
reprise du dépôt précédent

Julien Dehos 8 年之前
共有 92 個文件被更改,包括 8868 次插入0 次删除
  1. 105 0
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  49. 711 0
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+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+% red, green, blue, cyan , magenta, yellow, black, gray, darkgray, lightgray, brown, lime, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet and white.
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=1cm, text margin right=1cm} 
+\setfootline{\insertshortauthor \hfill \insertshorttitle \hfill \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber} 
+\AtBeginSection[] {
+  \begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection]
+    \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}
+  \end{frame}
+\author[A. Lewandowski, E. Ramat, J. Dehos]{Arnaud Lewandowski, Eric Ramat, Julien Dehos}
+\institute{Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}
+  \maketitle
+\begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+  \tableofcontents
+\section{Travail à réaliser}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+    \begin{block}{Travail à réaliser dans la semaine}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item rédiger un cahier des charges \textbf{validé par le "client"} 
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+      \begin{block}{Travail à réaliser \textbf{ce matin absolument}}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item pour chaque groupe des \textbf{thèmes 1 et 3}, envoyer un mail indiquant les nom/prénom/mail de chaque étudiant du groupe et le numéro du thème à \url{dehos@lisic.univ-littoral.fr}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+      \begin{block}{Travail à réaliser \textbf{là tout de suite maintenant}}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item répartition des étudiants dans les thèmes
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{center}
+  Fin du CM1
+  \end{center}

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	xelatex -shell-escape L3Info_Projets_CM1.tex
+	rm *.aux *.log *.out *.nav *.toc *.pyg *.snm *.vrb

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbcboxes}[2004/12/20 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Here we define two new environments, displaybox and onlinebox,
+% draw fancy boxes around text and equations.
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc4}
+% \useinnertheme{umbcboxes}
+% \setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=violet!15,fg=black}
+% ...
+% \begin{displaybox}{5cm}
+% \[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \]
+% \end{displaybox}
+% ...
+% This is an \begin{onlinebox}{24mm} online box.\end{onlinebox}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% The default box color.  The user is expected to override this.
+\setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=structure!15!normal text.bg,fg=black}
+% \newenvironment{displaybox}[1]{
+% \begin{columns}\begin{column}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{column}\end{columns}}
+% \newenvironment{onlinebox}[1]{
+% \newbox\@mybox
+% \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}%
+%   \centering\vspace{-2pt}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{minipage}\egroup%
+%   \hspace{0.0em}\raisebox{1pt}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{0.5em}}
+  \centerline\bgroup\hfill
+  \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\hfill\egroup
+  \newbox\@mybox
+  \newdimen\@myboxht
+  \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup%
+    \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \centering
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\egroup
+  \@myboxht\ht\@mybox
+  \raisebox{-0.25\@myboxht}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{2pt}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbctribullets}[2004/12/14 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Beamer inner theme
+% Set enumi, enumii, enumiii markers to triangles with shadows
+% Usage:
+%    \useinnertheme{umbctribullets}
+% The color of the triangles may be changed with the command:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{colori}{colorii}{coloriii}
+% For example:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{structure!60!bg}{structure!60!bg}{red}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% added 2007-05-05
+% Draws a right-pointing triangle in color #1.
+  \pgfmoveto{\pgfxy(0,-1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(0,1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(1,0)}
+  \pgfclosepath
+  \color{#1}
+  \pgffill}
+% Draws three overlapping triangles to achieve a shadow effect.
+% The non-shadow trangle is drawn in color #1.
+\newcommand{\umbc@tribullets}[1]{{       % two braces to localize \pgfsetxvec
+  \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{0.75ex}{0pt}}   % x-scale
+  \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.75ex}}   % y-scale
+  \begin{pgfpicture}{-0.1ex}{-0.6ex}{1.2ex}{-0.6ex}  % clipping
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(0.15,-.30)}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!20!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!75!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{#1}
+  \end{pgfpicture}}}
+% hook to let user change the tribullets colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoli{#1}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscolii{#2}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoliii{#3}
+% set default colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoli}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \small\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscolii}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{umbctribullets}{
+  \footnotesize\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoliii}}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeumbcfootline}[2004/11/27 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A Beamer outer theme to put footlines on slides
+% The user can override the default contents of the footline
+% through the command \setfootline{whatever}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% the default contents of footline
+  \insertshortauthor, \insertshortinstitute
+  \hfill
+  \insertshorttitle
+  \ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else, \insertshortsubtitle\fi
+  \hfill
+  \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}
+% color definition as in beamerouterthemeinfolines.sty
+\setbeamercolor{umbc@ftcolor}{parent=palette secondary}
+  \usebeamerfont{structure}
+  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex]{umbc@ftcolor}%
+    \Tiny\hspace*{4mm}\umbc@footline\hspace{4mm}
+  \end{beamercolorbox}}
+% The user can override the default \umbc@footline by \setfootline{whatever}
+% don't show navigation buttons
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemeumbc2}[2004/12/19 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A slightly modified version of the Classic theme (beamer 2.21) and
+% and the Singapore theme (beamer 3.01).
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc2}
+% ...
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% vertical shading for header
+\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg!25!bg}
+  {\usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}}
+  \pgfdeclareverticalshading{beamer@headfade}{\paperwidth}{%
+    color(0cm)=(bg); color(1.5cm)=(section in head/foot.bg) }
+  \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}
+\setbeamertemplate{items}[ball]   % 3-D balls for itemize/enumerate

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+\section{Cahier des charges}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Motivation}
+    \begin{itemize}
+        \item formalise la demande, décrit ce que le prestataire doit fournir au client à la fin du projet
+        \item "contrat" entre le client et le prestataire
+        \item doit être précis et exhaustif
+        \item et si possible clair et concis…
+        \item [$\rightarrow$] voir l'exemple sur la page web du module
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Contenu}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item fiche de renseignements
+    \item description du besoin
+    \item spécifications
+    \item annexes
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Fiche de renseignements}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item nom et objet du projet
+    \item noms du client et du prestataire
+    \item dates de début et de fin du projet
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Description du besoin}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : présenter la demande
+    \item contenu : contexte, besoins, priorités 
+    \item forme : texte 
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Spécifications}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : formaliser les livrables/fonctionnalités demandés
+    \item contenu : caractéristiques précises et exhaustives
+    \item forme : listes  
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Annexes}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item maquettes
+    \item formats de fichiers, protocoles de communication
+    \item diagrammes de cas d'utilisation
+    \item planning prévisionnel
+    \item …
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Motivation du module Projets}
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item réaliser un "vrai" logiciel est souvent complexe voire compliqué
+      \item il existe de nombreuses méthodologies et nombreux outils
+      \item mais pas de miracle
+      \item objectif du module : réaliser un logiciel pas complètement trivial en utilisant quelques méthodes et outils classiques
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Organisation du module}
+    \begin{itemize}
+            \item du 1\ier~au 19 juin 2015 à temps plein
+            \item présence \textbf{OBLIGATOIRE} : 9h-12h + 13h-16h (en salle de cours pour les CM, en salles machines le reste du temps)
+            \item à réaliser : cahier des charges, livrables, rapport, soutenance
+            \item informations : \url{www-lisic.univ-littoral.fr/~dehos}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Objectifs de la gestion de projet}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item faire aboutir le projet
+    \item respecter les fonctionnalités demandées, les délais, les coûts
+    \item prévoir les problèmes possibles, détecter les problèmes réels
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Étapes d'un projet}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item analyse du besoin, spécification
+    \item conception, développement, validation, documentation
+    \item livraison, déploiement, maintenance
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] déroulement unitaire ou itératif
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+\section{Premières étapes d'un projet informatique}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Analyse du besoin}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : 
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item savoir ce que veut exactement le client
+        \item voir si c'est faisable
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item outils :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item discussion
+        \item étude de l'existant
+        \item maquette, prototype…
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Spécification}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item définition \textbf{précise} du résultat attendu
+    \item "contrat" entre le client et le prestataire (cahier des charges)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Gestion des risques}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : prévoir les problèmes possibles et savoir les gérer
+    \item identifier les risques :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item type (complexité, incertitude)
+        \item domaine (cible, projet)
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item prévoir les risques :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item impact, probabilité d'apparition
+        \item prévention, correction 
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item suivre les risques : les détecter quand ils se produisent
+    \item [$\rightarrow$] choix d'une stratégie de développement :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item unitaire si le projet est simple et certain
+        \item itératif si complexe ou incertain
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Planification}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : prévoir le déroulement, le vérifier, adapter si besoin
+    \item organiser le projet : étapes, durées, dépendances, ressources (PERT)
+    \item planifier : affectation réelle des dates et ressources (Gantt)
+    \item suivre : comparer prévu/réel, détecter les problèmes, actions correctrices
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 105 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+% red, green, blue, cyan , magenta, yellow, black, gray, darkgray, lightgray, brown, lime, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet and white.
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=1cm, text margin right=1cm} 
+\setfootline{\insertshortauthor \hfill \insertshorttitle \hfill \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber} 
+\AtBeginSection[] {
+  \begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection]
+    \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}
+  \end{frame}
+\author[A. Lewandowski, E. Ramat, J. Dehos]{Arnaud Lewandowski, Eric Ramat, Julien Dehos}
+\institute{Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}
+  \maketitle
+\begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+  \tableofcontents
+\section{Travail à réaliser}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+    \begin{block}{Au début du projet }
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item faire une conception prévisionnelle du logiciel
+        \item faire un planning prévisionnel en utilisant redmine/github
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+    \begin{block}{Tout au long du projet }
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item utiliser svn/git pour réaliser le projet \\
+                (code, documentations, cahier des charges…)
+            \item utiliser redmine/github pour suivre le déroulement du projet
+            \item faire le point régulièrement pour mettre à jour la conception du logiciel et la répartition du travail
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{center}
+  Fin du CM2
+  \end{center}

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	xelatex -shell-escape L3Info_Projets_CM2.tex
+	rm *.aux *.log *.out *.nav *.toc *.pyg *.snm *.vrb

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbcboxes}[2004/12/20 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Here we define two new environments, displaybox and onlinebox,
+% draw fancy boxes around text and equations.
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc4}
+% \useinnertheme{umbcboxes}
+% \setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=violet!15,fg=black}
+% ...
+% \begin{displaybox}{5cm}
+% \[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \]
+% \end{displaybox}
+% ...
+% This is an \begin{onlinebox}{24mm} online box.\end{onlinebox}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% The default box color.  The user is expected to override this.
+\setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=structure!15!normal text.bg,fg=black}
+% \newenvironment{displaybox}[1]{
+% \begin{columns}\begin{column}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{column}\end{columns}}
+% \newenvironment{onlinebox}[1]{
+% \newbox\@mybox
+% \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}%
+%   \centering\vspace{-2pt}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{minipage}\egroup%
+%   \hspace{0.0em}\raisebox{1pt}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{0.5em}}
+  \centerline\bgroup\hfill
+  \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\hfill\egroup
+  \newbox\@mybox
+  \newdimen\@myboxht
+  \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup%
+    \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \centering
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\egroup
+  \@myboxht\ht\@mybox
+  \raisebox{-0.25\@myboxht}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{2pt}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbctribullets}[2004/12/14 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Beamer inner theme
+% Set enumi, enumii, enumiii markers to triangles with shadows
+% Usage:
+%    \useinnertheme{umbctribullets}
+% The color of the triangles may be changed with the command:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{colori}{colorii}{coloriii}
+% For example:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{structure!60!bg}{structure!60!bg}{red}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% added 2007-05-05
+% Draws a right-pointing triangle in color #1.
+  \pgfmoveto{\pgfxy(0,-1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(0,1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(1,0)}
+  \pgfclosepath
+  \color{#1}
+  \pgffill}
+% Draws three overlapping triangles to achieve a shadow effect.
+% The non-shadow trangle is drawn in color #1.
+\newcommand{\umbc@tribullets}[1]{{       % two braces to localize \pgfsetxvec
+  \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{0.75ex}{0pt}}   % x-scale
+  \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.75ex}}   % y-scale
+  \begin{pgfpicture}{-0.1ex}{-0.6ex}{1.2ex}{-0.6ex}  % clipping
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(0.15,-.30)}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!20!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!75!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{#1}
+  \end{pgfpicture}}}
+% hook to let user change the tribullets colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoli{#1}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscolii{#2}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoliii{#3}
+% set default colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoli}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \small\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscolii}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{umbctribullets}{
+  \footnotesize\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoliii}}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeumbcfootline}[2004/11/27 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A Beamer outer theme to put footlines on slides
+% The user can override the default contents of the footline
+% through the command \setfootline{whatever}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% the default contents of footline
+  \insertshortauthor, \insertshortinstitute
+  \hfill
+  \insertshorttitle
+  \ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else, \insertshortsubtitle\fi
+  \hfill
+  \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}
+% color definition as in beamerouterthemeinfolines.sty
+\setbeamercolor{umbc@ftcolor}{parent=palette secondary}
+  \usebeamerfont{structure}
+  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex]{umbc@ftcolor}%
+    \Tiny\hspace*{4mm}\umbc@footline\hspace{4mm}
+  \end{beamercolorbox}}
+% The user can override the default \umbc@footline by \setfootline{whatever}
+% don't show navigation buttons
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemeumbc2}[2004/12/19 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A slightly modified version of the Classic theme (beamer 2.21) and
+% and the Singapore theme (beamer 3.01).
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc2}
+% ...
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% vertical shading for header
+\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg!25!bg}
+  {\usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}}
+  \pgfdeclareverticalshading{beamer@headfade}{\paperwidth}{%
+    color(0cm)=(bg); color(1.5cm)=(section in head/foot.bg) }
+  \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}
+\setbeamertemplate{items}[ball]   % 3-D balls for itemize/enumerate


































+ 711 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+%% This is file `minted.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% minted.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% Copyright 2010--2011 Konrad Rudolph
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% Additionally, the project may be distributed under the terms of the new BSD
+%% license.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Konrad Rudolph.
+%% This work consists of the files minted.dtx and minted.ins
+%% and the derived file minted.sty.
+\ProvidesPackage{minted}[2013/12/21 v2.0-alpha3 ]
+  \minted@cachetrue
+  \AtEndOfPackage{\ProvideDirectory{\minted@outputdir\minted@cachedir}}%
+\StrSubstitute{\jobname}{ }{_}[\minted@jobname]
+  \@namedef{minted@cachedir}{#1}%
+  \StrSubstitute{\minted@cachedir}{/}{\@backslashchar}[\minted@cachedir@windows]}
+  \@namedef{minted@outputdir}{#1/}%
+  \StrSubstitute{\minted@outputdir}{/}%
+    {\@backslashchar}[\minted@outputdir@windows]}
+  \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\minted@cachefiles\expandafter{%
+    \minted@cachefiles,#1}%
+  \expandafter\gdef\csname minted@current@#1\endcsname{}%
+  \immediate\write\@mainaux{%
+    \string\gdef\string\minted@oldcachefiles\string{%
+      \minted@cachefiles\string}}%
+  \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@cache}}{%
+    \ifcsname minted@oldcachefiles\endcsname
+      \renewcommand{\do}[1]{%
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+          \ifcsname minted@current@##1\endcsname\else
+            \DeleteFile[\minted@outputdir\minted@cachedir]{##1.pygtex}%
+          \fi
+        }%
+      }%
+      \expandafter\docsvlist\expandafter{\minted@oldcachefiles}%
+    \else
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+  }{}%
+  {\AtEndDocument{%
+    \minted@savecachefiles
+    \minted@cleancache}}%
+  {}%
+  \providecommand{\DeleteFile}[2][]{%
+    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
+      {\IfFileExists{#2}{\immediate\write18{del "#2"}}{}}%
+      {\IfFileExists{#1/#2}{%
+        \StrSubstitute{#1}{/}{\@backslashchar}[\minted@windir]
+        \immediate\write18{del "\minted@windir\@backslashchar #2"}}{}}}
+  \providecommand{\DeleteFile}[2][]{%
+    \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
+      {\IfFileExists{#2}{\immediate\write18{rm "#2"}}{}}%
+      {\IfFileExists{#1/#2}{\immediate\write18{rm "#1/#2"}}{}}}
+  \newcommand{\ProvideDirectory}[1]{%
+    \StrSubstitute{#1}{/}{\@backslashchar}[\minted@windir]
+    \immediate\write18{if not exist "\minted@windir" mkdir "\minted@windir"}}
+  \newcommand{\ProvideDirectory}[1]{%
+    \immediate\write18{mkdir -p "#1"}}
+  \ifwindows
+    \DeleteFile{\jobname.aex}
+    \immediate\write18{for \string^\@percentchar i in (#1.exe #1.bat #1.cmd)
+      do set >\jobname.aex <nul: /p
+      x=\string^\@percentchar \string~$PATH:i>>\jobname.aex}
+    %$ <- balance syntax highlighting
+    \immediate\openin\minted@appexistsfile\jobname.aex
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\@tmp@cr\expandafter{\the\endlinechar}
+    \endlinechar=-1\relax
+    \readline\minted@appexistsfile to \minted@apppathifexists
+    \endlinechar=\@tmp@cr
+    \ifthenelse{\equal{\minted@apppathifexists}{}}
+     {\AppExistsfalse}
+     {\AppExiststrue}
+    \immediate\closein\minted@appexistsfile
+    \DeleteFile{\jobname.aex}
+    \immediate\typeout{file deleted}
+  \else
+    \immediate\write18{which #1 && touch \jobname.aex}
+    \IfFileExists{\jobname.aex}
+      {\AppExiststrue
+        \DeleteFile{\jobname.aex}}
+      {\AppExistsfalse}
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname{}%
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname{}%
+  \fi
+  \@namedef{minted@optcmd@extra}{}%
+  \let\minted@optcmd@autogobble\relax}
+  \expandafter\detokenize%
+  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname minted@optg@#1\endcsname}}
+  \expandafter\detokenize\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+    \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @#1\endcsname}}
+  \expandafter\detokenize%
+  \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname minted@optcmd@#1\endcsname}}
+  \ifcsname minted@optg@#1@reg\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optg@#1@reg\endcsname\@empty
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optg\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optg\space\minted@getoptg{#1}}%
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @#1@reg\endcsname\else
+    \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname\else
+      \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname{}%
+    \fi
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @#1@reg\endcsname\@empty
+    \expandafter\let\expandafter\minted@optlang%
+      \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname
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+      \minted@optlang\space\minted@getoptlang{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname\minted@optlang
+    \let\minted@optlang\@empty
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optcmd@#1@reg\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optcmd@#1@reg\endcsname\@empty
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+      \minted@optcmd\space\minted@getoptcmd{#1}}%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@resetoptcmd\expandafter{%
+        \minted@resetoptcmd
+        \@namedef{minted@optcmd@#1}{}}
+  \fi
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}%
+    {\define@key{minted@optg}{#2}{\@namedef{minted@optg@#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optg@#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptg{#2}}%
+      \define@key{minted@optlang}{#2}{%
+        \@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptlang{#2}}%
+      \define@key{minted@optcmd}{#2}{\@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptcmd{#2}}}%
+    {\define@key{minted@optg}{#2}[#1]{\@namedef{minted@optg@#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optg@#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptg{#2}}%
+      \define@key{minted@optlang}{#2}[#1]{%
+        \@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptlang{#2}}%
+      \define@key{minted@optcmd}{#2}[#1]{\@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2}{#3=#4}%
+        \@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2@val}{#4}%
+        \minted@regoptcmd{#2}}}%
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+    \@namedef{minted@optg@style}{-P style=##1 -P commandprefix=PYG##1}%
+    \minted@regoptg{style}\minted@regstyle{##1}}%
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+    \@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @style}%
+      {-P style=##1 -P commandprefix=PYG##1}%
+    \minted@regoptlang{style}\minted@regstyle{##1}}%
+  \define@key{minted@optcmd}{style}{%
+    \@namedef{minted@optcmd@style}{-P style=##1 -P commandprefix=PYG##1}%
+    \minted@regoptcmd{style}\minted@regstyle{##1}}%
+  \ifcsname minted@stylereg@#1\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\global\expandafter%
+      \let\csname minted@stylereg@#1\endcsname\@empty
+    \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@cache}}%
+      {\IfFileExists{\minted@outputdir\minted@cachedir/#1.pygstyle}{}{%
+        \ifwindows
+          \immediate\write18{\MintedPygmentize\space -S #1 -f latex
+            -P commandprefix=PYG#1
+            > "\minted@outputdir@windows\minted@cachedir@windows\@backslashchar#1.pygstyle"}%
+        \else
+          \immediate\write18{\MintedPygmentize\space -S #1 -f latex
+            -P commandprefix=PYG#1
+            > "\minted@outputdir\minted@cachedir/#1.pygstyle"}%
+        \fi
+        }%
+        \begingroup
+        \let\def\gdef
+        \endlinechar=-1\relax
+        \input{\minted@outputdir\minted@cachedir/#1.pygstyle}%
+        \endgroup}%
+      {\ifwindows
+          \immediate\write18{\MintedPygmentize\space -S #1 -f latex
+            -P commandprefix=PYG#1 > "\minted@outputdir@windows\jobname.out.pyg"}%
+        \else
+          \immediate\write18{\MintedPygmentize\space -S #1 -f latex
+            -P commandprefix=PYG#1 > "\minted@outputdir\jobname.out.pyg"}%
+        \fi
+        \begingroup
+        \let\def\gdef
+        \endlinechar=-1\relax
+        \input{\minted@outputdir\jobname.out.pyg}%
+        \endgroup}%
+  \fi
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optg}{#2}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optg@#2}{#3}\minted@regoptg{#2}}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optg@#2}{#1}\minted@regoptg{#2}}
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optlang}{#2}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2}{#3}\minted@regoptlang{#2}}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optlang\minted@lang @#2}{#1}\minted@regoptlang{#2}}
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optcmd}{#2}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2}{#3}\minted@regoptcmd{#2}}
+    {\@namedef{minted@optcmd@#2}{#1}\minted@regoptcmd{#2}}
+  \define@key{minted@optg}{#1}{%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optg@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optg@extra,#1=##1}}
+  \@namedef{minted@optg@extra}{}
+  \define@key{minted@optlang}{#1}{%
+    \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname\else
+      \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname{}%
+    \fi
+    \expandafter\let\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra%
+      \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra \endcsname
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optlang@extra,#1=##1}%
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname%
+      \minted@optlang@extra
+    \let\minted@optlang@extra\@empty}%
+  \@namedef{minted@optlang@extra}{}
+  \define@key{minted@optcmd}{#1}{%
+    \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optcmd@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optcmd@extra,#1=##1}}
+  \@namedef{minted@optcmd@extra}{}
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optg}{#1}
+    {\expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optg@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optg@extra,#1}}
+    {\expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optg@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optg@extra,#1=false}}
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optlang}{#1}
+    {%
+      \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname\else
+        \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname{}%
+      \fi
+      \expandafter\let\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra%
+        \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra\expandafter{%
+        \minted@optlang@extra,#1}%
+      \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname%
+        \minted@optlang@extra
+      \let\minted@optlang@extra\@empty}
+    {%
+      \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname\else
+        \expandafter\def\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname{}%
+      \fi
+      \expandafter\let\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra%
+        \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname
+      \expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optlang@extra\expandafter{%
+        \minted@optlang@extra,#1=false}%
+      \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @extra\endcsname%
+        \minted@optlang@extra
+      \let\minted@optlang@extra\@empty}
+  \define@booleankey{minted@optcmd}{#1}
+    {\expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optcmd@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optcmd@extra,#1}}
+    {\expandafter\def\expandafter\minted@optcmd@extra\expandafter{%
+      \minted@optcmd@extra,#1=false}}
+\minted@define@opt{encoding}{-P encoding}{#1}
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+\minted@define@switch[-P funcnamehighlighting=False]%
+  {funcnamehighlighting}{-P funcnamehighlighting}
+\minted@define@switch{startinline}{-P startinline}
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+  \ifcsname minted@optcmd@encoding@val\endcsname
+    \csname minted@optcmd@encoding@val\endcsname
+  \else
+    \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @encoding@val\endcsname
+      \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @encoding@val\endcsname
+    \else
+      \ifcsname minted@optg@encoding@val\endcsname
+        \csname minted@optg@encoding@val\endcsname
+      \else
+        UTF8%
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optg@autogobble\endcsname\@empty}
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optg@autogobble\endcsname\relax}
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @autogobble\endcsname\@empty}
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @autogobble\endcsname\relax}
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optcmd@autogobble\endcsname\@empty}
+    {\expandafter\let\csname minted@optcmd@autogobble\endcsname\relax}
+  \ifcsname minted@optg@autogobble\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optg@autogobble\endcsname\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optlang\minted@lang @autogobble\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @autogobble\endcsname\relax
+  \fi
+  \ifcsname minted@optcmd@autogobble\endcsname\else
+    \expandafter\let\csname minted@optcmd@autogobble\endcsname\relax
+  \fi
+  \expandafter\ifx\csname minted@optcmd@autogobble\endcsname\@empty
+    \setboolean{minted@autogobble}{true}%
+  \else
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname minted@optlang\minted@lang @autogobble\endcsname\@empty
+      \setboolean{minted@autogobble}{true}%
+    \else
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname minted@optg@autogobble\endcsname\@empty
+        \setboolean{minted@autogobble}{true}%
+      \else
+        \setboolean{minted@autogobble}{false}%
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+    %\setlength{\fboxsep}{-\fboxrule}
+    \def\minted@bgcol{#1}
+    \noindent
+    \begin{lrbox}{\minted@bgbox}
+    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth-2\fboxsep}}
+ {\end{minipage}
+    \end{lrbox}%
+    \colorbox{\minted@bgcol}{\usebox{\minted@bgbox}}}
+  \immediate\openout\minted@code\jobname.pyg\relax
+  \immediate\write\minted@code{\expandafter\detokenize\expandafter{#1}}%
+  \immediate\closeout\minted@code}
+  \immediate\write\FV@OutFile{\detokenize{#1}}}
+  \@bsphack
+  \begingroup
+    \FV@UseKeyValues
+    \FV@DefineWhiteSpace
+    \def\FV@Space{\space}%
+    \FV@DefineTabOut
+    \let\FV@ProcessLine\minted@write@detok
+    \immediate\openout\FV@OutFile #1\relax
+    \let\FV@FontScanPrep\relax
+    \let\@noligs\relax
+    \FV@Scan}
+  \minted@checklang
+  \minted@set@autogobble
+  \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@autogobble}}%
+    {\def\minted@codefile{\jobname.pyg}}%
+    {\def\minted@codefile{#1}}%
+  \def\minted@cmd{\MintedPygmentize\space -l #2
+    -f latex -F tokenmerge
+    \minted@optg \space \csname minted@optlang\minted@lang\endcsname
+    \space \minted@optcmd \space -P "verboptions=\minted@getoptg{extra}%
+      \minted@getoptlang{extra}\minted@getoptcmd{extra}"
+    -o "\minted@outputdir\minted@infile" \space
+    "\minted@outputdir\minted@codefile"}%
+  % For debugging, uncomment:
+  % \immediate\typeout{\minted@cmd}%
+  \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@cache}}%
+    {%
+      \expandafter\ifx\csname XeTeXinterchartoks\endcsname\relax
+        \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@autogobble}}%
+          {\edef\minted@hash{\pdf@filemdfivesum{#1}%
+            \pdf@mdfivesum{\minted@cmd autogobble}}}%
+          {\edef\minted@hash{\pdf@filemdfivesum{#1}%
+            \pdf@mdfivesum{\minted@cmd}}}%
+      \else
+        \immediate\openout\minted@code\jobname.mintedcmd\relax
+        \immediate\write\minted@code{\minted@cmd}%
+        \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@autogobble}}%
+          {\immediate\write\minted@code{autogobble}}{}%
+        \immediate\closeout\minted@code
+        %Cheating a little here by using ASCII codes to write `{` and `}`
+        %in the Python code
+        \def\minted@hashcmd{%
+          \detokenize{python -c "import hashlib;
+            hasher = hashlib.sha1();
+            f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir\jobname.mintedcmd\detokenize{\', \'rb\');
+            hasher.update(f.read());
+            f.close();
+            f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir#1\detokenize{\', \'rb\');
+            hasher.update(f.read());
+            f.close();
+            f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir\jobname.mintedmd5\detokenize{\', \'w\');
+            macro = \'\\edef\\minted@hash\' + chr(123) + hasher.hexdigest() + chr(125) + \'\';
+            f.write(\'\\makeatletter\' + macro + \'\\makeatother\n\');
+            f.close();"}}%
+        \immediate\write18{\minted@hashcmd}
+        \input{\minted@outputdir\jobname.mintedmd5}%
+      \fi
+      \ifwindows
+        \edef\minted@infile{%
+          \minted@cachedir@windows\@backslashchar\minted@hash.pygtex}%
+      \else
+        \edef\minted@infile{%
+          \minted@cachedir/\minted@hash.pygtex}%
+      \fi
+      \IfFileExists{\minted@cachedir/\minted@hash.pygtex}{}{%
+        \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@autogobble}}{%
+          %Need a version of open() that supports encoding under Python 2
+          \edef\minted@autogobblecmd{%
+            \detokenize{python -c "import sys;
+            import textwrap;
+            from io import open;
+            f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir#1\detokenize{\', \'r\', encoding=\'}\minted@encoding\detokenize{\');
+            t = f.read();
+            f.close();
+            f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir\jobname.pyg\detokenize{\', \'w\', encoding=\'}\minted@encoding\detokenize{\');
+            f.write(textwrap.dedent(t));
+            f.close();"}%
+          }%
+          \immediate\write18{\minted@autogobblecmd}}{}%
+        \immediate\write18{\minted@cmd}}%
+      \expandafter\minted@addcachefile\expandafter{\minted@hash}%
+      \minted@inputpyg}%
+    {%
+      \ifthenelse{\boolean{minted@autogobble}}{%
+        %Need a version of open() that supports encoding under Python 2
+        \edef\minted@autogobblecmd{%
+          \detokenize{python -c "import sys;
+          import textwrap;
+          from io import open;
+          f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir#1\detokenize{\', \'r\', encoding=\'}\minted@encoding\detokenize{\');
+          t = f.read();
+          f.close();
+          f = open(\'}\minted@outputdir\jobname.pyg\detokenize{\', \'w\', encoding=\'}\minted@encoding\detokenize{\');
+          f.write(textwrap.dedent(t));
+          f.close();"}%
+        }%
+        \immediate\write18{\minted@autogobblecmd}}{}%
+      \immediate\write18{\minted@cmd}%
+      \minted@inputpyg}%
+  \ifthenelse{\equal{\minted@optcmd@bgcolor}{}}%
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+ 48 - 0

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+\section{Conception d'un logiciel}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Quoi-qu'est-ce ?}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item "plan du code" (diagrammes de classes…) 
+            \item au début du projet, permet de prévoir le code à écrire
+            \item pendant le projet, permet de suivre l'avancée du projet
+            \item à la fin du projet, permet de documenter le code (maintenance)\\
+            $\rightarrow$ doit correspondre aux fonctionnalités prévues et au code réel
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{En pratique}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item représentation graphique + explications 
+            \item si possible, utiliser un formalisme classique (UML)
+            \item utiliser plusieurs niveaux d'abstraction (vue d'ensemble, vues détaillées)
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Étape de conception}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item étape \textbf{très importante}, à faire avant le développement
+            \item évite "d'avoir à tout casser" au cours du développement
+            \item permet de répartir le travail et de planifier plus finement
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Quelques conseils}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item faire simple, logique, classique (MVC, design patterns…)
+            \item granularité : ne pas trop détailler sauf si important/incertain/complexe
+            \item vérifier \textbf{a priori} que la conception permet d'implémenter les fonctionnalités prévues dans le cahier des charges
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 

+ 150 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+\section{Développement d'un logiciel}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Méthode pour écrire du code}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item comprendre le travail à faire (fonctionnalité/classe à implémenter)
+    \item découper en étapes et les ordonner
+    \item implémenter (coder, compiler, tester) étape par étape
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Conseils sur le développement en équipe}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item faire le point régulièrement : travail fait, travail à faire
+    \item répartir le travail de façon à éviter les conflits (fichiers différents)
+    \item commits réguliers, branches si nécessaire
+    \item faire attention à respecter le cahier des charges et la conception
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Programmation en binômes}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item principe : 
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item un secrétaire + un relecteur \textbf{sur une même machine}
+    \item les deux participent activement
+    \item changer les rôles fréquemment
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item intérêts :
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item moins d'erreurs
+    \item réflexions complémentaires
+    \item motivation, convivialité (ou pas, mais bon…)
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] à utiliser quand le travail n'est pas complètement trivial 
+    \\(donc tout le temps pour les projets L3)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Tests unitaires}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item souvent : test "avec un printf" $\rightarrow$ pas bien
+    \item principe des tests unitaires :
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item écrire des petites fonctions de test en même temps que le code
+    \item compiler toutes les fonctions de test dans un programme de test
+    \item exécuter le programme de test
+    \item vérification et non-régression automatiques
+    \item attention : détection d'erreurs $\neq$ preuve
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] à utiliser pour les modules de base (traitement de données) voire plus
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Programmation par pseudo-code}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item principe :
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item commencer par écrire le pseudo-code de l'algo en commentaire
+    \item traduire chaque ligne de pseudo-code en code réel
+    \item laisser le pseudo-code en commentaire
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item intérêt :
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item code plus facile à écrire
+    \item code plus facile à relire 
+    \end{itemize}
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] très utile quand le code à écrire n'est pas trivial 
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Gestion d'erreurs}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item assertions
+    \item logs
+    \item codes de retour, variables d'état
+    \item exceptions
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] problème difficile
+    \item[$\rightarrow$] se mettre d'accord sur la façon de faire au début du projet
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Conventions de code}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item formatage du code, nommage des variables…
+    \item conventions à définir et à respecter au niveau du projet
+    \item permet d'avoir un code plus facile à lire
+    \item utiliser des conventions classiques ou les expliciter dans la documentation
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Exemple de conventions de code C++}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item notation dromadaire
+    \item un nom de classe commence par une majuscule : \\ 
+    \mintinline{c++}{class Event ... }
+    \item préfixe \mintinline{c++}{_} pour les attributs : \\ 
+    \mintinline{c++}{std::string _summary;}
+    \item préfixe \mintinline{c++}{ptr} pour les pointeurs : \\
+    \mintinline{c++}{icalcomponent * _ptrIcal;}
+    \item un nom de fonction commence par un verbe : \\ 
+    \mintinline{c++}{void updateDataFromIcal();} \\
+    \mintinline{c++}{icalcomponent * getPtrIcal() const;}
+    \item maximum 80 caractères par ligne
+    \item …
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Quelques outils de développement à décider}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item langages, bibliothèques…
+    \item outils de compilation, test, déploiement
+    \item outils de gestion de code source (svn, git…)
+    \item outils de gestion de projets (redmine, trac, github, sourceforge…)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 271 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+\section{Outils de gestion de code source (git)}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item système de gestion de code source
+    \item journalisation
+    \item travail collaboratif
+    \item serveur dédié au module projets L3 : \url{<projet>}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : principe}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item système centralisé
+    \item dépôt sur un serveur
+    \item modifications via des copies locales
+    \end{itemize}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm,frame]{images/SVN_Server_Client_Structure.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : quelques notions}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item \textbf{dépôt (repository) :} données et méta-données
+      du projet, sur le serveur
+    \item \textbf{révision (revision) :} numéro de modification du dépôt
+    \item \textbf{copie de travail (working copy) :} copie locale du
+      projet, sur laquelle un intervenant peut travailler
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : quelques opérations}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item \textbf{créer (create) :} créé un dépôt (fait par
+      l'administrateur)
+    \item \textbf{récupérer (checkout) :} récupère les données du
+      projet dans une copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{mettre à jour (update) :} met à jour la copie de travail en
+      récupérant la dernière révision du dépôt
+    \item \textbf{publier (commit) :} envoie, dans le dépôt, les modifications
+      réalisées sur la copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{ajouter (add) :} demande d’ajouter, dans le dépôt,
+      un fichier/répertoire de la copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{supprimer (delete) :} demande de supprimer un
+      fichier/répertoire
+    \item \textbf{résoudre (resolve) :} résout un conflit sur la copie
+      de travail
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : résumé de l'utilisation d'un dépôt SVN}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item pour récupérer le dépôt : checkout
+    \item pour mettre à jour le dépôt :
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item modifier la copie locale, add, delete\dots
+      \item update
+      \item resolve (si besoin)
+      \item commit
+      \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : bonnes pratiques}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item supprimer les fichiers en utilisant la commande svn delete
+    \item ne pas mettre, sur le dépôt, des fichiers générés
+      automatiquement
+    \item avant de publier une modification, vérifier que le code reste
+      valide
+    \item éviter les conflits potentiels en organisant le travail de telle
+      sorte que les intervenants aient à travailler sur des fichiers
+      différents
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : configuration du client svn avec proxy}
+    ~\\
+    \begin{minted}[frame=single,label={\~~/.subversion/servers}]{bash}
+  http-proxy-host=...
+  http-proxy-port=...
+  http-proxy-username=...
+  http-proxy-password=...
+    \end{minted}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        créer un nouveau projet de type svn \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)}  
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co2.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        spécifier le dépot à récupérer \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=6cm]{images/svn_co3.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co4.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        demander de créer un projet eclipse correspondant \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/svn_co5.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co6.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        résultat \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_co7.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : commit (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        \texttt{Team > Commit} \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_ci1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : commit (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        résultat \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_ci2.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : scénario type d'un conflit}
+    \begin{multicols}{2}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \scriptsize
+    \item initialement tout le monde est à jour :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Ginette et Roger modifient un même fichier :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r2'};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2'};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Ginette fait un update puis un commit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2'};
+        \draw [<->,>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Roger fait un update, il y a un conflit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2*};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [<-,>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Roger doit modifier le fichier puis resolve puis commit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r6};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r4};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [->,>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \end{enumerate}
+    \end{multicols}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : détection d'un conflit}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item après un update
+    \item création de 4 fichiers :
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item fichier avec les modifs locales ("\texttt{readme.txt.mine}")
+      \item fichier avec les modifs du dépôt ("\texttt{readme.txt.r3}")
+      \item fichier à la précédente révision ("\texttt{readme.txt.r2}")
+      \item fichier de résolution ("\texttt{readme.txt}")
+      \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : résolution d'un conflit}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item éditer le fichier (\texttt{Team > Resolve conflicts}) \\
+                \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit2.png}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : résolution d'un conflit}
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item resolve (\texttt{Team > Mark as merged}) \\
+      \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit3.png}
+    \item update, commit
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+\section{Outils de gestion de projets (redmine)}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine}
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item application de gestion de projets :
+	\begin{itemize}
+	  \item planification de tâches
+	  \item bug-tracking
+	  \item wiki
+	  \item forum de discussion\dots
+	\end{itemize}
+      \item serveur dédié au module projets L3 : \url{}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine : connexion au serveur}
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item ouvrez un navigateur
+      \item allez sur le serveur : \url{}
+      \item connectez-vous avec les identifiants envoyés par mail
+    \end{itemize}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm,frame]{images/redmine_0.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine : sélection du projet}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm,frame]{images/redmine_1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine : accueil du projet}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm,frame]{images/redmine_2.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine : outils "Demandes"}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm,frame]{images/redmine_3.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Redmine : outils "Gantt"}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm,frame]{images/redmine_4.png}
+  \end{block} 

+ 271 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+\section{Outils de gestion de code source (svn)}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item système de gestion de code source
+    \item journalisation
+    \item travail collaboratif
+    \item serveur dédié au module projets L3 : \url{<projet>}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : principe}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item système centralisé
+    \item dépôt sur un serveur
+    \item modifications via des copies locales
+    \end{itemize}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm,frame]{images/SVN_Server_Client_Structure.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : quelques notions}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item \textbf{dépôt (repository) :} données et méta-données
+      du projet, sur le serveur
+    \item \textbf{révision (revision) :} numéro de modification du dépôt
+    \item \textbf{copie de travail (working copy) :} copie locale du
+      projet, sur laquelle un intervenant peut travailler
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : quelques opérations}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item \textbf{créer (create) :} créé un dépôt (fait par
+      l'administrateur)
+    \item \textbf{récupérer (checkout) :} récupère les données du
+      projet dans une copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{mettre à jour (update) :} met à jour la copie de travail en
+      récupérant la dernière révision du dépôt
+    \item \textbf{publier (commit) :} envoie, dans le dépôt, les modifications
+      réalisées sur la copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{ajouter (add) :} demande d’ajouter, dans le dépôt,
+      un fichier/répertoire de la copie de travail
+    \item \textbf{supprimer (delete) :} demande de supprimer un
+      fichier/répertoire
+    \item \textbf{résoudre (resolve) :} résout un conflit sur la copie
+      de travail
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : résumé de l'utilisation d'un dépôt SVN}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item pour récupérer le dépôt : checkout
+    \item pour mettre à jour le dépôt :
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item modifier la copie locale, add, delete\dots
+      \item update
+      \item resolve (si besoin)
+      \item commit
+      \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : bonnes pratiques}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item supprimer les fichiers en utilisant la commande svn delete
+    \item ne pas mettre, sur le dépôt, des fichiers générés
+      automatiquement
+    \item avant de publier une modification, vérifier que le code reste
+      valide
+    \item éviter les conflits potentiels en organisant le travail de telle
+      sorte que les intervenants aient à travailler sur des fichiers
+      différents
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : configuration du client svn avec proxy}
+    ~\\
+    \begin{minted}[frame=single,label={\~~/.subversion/servers}]{bash}
+  http-proxy-host=...
+  http-proxy-port=...
+  http-proxy-username=...
+  http-proxy-password=...
+    \end{minted}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        créer un nouveau projet de type svn \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)}  
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co2.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        spécifier le dépot à récupérer \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=6cm]{images/svn_co3.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co4.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        demander de créer un projet eclipse correspondant \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/svn_co5.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        ~\\ ... \\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_co6.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : checkout (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        résultat \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_co7.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : commit (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        \texttt{Team > Commit} \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=7cm]{images/svn_ci1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : commit (avec eclipse+subversive)} 
+        résultat \\~\\
+        \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_ci2.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}[fragile]{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : scénario type d'un conflit}
+    \begin{multicols}{2}
+    \begin{enumerate}
+      \scriptsize
+    \item initialement tout le monde est à jour :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Ginette et Roger modifient un même fichier :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r2};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r2'};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2''};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Ginette fait un update puis un commit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2''};
+        \draw [<->,>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Roger fait un update, il y a un conflit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r2*};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [<-,>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \item Roger doit modifier le fichier puis resolve puis commit :\\
+      \begin{tikzpicture}[thick,font=\scriptsize,align=center]
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (D) at (0, 1) {dépôt r4};
+        \node [draw,fill=white, rounded corners=1mm] (C1) at (-1.2, 0) {copie Ginette r3};
+        \node [draw,fill=red!30, rounded corners=1mm] (C2) at (1.2, 0) {copie Roger r4};
+        \draw [>=latex, thick] (C1) to (D) {};
+        \draw [->,>=latex, thick] (C2) to (D) {};
+      \end{tikzpicture}%
+    \end{enumerate}
+    \end{multicols}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : détection d'un conflit}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item après un update
+    \item création de 4 fichiers :
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item fichier avec les modifs locales ("\texttt{readme.txt.mine}")
+      \item fichier avec les modifs du dépôt ("\texttt{readme.txt.r3}")
+      \item fichier à la précédente révision ("\texttt{readme.txt.r2}")
+      \item fichier de résolution ("\texttt{readme.txt}")
+      \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+    \centering
+    \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit1.png}
+  \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Subversion : résolution d'un conflit}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item éditer le fichier (\texttt{Team > Resolve conflicts}) \\
+                \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit2.png}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Subversion : résolution d'un conflit}
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item resolve (\texttt{Team > Mark as merged}) \\
+      \includegraphics[width=10cm]{images/svn_conflit3.png}
+    \item update, commit
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block} 

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+% red, green, blue, cyan , magenta, yellow, black, gray, darkgray, lightgray, brown, lime, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet and white.
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=1cm, text margin right=1cm} 
+\setfootline{\insertshortauthor \hfill \insertshorttitle \hfill \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber} 
+\AtBeginSection[] {
+  \begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection]
+    \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}
+  \end{frame}
+\author[A. Lewandowski, E. Ramat, J. Dehos]{Arnaud Lewandowski, Eric Ramat, Julien Dehos}
+\institute{Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}
+  \maketitle
+\begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+  \tableofcontents
+\section{Travail à réaliser}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{center}
+    \begin{block}{À la fin du projet }
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item livrer le projet (release propre et complète)
+            \item rendre un rapport
+            \item faire une soutenance
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block} 
+  \end{center}

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	xelatex -shell-escape L3Info_Projets_CM3.tex
+	rm *.aux *.log *.out *.nav *.toc *.pyg *.snm *.vrb

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbcboxes}[2004/12/20 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Here we define two new environments, displaybox and onlinebox,
+% draw fancy boxes around text and equations.
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc4}
+% \useinnertheme{umbcboxes}
+% \setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=violet!15,fg=black}
+% ...
+% \begin{displaybox}{5cm}
+% \[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \]
+% \end{displaybox}
+% ...
+% This is an \begin{onlinebox}{24mm} online box.\end{onlinebox}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% The default box color.  The user is expected to override this.
+\setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=structure!15!normal text.bg,fg=black}
+% \newenvironment{displaybox}[1]{
+% \begin{columns}\begin{column}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{column}\end{columns}}
+% \newenvironment{onlinebox}[1]{
+% \newbox\@mybox
+% \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}%
+%   \centering\vspace{-2pt}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{minipage}\egroup%
+%   \hspace{0.0em}\raisebox{1pt}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{0.5em}}
+  \centerline\bgroup\hfill
+  \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\hfill\egroup
+  \newbox\@mybox
+  \newdimen\@myboxht
+  \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup%
+    \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \centering
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\egroup
+  \@myboxht\ht\@mybox
+  \raisebox{-0.25\@myboxht}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{2pt}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbctribullets}[2004/12/14 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Beamer inner theme
+% Set enumi, enumii, enumiii markers to triangles with shadows
+% Usage:
+%    \useinnertheme{umbctribullets}
+% The color of the triangles may be changed with the command:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{colori}{colorii}{coloriii}
+% For example:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{structure!60!bg}{structure!60!bg}{red}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% added 2007-05-05
+% Draws a right-pointing triangle in color #1.
+  \pgfmoveto{\pgfxy(0,-1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(0,1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(1,0)}
+  \pgfclosepath
+  \color{#1}
+  \pgffill}
+% Draws three overlapping triangles to achieve a shadow effect.
+% The non-shadow trangle is drawn in color #1.
+\newcommand{\umbc@tribullets}[1]{{       % two braces to localize \pgfsetxvec
+  \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{0.75ex}{0pt}}   % x-scale
+  \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.75ex}}   % y-scale
+  \begin{pgfpicture}{-0.1ex}{-0.6ex}{1.2ex}{-0.6ex}  % clipping
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(0.15,-.30)}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!20!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!75!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{#1}
+  \end{pgfpicture}}}
+% hook to let user change the tribullets colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoli{#1}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscolii{#2}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoliii{#3}
+% set default colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoli}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \small\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscolii}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{umbctribullets}{
+  \footnotesize\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoliii}}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeumbcfootline}[2004/11/27 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A Beamer outer theme to put footlines on slides
+% The user can override the default contents of the footline
+% through the command \setfootline{whatever}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% the default contents of footline
+  \insertshortauthor, \insertshortinstitute
+  \hfill
+  \insertshorttitle
+  \ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else, \insertshortsubtitle\fi
+  \hfill
+  \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}
+% color definition as in beamerouterthemeinfolines.sty
+\setbeamercolor{umbc@ftcolor}{parent=palette secondary}
+  \usebeamerfont{structure}
+  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex]{umbc@ftcolor}%
+    \Tiny\hspace*{4mm}\umbc@footline\hspace{4mm}
+  \end{beamercolorbox}}
+% The user can override the default \umbc@footline by \setfootline{whatever}
+% don't show navigation buttons
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemeumbc2}[2004/12/19 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A slightly modified version of the Classic theme (beamer 2.21) and
+% and the Singapore theme (beamer 3.01).
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc2}
+% ...
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% vertical shading for header
+\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg!25!bg}
+  {\usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}}
+  \pgfdeclareverticalshading{beamer@headfade}{\paperwidth}{%
+    color(0cm)=(bg); color(1.5cm)=(section in head/foot.bg) }
+  \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}
+\setbeamertemplate{items}[ball]   % 3-D balls for itemize/enumerate

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+\section{Dernières étapes d'un projet informatique}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Problématique}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item le projet ne termine pas à l'écriture de la dernière ligne de code
+    \item il reste encore à effectuer/terminer d'autres étapes avant de livrer le projet
+    \item conseil : mieux vaut un logiciel partiel bien validé/livré qu'un logiciel complet mal validé/livré
+    \item d'où l'importance de planifier/suivre le projet pour voir si on peut finir dans les délais ou s'il faut sacrifier des spécifications
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Étape de validation}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : vérifier que le logiciel répond aux spécifications
+    \item comment ? $\rightarrow$ tests unitaires, cas d'utilisation, \ldots
+    \item évidemment on valide régulièrement au cours du projet mais il faut tout revérifier sur le logiciel final
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+    \begin{block}{Documentation}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item objectif : expliquer comment utiliser le logiciel et comment maintenir le code source
+            \item types de doc :
+                \begin{itemize}
+                    \item commentaires de code
+                    \item manuel d'installation
+                    \item manuel d'utilisation
+                    \item documentation de maintenance
+                \end{itemize}
+            \item certaines documentations sont faites pendant le développement mais d'autres nécessitent d'avoir le logiciel à peu près fini
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Release}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item quoi-qu'est-ce : le logiciel final avec tout ce qu'il faut pour pouvoir l'utiliser
+    \item forme : une archive tar gz (par exemple) ou un tag de version dans le gestion de versions
+    \item contenu :
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item selon le CDC : code source avec script de compilation/installation ou binaire compilé pour les plates-formes prévues
+            \item documentation
+            \item éventuellement : fichiers de configuration, données d'exemple, \ldots
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Autres étapes possibles}
+    \begin{itemize}
+        \item déploiement (installation chez le client, migration de données…)
+        \item formation des utilisateurs, assistance technique
+        \item maintenance (correction de bugs, ajout de fonctionnalités)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Bilan}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item faire la synthèse des spécifications et de la planification réellement obtenues
+    \item comparer avec les prévisions
+    \item faire le bilan de ce qui a fonctionné ou non et y penser pour les prochains projets
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\section{Rapport de projet}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Le rapport de projet dans la vraie vie}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item bilan pour garder une trace (archives) et pour progresser (projets futurs)
+    \item complété par la documentation (installation, utilisation, maintenance)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Le rapport de projet à la fac}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item savoir présenter le travail réalisé (clairement et objectivement)
+    \item savoir prendre du recul
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Public visé par le rapport}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item connait le domaine (développement informatique)
+    \item mais pas le projet ni son contexte
+    \item importance d'être synthétique et clair
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Contenu}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item présentation du projet :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item contexte
+        \item besoins
+        \item spécifications demandées
+        \item l'état du produit (logiciel) au début du projet
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item réalisation :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item présentation du logiciel réalisé
+        \item présentation technique (architecture générale, points importants)
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item bilan :
+        \begin{itemize}
+        \item déroulement du projet (prévisions, problèmes rencontrés, solutions, \ldots)
+        \item résumé des objectifs réalisés (ou pas)
+        \item conclusion pour les projets futurs
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Forme}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item document PDF (cf template fourni )
+    \item texte + illustrations (captures écrans, UML, schémas, \ldots)
+    \item pas de code source
+    \item faire simple, concis et structuré
+    \item corriger l'orthographe et la conjugaison
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+\section{Soutenance de projet}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Objectif}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item idem rapport : présenter projet et résultats
+    \item même type de public : connait le domaine mais pas le projet
+    \item forme différente : oral + support
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Contenu}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item similaire au rapport :
+      \begin{itemize}
+      \item présenter le projet et la demande
+      \item travaux réalisés
+      \item bilan, conclusion
+      \end{itemize}
+    \item soigner introduction/conclusion (progression, prise de recul)
+    \item présenter tous les travaux mais n'en détailler que quelques uns
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Forme (classiquement)}
+    \begin{itemize}
+        \item 15 minutes (maximum) de présentation + questions
+        \item accès à un vidéo projecteur + ordinateur
+        \item si PC portable perso, être sûr du multi-écran et de la batterie
+    \end{itemize}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Quelques conseils sur les slides}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item limiter le nombre de slides à un par minute max
+    \item ne pas surcharger un slide : liste des idées à exprimer et/ou illustrations
+    \item ``un bon schéma au lieu d'un long texte''
+    \item sur chaque slide : titre de la présentation, auteurs, numéro du slide
+    \item toujours prévoir une version PDF sur clé USB au cas où
+    \item limiter les animations inutiles !
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Quelques conseils sur la démonstration}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item objectif : montrer le logiciel en train de fonctionner
+    \item intéressant si aspect dynamique particulier ou pour éviter la monotonie
+    \item démo en direct dangereuse, vidéo pré-enregistrée plus sûre
+    \item prévoir/structurer/commenter ce qui est montré
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}
+\begin{frame}{\large \insertsection}
+  \begin{block}{Quelques conseils pour l'oral}
+    \begin{itemize}
+    \item rester objectif : ne pas sur-vendre le travail, ni le dévaloriser
+    \item éviter la feuille anti-sèche (les slides doivent suffire)
+    \item plusieurs orateurs : bien répartir, ne pas se couper/contredire
+    \item \textbf{faire une répétition} (voire plusieurs)
+    \end{itemize}
+  \end{block}

+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+% red, green, blue, cyan , magenta, yellow, black, gray, darkgray, lightgray, brown, lime, olive, orange, pink, purple, teal, violet and white.
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=1cm, text margin right=1cm}
+\setfootline{\insertshortauthor \hfill \insertshorttitle \hfill \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}
+\AtBeginSection[] {
+  \begin{frame}{\large Sommaire}
+    \tableofcontents[currentsection]
+    \addtocounter{framenumber}{-1}
+  \end{frame}
+\title{ULCO-L3Info-Projets : Présentation}
+\author[A. Lewandowski, E. Ramat, J. Dehos]{Arnaud Lewandowski, Eric Ramat, Julien Dehos}
+\institute{Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale}
+  \maketitle
+    \begin{block}{Objectifs}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item exercice de développement à peu près réaliste
+            \item travail sur un thème/sujet donné (demande client)
+            \item travail en équipe
+            \item travail en mode projet (méthode, outils)
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+    \begin{block}{Organisation}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item du 1\ier~au 19 juin 2015 à temps plein
+            \item présence \textbf{OBLIGATOIRE} : 9h-12h + 13h-16h
+            \item travail en autonomie (developpement, conduite de projet) \\+ aide régulière + CM
+            \item à rendre : cahier des charges, livrables, rapport, soutenance
+            \item informations : \url{www-lisic.univ-littoral.fr/~dehos}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+    \begin{block}{Travail à faire avant le début des projets}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item essayer de faire des groupes (3 ou 4 étudiants)
+            \item classer les thèmes de projet par ordre de préférence du groupe
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+    \begin{block}{Thème 1 (Arnaud Lewandowski)}
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item développement d'un outil de prise de notes
+            \item points importants :
+            \begin{itemize}
+            	\item architecture extensible
+            	\item interface graphique : simple, ergonomique
+            	\item intégration avec Dropbox
+            \end{itemize}
+            \item technologies :
+            \begin{itemize}
+                \item Java
+                \item SWT
+            \end{itemize}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+    \begin{block}{Thème 2 (Éric Ramat) }
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item développement d'une collection de jeux abstraits sur le Web (openxum.org)
+            \item points importants :
+            \begin{itemize}
+                \item architecture d'une application Web entièrement basée sur Javascript (client ET serveur)
+                \item intégration dans un projet existant (https://github.com/openxum-team/openxum-nodejs)
+                \item multiples types d'actions :
+                  \begin{itemize}
+                  \item recherche de bugs et correction de bugs
+                  \item traduction anglais $\rightarrow$ français
+                  \item développement d'Intelligence Articifielle
+                  \item développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux jeux
+                  \item rédaction de documentations en anglais
+                  \end{itemize}
+            \end{itemize}
+            \item technologies :
+            \begin{itemize}
+                \item langages : HTML5 / CSS3 / Javascript
+                \item technologies : canvas, websockets, REST et mongodb (base de données)
+                \item frameworks et bibliothèques : nodejs, jade, bootstrap
+                \item environnement de développement : webstorm
+                \item versionning : git
+            \end{itemize}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}
+    \begin{block}{Thème 3 (Julien Dehos) }
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item développement d'un jeu en réseau (morpion, puissance 4, pong…)
+            \item points importants :
+            \begin{itemize}
+                \item architecture réseau (client-serveur ou peer-to-peer)
+                \item interface graphique
+            \end{itemize}
+            \item technologies :
+            \begin{itemize}
+                \item C++
+                \item SFML
+            \end{itemize}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \end{block}

+ 7 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+	xelatex -shell-escape L3Info_Projets_presentation.tex
+	rm *.aux *.log *.out *.nav *.toc *.pyg *.snm *.vrb

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbcboxes}[2004/12/20 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Here we define two new environments, displaybox and onlinebox,
+% draw fancy boxes around text and equations.
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc4}
+% \useinnertheme{umbcboxes}
+% \setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=violet!15,fg=black}
+% ...
+% \begin{displaybox}{5cm}
+% \[ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 \]
+% \end{displaybox}
+% ...
+% This is an \begin{onlinebox}{24mm} online box.\end{onlinebox}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% The default box color.  The user is expected to override this.
+\setbeamercolor{umbcboxes}{bg=structure!15!normal text.bg,fg=black}
+% \newenvironment{displaybox}[1]{
+% \begin{columns}\begin{column}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{column}\end{columns}}
+% \newenvironment{onlinebox}[1]{
+% \newbox\@mybox
+% \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup\begin{minipage}{#1}
+% \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true]{}%
+%   \centering\vspace{-2pt}}
+% {\end{beamerboxesrounded}\end{minipage}\egroup%
+%   \hspace{0.0em}\raisebox{1pt}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{0.5em}}
+  \centerline\bgroup\hfill
+  \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\hfill\egroup
+  \newbox\@mybox
+  \newdimen\@myboxht
+  \setbox\@mybox\hbox\bgroup%
+    \begin{beamerboxesrounded}[lower=umbcboxes,shadow=true,width=#1]{}
+  \centering
+  \end{beamerboxesrounded}\egroup
+  \@myboxht\ht\@mybox
+  \raisebox{-0.25\@myboxht}{\usebox\@mybox}\hspace{2pt}

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerinnerthemeumbctribullets}[2004/12/14 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% Beamer inner theme
+% Set enumi, enumii, enumiii markers to triangles with shadows
+% Usage:
+%    \useinnertheme{umbctribullets}
+% The color of the triangles may be changed with the command:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{colori}{colorii}{coloriii}
+% For example:
+%    \umbctribulletscolors{structure!60!bg}{structure!60!bg}{red}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% added 2007-05-05
+% Draws a right-pointing triangle in color #1.
+  \pgfmoveto{\pgfxy(0,-1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(0,1)}
+  \pgflineto{\pgfxy(1,0)}
+  \pgfclosepath
+  \color{#1}
+  \pgffill}
+% Draws three overlapping triangles to achieve a shadow effect.
+% The non-shadow trangle is drawn in color #1.
+\newcommand{\umbc@tribullets}[1]{{       % two braces to localize \pgfsetxvec
+  \pgfsetxvec{\pgfpoint{0.75ex}{0pt}}   % x-scale
+  \pgfsetyvec{\pgfpoint{0pt}{0.75ex}}   % y-scale
+  \begin{pgfpicture}{-0.1ex}{-0.6ex}{1.2ex}{-0.6ex}  % clipping
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(0.15,-.30)}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!20!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{black!75!bg}
+    \pgftranslateto{\pgfxy(-0.05,.10)}\umbc@filledTriangle{#1}
+  \end{pgfpicture}}}
+% hook to let user change the tribullets colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoli{#1}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscolii{#2}
+  \def\umbc@tribulletscoliii{#3}
+% set default colors for enumi, enumii, enumiii
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize item}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoli}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{umbctribullets}{%
+  \small\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscolii}}
+\defbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{umbctribullets}{
+  \footnotesize\umbc@tribullets{\umbc@tribulletscoliii}}

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerouterthemeumbcfootline}[2004/11/27 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A Beamer outer theme to put footlines on slides
+% The user can override the default contents of the footline
+% through the command \setfootline{whatever}
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% the default contents of footline
+  \insertshortauthor, \insertshortinstitute
+  \hfill
+  \insertshorttitle
+  \ifx\insertsubtitle\@empty\else, \insertshortsubtitle\fi
+  \hfill
+  \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber}
+% color definition as in beamerouterthemeinfolines.sty
+\setbeamercolor{umbc@ftcolor}{parent=palette secondary}
+  \usebeamerfont{structure}
+  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=2.25ex,dp=1ex]{umbc@ftcolor}%
+    \Tiny\hspace*{4mm}\umbc@footline\hspace{4mm}
+  \end{beamercolorbox}}
+% The user can override the default \umbc@footline by \setfootline{whatever}
+% don't show navigation buttons
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{beamerthemeumbc2}[2004/12/19 v1.0 for beamer 3.01]
+% A slightly modified version of the Classic theme (beamer 2.21) and
+% and the Singapore theme (beamer 3.01).
+% Usage:
+% \documentclass{beamer}
+% \usetheme{umbc2}
+% ...
+% Rouben Rostamian <rostamian@umbc.edu>
+% vertical shading for header
+\setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg!25!bg}
+  {\usebeamercolor{section in head/foot}}
+  \pgfdeclareverticalshading{beamer@headfade}{\paperwidth}{%
+    color(0cm)=(bg); color(1.5cm)=(section in head/foot.bg) }
+  \setbeamercolor{section in head/foot}{bg=}
+\setbeamertemplate{items}[ball]   % 3-D balls for itemize/enumerate

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+CM2 : partie git + github 




+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@


+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+L3 informatique, UE projets
+proposition d'organisation du module
+objectifs des projets :
+- implémenter un projet un peu conséquent/complexe
+- suivre une conduite de projet (de type cycle en V)
+- travailler en équipe
+- utiliser des outils de développement et de gestion de projets
+idée de répartition :
+- 3 enseignants gérant chacun 1 "groupe TP"
+- 4 groupes de projets par "groupe TP"
+- 4 étudiants par groupe de projet (2 binômes) (soit 48 étudiants possibles au total)
+- un "thème" par groupe TP (à la discrétion de l'enseignant chargé du groupe TP)
+  -> un même sujet traité par chaque groupe de projets
+  -> un sujet subdivisé en 4 sous-parties indépendantes -> chaque groupe de projets travaille sur une sous-partie
+suivi :
+- 3 CM d'une heure, mutualisés pour toute la promo
+- suivi par groupe TP : chaque enseignant fait le point avec tous les projets de son groupe TP
+- suivi complet : un enseignant fait le tour de tous les groupes
+- utilisation du tracker de redmine pour définir les tâches élémentaires (voire très élémentaires)
+- identification des committers
+organisation pratique :
+- 3 semaines banalisées
+- présence obligatoire 9h-12h + 13h-17h
+- 3 salles machines réservées
+- serveur de projets (redmine+svn ?)

