
Add of sponge scene and README.md file for generation

Jérôme BUISINE 5 年 前

+ 27 - 15

@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ All synthesis images generated are of size `1920 x 1080` and saved into `.rawls`
 | `barcelona-pavilion`    | `p3d_pavilion-day.pbrt`          | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `barcelona-pavilion`    | `p3d_pavilion-night.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
-| `bathroom`              | `p3d_bathroom.pbrt`              | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `bathroom`              | `p3d_bathroom.pbrt`              | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
 | `bedroom`               | `p3d_bedroom.pbrt`               | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `bmw-m6`                | `p3d_bmw-m6.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `breakfast`             | `p3d_breakfast.pbrt`             | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ All synthesis images generated are of size `1920 x 1080` and saved into `.rawls`
 | `car2`                  | `p3d_car2.pbrt`                  | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `chopper-titan`         | `p3d_chopper-titan.pbrt`         | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `classroom`             | `p3d_classroom.pbrt`             | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
-| `coffee-splash`         | `p3d_splash.pbrt`                | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `contemporary-bathroom` | `p3d_contemporary-bathroom.pbrt` | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `crown`                 | `p3d_crown.pbrt`                 | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `dining-room`           | `p3d_dining-room.pbrt`           | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `dragon`                | `p3d_dragon.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `coffee-splash`         | `p3d_splash.pbrt`                | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `contemporary-bathroom` | `p3d_contemporary-bathroom.pbrt` | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `crown`                 | `p3d_crown.pbrt`                 | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `dining-room`           | `p3d_dining-room.pbrt`           | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `dragon`                | `p3d_dragon.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
 | `ecosys`                | `p3d_ecosys.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `ganesha`               | `p3d_ganesha.pbrt`               | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `glass`                 | `p3d_glass.pbrt`                 | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
@@ -61,14 +61,26 @@ All synthesis images generated are of size `1920 x 1080` and saved into `.rawls`
 | `landscape`             | `p3d_view2.pbrt`                 | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `landscape`             | `p3d_view3.pbrt`                 | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `landscape`             | `p3d_view4.pbrt`                 | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
-| `living-room`           | `p3d_living-room.pbrt`           | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `living-room-2`         | `p3d_living-room-2.pbrt`         | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `living-room-3`         | `p3d_living-room-3.pbrt`         | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `living-room`           | `p3d_living-room.pbrt`           | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `living-room-2`         | `p3d_living-room-2.pbrt`         | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `living-room-3`         | `p3d_living-room-3.pbrt`         | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
 | `sanmiguel`             | `p3d_sanmiguel.pbrt`             | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `sanmiguel`             | `p3d_sanmiguel_cam1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `sanmiguel`             | `p3d_sanmiguel_cam3.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
-| `sanmiguel`             | `p3d_sanmiguel_cam18.pbrt`       | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `sanmiguel`             | `p3d_sanmiguel_cam18.pbrt`       | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
 | `spaceship`             | `p3d_spaceship.pbrt`             | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-1-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-1-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-2-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-2-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-3-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-3-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-4-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-4-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-5-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-5-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-6-view0.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
+| `sponge`                | `p3d_sponge-6-view1.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ❌        |
 | `sportscar`             | `p3d_sportscar.pbrt`             | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `sssdragon`             | `p3d_dragon_250.pbrt`            | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `staircase`             | `p3d_staicase.pbrt`              | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
@@ -79,11 +91,11 @@ All synthesis images generated are of size `1920 x 1080` and saved into `.rawls`
 | `veach-ajar`            | `p3d_veach-ajar.pbrt`            | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `veach-bidir`           | `p3d_veach-bidir.pbrt`           | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
 | `villa`                 | `p3d_villa-daylight.pbrt`        | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
-| `volume-caustic`        | `p3d_caustic.pbrt`               | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `vw-van`                | `p3d_vw-van.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅        |
-| `water-caustic`         | `p3d_water-caustic.pbrt`         | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `white-room`            | `p3d_whiteroom-daytime.pbrt`     | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
-| `white-room`            | `p3d_whiteroom-night.pbrt`       | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `volume-caustic`        | `p3d_caustic.pbrt`               | volpath    | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `vw-van`                | `p3d_vw-van.pbrt`                | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |  ✅       |
+| `water-caustic`         | `p3d_water-caustic.pbrt`         | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `white-room`            | `p3d_whiteroom-daytime.pbrt`     | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
+| `white-room`            | `p3d_whiteroom-night.pbrt`       | path       | random  | 1 to 10000 |         |
 # Usefull scripts

