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Create your own expe


This website can let you create and manage your own experimentss


The expe module is the django app created for managing experimentss.

  • expe/ contains the main variables used by website, save experimentss content and experimentss configuration.
  • expe/ is django app file used for enable routes of website.
  • expe/expes/ contains run functions in order to launch step of experiments.
  • expe/expes/classes: is folder which contains all the necessary Python classes for experimentss.

Create your own experiments

1. Experience configuration

Let's start with the expe/ python file. As explained earlier, this file contains experimentss configuration. The variable expes_configuration is the dictionnary which declares all information of experimentss.

An example for the quest_one_image key experiments:

        'question': "Do you see one image or a composition of more than one?",
        'indication': "press left if you see one image, right if not",
        'end_text': "Experience is finished. Thanks for your participation",
        'iterations': 10

    # if others custom session param are directly set for experiments
    'session_params': [

    # template file used in django `expe` route
    'template': 'expe/expe.html',

    # javascript file used
    'output_header': "stimulus;name_stimulus;cropping_percentage;...\n"

The params section is where you put all your necessary information for your experiments.

2. The experiments expe route

The expe/ route define by the expe function in expe/ is used to launch experiments. This route uses few parameters pass using GET method:

  • expe: the experiments name to use
  • scene: the scene name to use for this experiments
  • iteration: step of this experiments
  • answer: the answer of the user

Using this parameter, the route know which experiments to launch with specific scene and manage experiments steps.

Note: answer and iteration parameters are used into js/keyEvents.js file. This means the answer and iteration values are sent depending of user interactions. You can implement your own interaction by creating your own js file and add it into your experiments configuration declaration (see expe/

3. The run experiments function

Into the expe function in expe/, the run method your experiments is dynamically call. Hence you need to implement into the expe/expes/ a function which follow this naming convention:

  • run_{{you_experiments_name}}

As you have communication exchanges between the django server and the client side, it's necessary to store the experiments process at each step.

Hence, this function need to follow this prototype:

def run_experiments_name(request, model_filepath, output_file):

Information about parameters:

  • request: contains all information into GET, POST and session storages
  • model_filepath: filename where you need to store information about experiments model into a binary file (can be just data information or object instanciated from file of expe/expes/classes)
  • output_file: buffer where you can add information about your experiments (following your output_header declared into your experiments configuration)

Example of accessing request variables:

scene_name_session = request.session.get('scene')
scene_name_get     = request.GET.get('scene')
scene_name_post    = request.POST.get('scene')

Example of loading or saving Python object (need of pickle):

# check if necessary to construct `quest` object or if backup exists
if not os.path.exists(model_filepath):
    qp = QuestPlus(stim_space, [thresholds, slopes], function=psychometric_fun)
    print('Load `qp` model')
    filehandler = open(model_filepath, 'rb') 
    qp = pickle.load(filehandler)
# save `quest` model
file_pi = open(model_filepath, 'wb') 
pickle.dump(qp, file_pi)

Example of writing and append information into output_file:

line = str(previous_stim) 
line += ";" + scene_name 
line += ";" + str(previous_percentage)
line += ";" + str(previous_orientation) 
line += ";" + str(previous_position) 
line += ";" + str(answer) 
line += ";" + str(expe_answer_time) 
line += ";" + str(entropy) 
line += '\n'


5. Display experiments data into custom template

Finally your run function need to return python dictionnary of data your need to use into your expe/ django template.

If you want to create your own template, specify your template path into configuration:

    # template file used in django `expe` route
    'template': 'expe/my_expe_template.html',

Example of way to use your experiments data into template:
