Przeglądaj źródła

rand departure time

Florian 7 lat temu
1 zmienionych plików z 20 dodań i 5 usunięć
  1. 20 5

+ 20 - 5

@@ -2,22 +2,37 @@
 ''' Python generator for MATSim plans. '''
 import sys
+import time
 import numpy as np
 import lxml.etree as etree
+# constants
+MIN_DEPARTURE_TIME = 8 * 3600 # '08:00:00'
+MAX_DEPARTURE_TIME = 9 * 3600 # '09:00:00'
+WORK_DURATION = '04:00:00'
 def read_nodes(input_network):
     ''' returns all network nodes as a list '''
     tree = etree.parse(input_network)
     return [node for node in tree.xpath("/network/nodes/node")]
+def rand_time(low, high):
+    ''' returns a random time between low and high bounds (in seconds) '''
+    delta = np.random.randint(high - low);
+    return time.strftime('%H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(low + delta))
 def rand_person(nodes):
-    ''' returns a person as a dict of random home and work coordinates '''
+    ''' returns a person as a dictionnary of random parameters '''
     len_nodes = len(nodes)
+    # home coordinates
     home_node = nodes[np.random.randint(len_nodes)]
-    work_node = nodes[np.random.randint(len_nodes)]
     home_xy = (home_node.get('x'), home_node.get('y'))
+    # work coordinates
+    work_node = nodes[np.random.randint(len_nodes)]
     work_xy = (work_node.get('x'), work_node.get('y'))
-    return {'home': home_xy, 'work': work_xy}
+    # home departure time
+    home_departure = rand_time(MIN_DEPARTURE_TIME, MAX_DEPARTURE_TIME)
+    return {'home': home_xy, 'work': work_xy, 'home_departure': home_departure}
 def create_child(parent_node, child_name, child_attrs={}):
     ''' creates an xml child element and set its attributes '''
@@ -33,9 +48,9 @@ def make_plans(persons):
         person = create_child(plans, 'person', {'id': str(n+1)})
         plan = create_child(person, 'plan')
         # plan
-        create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'h', 'x': p['home'][0], 'y': p['home'][1], 'end_time': '09:00:00'})
+        create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'h', 'x': p['home'][0], 'y': p['home'][1], 'end_time': p['home_departure']})
         create_child(plan, 'leg', {'mode': 'car'})
-        create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'w', 'x': p['work'][0], 'y': p['work'][1], 'dur': '03:00:00'})
+        create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'w', 'x': p['work'][0], 'y': p['work'][1], 'dur': WORK_DURATION})
         create_child(plan, 'leg', {'mode': 'car'})
         create_child(plan, 'act', {'type': 'h', 'x': p['home'][0], 'y': p['home'][1]})
     return plans