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# generate .ply files
+g++ gencubesierpinski.cpp -o gencubesierpinski
+./gencubesierpinski -l 6 -s 10
+mv eponge_1.ply eponge_6.ply
+./gencubesierpinski -l 5 -s 10
+mv eponge_1.ply eponge_5.ply
+./gencubesierpinski -l 4 -s 10
+mv eponge_1.ply eponge_4.ply
+./gencubesierpinski -l 3 -s 10
+mv eponge_1.ply eponge_3.ply
+./gencubesierpinski -l 2 -s 10
+mv eponge_1.ply eponge_2.ply
+./gencubesierpinski -l 1 -s 10

+ 280 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>      // std::stringstream
+#include <fstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <string>
+using namespace std;
+// génération d'un fichier ply contenant un modèle d'un(e) cube (éponge)
+// de sierpinski, au format ply.
+// compilation : g++ -std=c++11 -o gcs gencubesierpinski.cpp
+// syntaxe : ./gcs  -l niveau-de-subdivision -s taille_du_cube
+// représentation des option pour la génération
+struct options {
+  int niveau; // niveau de subdivision 1 = pas de subdivision)
+  int taille; // taille du cube, qui est centré à l'origine
+// représentation d'un point 3D, avec sa normale
+struct point {
+  float x, y, z;
+  float nx, ny, nz;
+  point(float x, float y, float z,
+	float nx, float ny, float nz) :
+    x(x), y(y), z(z), nx(nx), ny(ny), nz(nz){
+  }
+// varibales globales 
+vector <point> sommets; // liste des sommets générés
+vector <int> faces; // liste des faces générées
+// prédéfinition des fonctions
+void toPly(const string & filename);
+bool parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], options &opt);
+void writeBinary(ofstream & out, float v, bool littleEndian);
+void writeBinary(ofstream & out, int v, bool littleEndian);
+void usage(const string &exe);
+// ajout d'une face à laliste des faces
+// la face est donnée par les indices de ses 4 sommets successifs
+// dans la liste des sommets
+inline void add_face(int i, int j, int k, int l){
+  faces.push_back(i);
+  faces.push_back(j);
+  faces.push_back(k);
+  faces.push_back(l);
+// génération d'un cube
+// (x,y,z) représente les coordonnées du coin ayant le plus "petit"
+// d représente la taille du cube
+// n représente le niveau de subdivision restant à accomplir
+// (si n = 1, plus de subdivisions)
+// la subdivisin est faite en découpant le cube en 3 selon chaque axe
+// et en supprimant la partie centrale.
+void Cube(float x, float y,float z, float d, int n) {
+  if (--n>0) { // subdivision
+    d /= 3;
+    float xa=x+d,ya=y+d,za=z+d,xb=x+d+d,yb=y+d+d,zb=z+d+d;
+    Cube(x, y, z, d, n); Cube(xa, y, z,d, n); Cube(x, ya, z,d, n); Cube(xb, y, z, d, n);
+    Cube(x,yb,z ,d,n); Cube(xb,ya,z ,d,n); Cube(xa,yb,z ,d,n); Cube(xb,yb,z ,d,n);
+    Cube(x,y ,za,d,n); Cube(xb,y ,za,d,n); Cube(x ,yb,za,d,n); Cube(xb,yb,za,d,n);
+    Cube(x,y ,zb,d,n); Cube(xa,y ,zb,d,n); Cube(x ,ya,zb,d,n); Cube(xb,y ,zb,d,n);
+    Cube(x,yb,zb,d,n); Cube(xb,ya,zb,d,n); Cube(xa,yb,zb,d,n); Cube(xb,yb,zb,d,n);
+  } else { // enregistrement mémoire de chaque face
+    int isdeb = sommets.size();
+    // face inférieure
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z,0,-1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z,0,-1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z+d,0,-1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z+d,0,-1,0));
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+    // face supérieure
+    isdeb += 4;
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z,0,1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z,0,1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z+d,0,1,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z+d,0,1,0));    
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+    // face droite
+    isdeb += 4;
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z,1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z+d,1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z+d,1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z,1,0,0));   
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+    // face gauche
+    isdeb += 4;
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z,-1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z+d,-1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z+d,-1,0,0));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z,-1,0,0));   
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+    // face avant
+    isdeb += 4;
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z+d,0,0,1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z+d,0,0,1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z+d,0,0,1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z+d,0,0,1));   
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+    // face arrière
+    isdeb += 4;
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y+d,z,0,0,-1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y+d,z,0,0,-1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x+d,y,z,0,0,-1));
