Deep network
Layer::ActivationLayer< A > Class Template Reference

#include <activation.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Layer::ActivationLayer< A >:

Public Member Functions

 ActivationLayer (const size_t)
 ~ActivationLayer ()
Vector feed_forward (Vector x) override
void init_nabla () override
Vector back_propagation (Vector e) override
void update (Real eta) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Layer::Layer
 Layer (size_t n, size_t m)
 ~Layer ()
size_t get_input_size () const
size_t get_output_size () const
Vector get_output () const
virtual Vector feed_forward (Vector x)=0
virtual void init_nabla ()=0
virtual Vector back_propagation (Vector e)=0
virtual void update (Real eta)=0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from Layer::Layer
string name
size_t n
size_t m
Vector x
Vector y
Vector d

Detailed Description

template<ActivationMap A>
class Layer::ActivationLayer< A >

Class for activation layer. The Output vector is obtained by applying activation map to each entry of the input vector.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ActivationLayer()

template<ActivationMap A>
Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::ActivationLayer ( const  size_t)

◆ ~ActivationLayer()

template<ActivationMap A>
Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::~ActivationLayer ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ back_propagation()

template<ActivationMap A>
Vector Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::back_propagation ( Vector  e)

\(d[i]:=\alpha'(x[i])\times \e[i]\) where \(\alpha\) is the activation map and $e$ the difference output vector.

Implements Layer::Layer.

◆ feed_forward()

template<ActivationMap A>
Vector Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::feed_forward ( Vector  x)

\(y[i]:=\alpha(x[i])\) where \(\alpha\) is the activation map.

Implements Layer::Layer.

◆ init_nabla()

template<ActivationMap A>
void Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::init_nabla ( )


Implements Layer::Layer.

◆ update()

template<ActivationMap A>
void Layer::ActivationLayer< A >::update ( Real  eta)


Implements Layer::Layer.

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