:
+            k_components = (i + 1)
+            found = True
+    return (k_components, errors)
+# Transformation class to store transformation method of image and get usefull information
+class Transformation():
+    def __init__(self, _transformation, _param, _size):
+        self.transformation = _transformation
+        self.param = _param
+        self.size = _size
+    def getTransformedImage(self, img):
+        if self.transformation == 'svd_reconstruction':
+            begin, end = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            img_reconstructed = reconstruction.svd(img, [begin, end])
+            data_array = np.array(img_reconstructed, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'svd_reconstruction':
+            begin, end = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            img_reconstructed = reconstruction.svd(img, [begin, end])
+            data_array = np.array(img_reconstructed, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'ipca_reconstruction':
+            n_components, batch_size = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            img_reconstructed = reconstruction.ipca(img, n_components, batch_size)
+            data_array = np.array(img_reconstructed, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'fast_ica_reconstruction':
+            n_components = self.param
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            img_reconstructed = reconstruction.fast_ica(img, n_components)
+            data_array = np.array(img_reconstructed, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'gini_map':
+            # kernel size
+            k_w, k_h = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            lab_img = transform.get_LAB_L(img)
+            img_mask = convolution.convolution2D(lab_img, kernels.gini, (k_w, k_h))
+            # renormalize data
+            data_array = np.array(img_mask * 255, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'sobel_based_filter':
+            k_size, p_limit = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            lab_img = transform.get_LAB_L(img)
+            weight, height = lab_img.shape
+            sobelx = cv2.Sobel(lab_img, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=k_size)
+            sobely = cv2.Sobel(lab_img, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1,ksize=k_size)
+            sobel_mag = np.array(np.hypot(sobelx, sobely), 'uint8')  # magnitude
+            sobel_mag_limit = remove_pixel(sobel_mag, p_limit)
+            # use distribution value of pixel to fill `0` values
+            sobel_mag_limit_without_0 = [x for x in sobel_mag_limit.reshape((weight*height)) if x != 0]  
+            distribution = distribution_from_data(sobel_mag_limit_without_0)
+            min_value = int(min(sobel_mag_limit_without_0))
+            l = lambda: get_random_value(distribution) + min_value
+            img_reconstructed = fill_image_with_rand_value(sobel_mag_limit, l, 0)
+            img_reconstructed_norm = utils.normalize_2D_arr(img_reconstructed)
+            img_reconstructed_norm = np.array(img_reconstructed_norm*255, 'uint8')
+            sobel_reconstructed = Image.fromarray(img_reconstructed_norm)
+            sobel_reconstructed.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(sobel_reconstructed)
+        if self.transformation == 'nl_mean_noise_mask':
+            patch_size, patch_distance = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            img = np.array(img)
+            sigma_est = np.mean(estimate_sigma(img, multichannel=True))
+            patch_kw = dict(patch_size=patch_size,      # 5x5 patches
+                            patch_distance=patch_distance,  # 13x13 search area
+                            multichannel=True)
+            # slow algorithm
+            denoise = denoise_nl_means(img, h=0.8 * sigma_est, sigma=sigma_est,
+                                    fast_mode=False,
+                                    **patch_kw)
+            denoise = np.array(denoise, 'uint8')
+            noise_mask = np.abs(denoise - img)
+            data_array = np.array(noise_mask, 'uint8')
+            img_array = Image.fromarray(data_array)
+            img_array.thumbnail((h, w))
+            data = np.array(img_array)
+        if self.transformation == 'static':
+            # static content, we keep input as it is
+            data = img
+        return data
+    def getTransformationPath(self):
+        path = self.transformation
+        if self.transformation == 'svd_reconstruction':
+            begin, end = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            w, h = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, str(begin) + '_' + str(end) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'gini_map':
+            k_w, k_h = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            w, h = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, str(k_w) + '_' + str(k_h) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'ipca_reconstruction':
+            n_components, batch_size = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            w, h = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, 'N' + str(n_components) + '_' + str(batch_size) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'fast_ica_reconstruction':
+            n_components = self.param
+            w, h = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, 'N' + str(n_components) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'min_diff_filter':
+            w_size, h_size, stride = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            w, h = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, 'W_' + str(w_size) + '_' + str(h_size) + '_Stride_' + str(stride) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'sobel_based_filter':
+            k_size, p_limit = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, 'K_' + str(k_size) + '_L' + str(p_limit) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'nl_mean_noise_mask':
+            patch_size, patch_distance = list(map(int, self.param.split(',')))
+            h, w = list(map(int, self.size.split(',')))
+            path = os.path.join(path, 'S' + str(patch_size) + '_D' + str(patch_distance) + '_S_' + str(w) + '_' + str(h))
+        if self.transformation == 'static':
+            # param contains image name to find for each scene
+            path = self.param
+        return path
+    def getName(self):
+        return self.transformation
+    def getParam(self):
+        return self.param
+    def __str__( self ):
+        return self.transformation + ' transformation with parameter : ' + self.param

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 03d1c924629a4558f344abb26b3d4432c166eed5

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#OAR --array-param-file params.txt
-#OAR -l /nodes=1,walltime=6:00:00
-#OAR -p host="orval02"
-#OAR -t besteffort
-#OAR --notify
-#OAR -O /nfs/home/lisic/jbuisine/projects/launchers/logs/Thesis-NoiseDetection-CNN.%jobid%.out
-#OAR -E /nfs/home/lisic/jbuisine/projects/launchers/logs/Thesis-NoiseDetection-CNN.%jobid%.err
-# Activiate venv used by python
-. ~/opt/venvs/thesis-venv/bin/activate
-# run command
-python ~/projects/Thesis-NoiseDetection-CNN/generate/ $@