+    sommets.push_back(point(x,y,z,0,0,-1));   
+    add_face(isdeb, isdeb+1, isdeb+2, isdeb+3);
+  }
+}// Cube
+// génération et sauvegarde de l'éponge
+void eponge(options opt) {
+  Cube(-opt.taille/2.0, -opt.taille/2.0, -opt.taille/2.0, opt.taille, opt.niveau);
+  stringstream filename;
+  filename << "eponge_" << opt.niveau << ".ply";
+  toPly(filename.str());
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
+  options opt;
+  if(!parse_args(argc, argv, opt)){
+    usage(argv[0]);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  eponge(opt);
+  cout << "nombre de sommets générés : " << sommets.size() << endl;
+  cout << "nombre de faces générées : " << faces.size()/4 << endl;
+  return 1;
+// sauvegarde au format ply binaire
+void toPly(const string & filename){
+  ofstream out(filename,ios::binary);
+  if(!out.is_open()){
+    cerr << "erreur d'ouverture de " << filename << endl;
+    return;
+  }
+  // écriture de l'entête
+  out << "ply" << endl;
+  //  out << "format ascii 1.0" << endl;
+  out << "format  binary_little_endian 1.0" << endl;
+  out << "comment cube/eponge de sierpinski" << endl;
+  out << "element vertex " << sommets.size() << endl;
+  out << "property float x" << endl;
+  out << "property float y" << endl;
+  out << "property float z" << endl;
+  out << "property float nx" << endl;
+  out << "property float ny" << endl;
+  out << "property float nz" << endl;
+  out << "element face " << faces.size()/4 << endl;
+  out << "property list uchar int vertex_indices" << endl;
+  out << "end_header" << endl;
+  // écriture des sommets au format binaire little endian
+  for(int i=0; i< sommets.size(); i++){
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].x, true);// little endian
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].y, true);
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].z, true);
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].nx, true);
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].ny, true);
+    writeBinary(out, sommets[i].nz, true);
+    // écriture au format ascii
+   // out << sommets[i].x << " ";
+    // out << sommets[i].y << " ";
+    // out << sommets[i].z << " ";
+    // out << sommets[i].nx << " ";
+    // out << sommets[i].ny << " ";
+    // out << sommets[i].nz << endl;
+  }
+  // écriture des faces au format binaire little endian
+  for(int i=0; i<faces.size(); i+=4){
+    char v=4;
+    out.write(&v, sizeof(char));
+    writeBinary(out, faces[i], true);
+    writeBinary(out, faces[i+1], true);
+    writeBinary(out, faces[i+2], true);
+    writeBinary(out, faces[i+3], true);
+    // écriture au format ascii
+    // out << "4 ";
+    // out << faces[i] << " ";
+    // out << faces[i+1] << " ";
+    // out << faces[i+2] << " ";
+    // out << faces[i+3] << endl;
+  }
+  out.close();
+}// toply
+// décodage des arguments - à ce stade :
+// -l niveau de subdivision (level)
+// -s taille du cune centré à l'origine (size)
+bool parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], options &opt){
+  // valeurs par défaut
+  opt.niveau = 2;
+  opt.taille = 20.0;
+  if(argc==1) return true;
+  if(argc%2!=1){
+    cerr << "nb arguments incompatibles" << endl;
+    return false;
+  }
+  for(int i=1; i<argc; i+=2){
+    if(string(argv[i])=="-l"){// niveau de recursivité
+      opt.niveau = stoi(string(argv[i+1]));
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(string(argv[i])=="-s"){// taille du cube
+      opt.taille = stof(string(argv[i+1]));
+      continue;
+    }
+    cerr << "option inconnue : " << argv[i] << endl;
+    return false;
+  }// for
+  return true;
+// écriture binaire d'un nombre réel au format :
+// - little endian si littleEndian vaut true
+// - big endian sinon
+void writeBinary(ofstream & out, float v, bool littleEndian){
+  unsigned char byte[sizeof(float)];
+  if(littleEndian)
+    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(float); i++)
+      byte[i] = *((unsigned char*)&v +i);
+  else // big endian
+    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(float); i++)
+      byte[i] = *((unsigned char*)&v+(sizeof(float)-1-i));    
+  out.write((char*)byte, sizeof(float));
+// écriture binaire d'un nombre entier au format :
+// - little endian si littleEndian vaut true
+// - big endian sinon
+void writeBinary(ofstream & out, int v, bool littleEndian){
+  unsigned char byte[sizeof(int)];
+  out.write((char*)&v, sizeof(int));
+  return;
+  if(littleEndian)
+    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(int); i++)
+      byte[i] = (unsigned char)(v>>(i*8));
+  else // big endian
+    for(int i=0; i<sizeof(int); i++)
+      byte[i] = (unsigned char)(v>>((sizeof(int)-1-i)*8));    
+  out.write((char*)byte, sizeof(int));
+void usage(const string &exe){
+  cout << "usage : " << exe << " [-l <subdivision level>] [-s <cube size>]" << endl;

