f6-25.pbrt 3.5 KB

  1. # x 0.1 y 0.7 in focus
  2. # x 0.6 y 0.5 for out of focus
  3. #@@ -651,15 +651,20 @@ Float RealisticCamera::GenerateRay(const CameraSample &sample, Ray *ray) const {
  4. # ProfilePhase prof(Prof::GenerateCameraRay);
  5. # ++totalRays;
  6. # // Find point on film, _pFilm_, corresponding to _sample.pFilm_
  7. #- Point2f s(sample.pFilm.x / film->fullResolution.x,
  8. #- sample.pFilm.y / film->fullResolution.y);
  9. #+ static Float px = atof(getenv("PX"));
  10. #+ static Float py = atof(getenv("PY"));
  11. #+ Point2f s(px, py);
  12. # Point2f pFilm2 = film->GetPhysicalExtent().Lerp(s);
  13. # Point3f pFilm(-pFilm2.x, pFilm2.y, 0);
  14. #
  15. # // Trace ray from _pFilm_ through lens system
  16. # Float exitPupilBoundsArea;
  17. #- Point3f pRear = SampleExitPupil(Point2f(pFilm.x, pFilm.y), sample.pLens,
  18. #- &exitPupilBoundsArea);
  19. #+ Point3f pRear = SampleExitPupil(
  20. #+ Point2f(pFilm.x, pFilm.y),
  21. #+ Point2f(sample.pFilm.x / film->fullResolution.x,
  22. #+ sample.pFilm.y / film->fullResolution.y),
  23. #+ &exitPupilBoundsArea);
  24. #+
  25. # Ray rFilm(pFilm, pRear - pFilm, Infinity,
  26. # Lerp(sample.time, shutterOpen, shutterClose));
  27. # if (!TraceLensesFromFilm(rFilm, ray)) {
  28. Scale -1 1 1 # account for fixed lookat bug...
  29. # Camera Camera04
  30. LookAt 4.42961 -1.89153 6.75331
  31. 5.40206 -1.65858 6.74488
  32. 0.00819354 0.00196274 0.999965
  33. Camera "realistic"
  34. "string lensfile" "lenses/wide.22mm.dat"
  35. "string lensfile" "lenses/fisheye.10mm.dat"
  36. "float aperturediameter" 10 # 5.5
  37. "float focusdistance" 0.7 # 1.5 # 0.55
  38. Film "image"
  39. "integer xresolution" [900] "integer yresolution" [900]
  40. "string filename" "f6-25.exr"
  41. Sampler "sobol" "integer pixelsamples" [2048]
  42. Integrator "path"
  43. WorldBegin
  44. # Enviorment
  45. AttributeBegin
  46. Rotate 198.0 0 0 1
  47. LightSource "infinite"
  48. "integer nsamples" [32]
  49. "color scale" [14.0 14.0 14.0]
  50. "string mapname" ["textures/RenoSuburb01_sm.exr"]
  51. AttributeEnd
  52. # ***** Lights *****
  53. # ***** End Lights *****
  54. #Main File
  55. Include "geometry/sanmiguel-mat.pbrt"
  56. Include "geometry/sanmiguel-geom.pbrt"
  57. #Trees
  58. Include "geometry/arbol-mat.pbrt"
  59. Include "geometry/troncoA-geom.pbrt"
  60. Include "geometry/troncoB-geom.pbrt"
  61. #Trees Leaves
  62. Include "geometry/hojas_a1-geom.pbrt" # tapa ventanas
  63. Include "geometry/hojas_a2-geom.pbrt"
  64. Include "geometry/hojas_a3-geom.pbrt"
  65. Include "geometry/hojas_a4-geom.pbrt"
  66. Include "geometry/hojas_a5-geom.pbrt" # es arriba no se ve en cam9
  67. Include "geometry/hojas_a6-geom.pbrt"
  68. Include "geometry/hojas_a7-geom.pbrt"
  69. Include "geometry/hojas_b2-geom.pbrt" # rama abajo atravezada
  70. Include "geometry/hojas_b3-geom.pbrt"
  71. Include "geometry/hojas_b4-geom.pbrt" # rama abajo atravezada
  72. #Wall Ivy
  73. Include "geometry/enredadera-mat.pbrt"
  74. Include "geometry/enredadera-geom.pbrt"
  75. #Pots
  76. Include "geometry/macetas-mat.pbrt"
  77. Include "geometry/macetas-geom.pbrt"
  78. #Plants
  79. Include "geometry/plantas-mat.pbrt"
  80. Include "geometry/plantas-geom.pbrt"
  81. #Tables Downstairs
  82. Include "geometry/mesas_abajo-mat.pbrt"
  83. Include "geometry/mesas_abajo-geom.pbrt"
  84. #Tables Upstairs
  85. Include "geometry/mesas_arriba-mat.pbrt"
  86. Include "geometry/mesas_arriba-geom.pbrt"
  87. #Table Downstairs open space
  88. Include "geometry/mesas_patio-mat.pbrt"
  89. Include "geometry/mesas_patio-geom.pbrt"
  90. #Silverware
  91. Include "geometry/platos-mat.pbrt"
  92. Include "geometry/platos-geom.pbrt"
  93. WorldEnd