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-1-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_1.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-1-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_2.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-2-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_1.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-2-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_2.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-3-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_3.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-3-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_3.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-4-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_4.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-4-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_4.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-5-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_5.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-5-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_5.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+       0 0 0
+       0 1 0
+#LookAt  0 0 0
+#        1 0 1
+#	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-6-view0.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_6.ply"]

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#Scale -1 1 1
+#LookAt 4.5 12 15.5
+#       0 0 0
+#       0 1 0
+LookAt  0 0 0
+        1 0 1
+	0 1 0
+Camera "perspective" 
+        "float fov" [ 60 ] 
+Film "image" 
+        "integer xresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "integer yresolution" [ 800 ] 
+        "string filename" [ "p3d_eponge-fractal-6-view1.png" ] 
+Sampler "sobol" 
+        "integer pixelsamples" [ 8 ] 
+    LightSource "infinite" 
+            "rgb L" [ 0.94509798 0.98431402 1 ] 
+            "rgb scale" [ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ] 
+# Materials
+MakeNamedMaterial "Eponge" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.61176502 0.61176502 0.81176502 ] 
+MakeNamedMaterial "Floor" 
+        "string type" [ "matte" ] 
+        "rgb Kd" [ 0.70196098 0.68627501 0.662745 ] 
+	 NamedMaterial "Floor" 
+Shape "trianglemesh" "integer indices"
+	0 1 2
+	0 2 3
+"point P" 
+	-15.0 -6.0 15.0
+	-15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 -15.0
+	15.0 -6.0 15.0
+"float uv"  
+	0.0 1.0
+	0.0 0.0
+	1.0 0.0
+	1.0 1.0
+"normal N" 
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	0.0 1.0 0.0
+	NamedMaterial "Eponge"
+	Shape "plymesh" "string filename" ["eponge_6.ply"]