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+if [ -z $MAKE ]
+    MAKE=make
+# CM
+CMS=`find . -name "CM*" -type d -prune`
+for cm in $CMS
+    cd $ROOT/$cm
+    $MAKE 
+    touch *.tex # force recompiling (latex toc)
+    $MAKE 
+    FILES="$FILES $cm/`ls *.pdf`"
+cd $ROOT
+# TP
+TPS=`find . -name "template_*" -type d -prune`
+for tp in $TPS
+    # pdf
+    cd $ROOT/$tp
+    $MAKE 
+    touch *.tex # force recompiling (latex toc)
+    $MAKE 
+    $MAKE clean
+    FILES="$FILES $tp/`ls *.pdf`"
+    # code
+    cd $ROOT
+    tar zcf ${tp}.tar.gz ${tp}
+    FILES="$FILES ${tp}.tar.gz"
+cd $ROOT
+# www
+$MAKE -C www
+FILES=" $FILES ./www/index.html "
+# upload files
+echo $FILES
+scp $FILES yangra.univ-littoral.fr:public-html/enseignements/L3Info_Projets/

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+	pdflatex -shell-escape template_cdc.tex
+	pdflatex -shell-escape template_cdc.tex
+	rm *.log *-eps-converted-to.pdf *.aux *.out 



+ 1987 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1987 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: /home/dehos/depots/cours_projets_l3/template/cdc_maquette1.dia
+%%Creator: Dia v0.97.3
+%%CreationDate: Tue Jan  6 14:12:40 2015
+%%For: dehos
+%%Orientation: Portrait
+%%Magnification: 1.0000
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 1109 1109
+[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
+/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
+/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E
+/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y
+/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c
+/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m
+/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright
+/ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+/acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf
+/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde
+/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring
+/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave
+/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def
+/cp {closepath} bind def
+/c {curveto} bind def
+/f {fill} bind def
+/a {arc} bind def
+/ef {eofill} bind def
+/ex {exch} bind def
+/gr {grestore} bind def
+/gs {gsave} bind def
+/sa {save} bind def
+/rs {restore} bind def
+/l {lineto} bind def
+/m {moveto} bind def
+/rm {rmoveto} bind def
+/n {newpath} bind def
+/s {stroke} bind def
+/sh {show} bind def
+/slc {setlinecap} bind def
+/slj {setlinejoin} bind def
+/slw {setlinewidth} bind def
+/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def
+/rot {rotate} bind def
+/sc {scale} bind def
+/sd {setdash} bind def
+/ff {findfont} bind def
+/sf {setfont} bind def
+/scf {scalefont} bind def
+/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def
+/tr {translate} bind def
+/ellipsedict 8 dict def
+ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put
+{ ellipsedict begin
+   /endangle exch def
+   /startangle exch def
+   /yrad exch def
+   /xrad exch def
+   /y exch def
+   /x exch def   /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def
+   x y tr xrad yrad sc
+   0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
+   savematrix setmatrix
+   end
+} def
+/mergeprocs {
+dup length
+3 -1 roll
+5 1 roll
+3 -1 roll
+array cvx
+3 -1 roll
+0 exch
+4 2 roll
+} bind def
+/dpi_x 300 def
+/dpi_y 300 def
+/conicto {
+    /to_y exch def
+    /to_x exch def
+    /conic_cntrl_y exch def
+    /conic_cntrl_x exch def
+    currentpoint
+    /p0_y exch def
+    /p0_x exch def
+    /p1_x p0_x conic_cntrl_x p0_x sub 2 3 div mul add def
+    /p1_y p0_y conic_cntrl_y p0_y sub 2 3 div mul add def
+    /p2_x p1_x to_x p0_x sub 1 3 div mul add def
+    /p2_y p1_y to_y p0_y sub 1 3 div mul add def
+    p1_x p1_y p2_x p2_y to_x to_y curveto
+} bind def
+/start_ol { gsave 1.1 dpi_x div dup scale} bind def
+/end_ol { closepath fill grestore } bind def
+28.346000 -28.346000 scale
+-4.950000 -44.050000 translate
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 31.000000 5.000000 m 31.000000 8.000000 l 44.000000 8.000000 l 44.000000 5.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 31.000000 5.000000 m 31.000000 8.000000 l 44.000000 8.000000 l 44.000000 5.000000 l cp s
+gsave 32.000000 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2912 5383 moveto
+1771 2304 lineto
+4057 2304 lineto
+2912 5383 lineto
+2437 6208 moveto
+3391 6208 lineto
+5760 0 lineto
+4886 0 lineto
+4319 1600 lineto
+1517 1600 lineto
+951 0 lineto
+64 0 lineto
+2437 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 32.771773 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 704 moveto
+1536 -1792 lineto
+768 -1792 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1777 4390 2144 4595 conicto
+2512 4800 3022 4800 conicto
+3869 4800 4398 4121 conicto
+4928 3442 4928 2336 conicto
+4928 1230 4398 551 conicto
+3869 -128 3022 -128 conicto
+2512 -128 2144 77 conicto
+1777 282 1536 704 conicto
+4096 2336 moveto
+4096 3189 3754 3674 conicto
+3413 4160 2816 4160 conicto
+2219 4160 1877 3674 conicto
+1536 3189 1536 2336 conicto
+1536 1483 1877 997 conicto
+2219 512 2816 512 conicto
+3413 512 3754 997 conicto
+4096 1483 4096 2336 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 33.488595 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 704 moveto
+1536 -1792 lineto
+768 -1792 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1777 4390 2144 4595 conicto
+2512 4800 3022 4800 conicto
+3869 4800 4398 4121 conicto
+4928 3442 4928 2336 conicto
+4928 1230 4398 551 conicto
+3869 -128 3022 -128 conicto
+2512 -128 2144 77 conicto
+1777 282 1536 704 conicto
+4096 2336 moveto
+4096 3189 3754 3674 conicto
+3413 4160 2816 4160 conicto
+2219 4160 1877 3674 conicto
+1536 3189 1536 2336 conicto
+1536 1483 1877 997 conicto
+2219 512 2816 512 conicto
+3413 512 3754 997 conicto
+4096 1483 4096 2336 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.205418 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3520 3968 moveto
+3389 4034 3235 4065 conicto
+3082 4096 2897 4096 conicto
+2239 4096 1887 3677 conicto
+1536 3259 1536 2475 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1780 4390 2172 4595 conicto
+2564 4800 3124 4800 conicto
+3204 4800 3301 4784 conicto
+3398 4768 3516 4736 conicto
+3520 3968 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.645007 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.336859 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+256 4672 moveto
+1069 4672 lineto
+2528 751 lineto
+3987 4672 lineto
+4800 4672 lineto
+3049 0 lineto
+2007 0 lineto
+256 4672 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.006230 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.320935 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.907880 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 37.222586 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 37.914438 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 38.628763 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 39.343089 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 40.037438 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4415 3796 moveto
+4701 4310 5099 4555 conicto
+5498 4800 6037 4800 conicto
+6764 4800 7158 4289 conicto
+7552 3778 7552 2835 conicto
+7552 0 lineto
+6784 0 lineto
+6784 2810 lineto
+6784 3496 6547 3828 conicto
+6311 4160 5826 4160 conicto
+5233 4160 4888 3756 conicto
+4544 3352 4544 2655 conicto
+4544 0 lineto
+3776 0 lineto
+3776 2810 lineto
+3776 3500 3539 3830 conicto
+3303 4160 2809 4160 conicto
+2225 4160 1880 3754 conicto
+1536 3348 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1797 4394 2162 4597 conicto
+2527 4800 3029 4800 conicto
+3536 4800 3890 4543 conicto
+4245 4286 4415 3796 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 41.136410 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 41.830759 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 42.545085 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 18.000000 5.000000 m 18.000000 8.000000 l 31.000000 8.000000 l 31.000000 5.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 18.000000 5.000000 m 18.000000 8.000000 l 31.000000 8.000000 l 31.000000 5.000000 l cp s
+gsave 20.000000 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2912 5383 moveto
+1771 2304 lineto
+4057 2304 lineto
+2912 5383 lineto
+2437 6208 moveto
+3391 6208 lineto
+5760 0 lineto
+4886 0 lineto
+4319 1600 lineto
+1517 1600 lineto
+951 0 lineto
+64 0 lineto
+2437 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.751797 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3840 3968 moveto
+3840 6464 lineto
+4608 6464 lineto
+4608 0 lineto
+3840 0 lineto
+3840 704 lineto
+3599 282 3231 77 conicto
+2864 -128 2350 -128 conicto
+1507 -128 977 551 conicto
+448 1230 448 2336 conicto
+448 3442 977 4121 conicto
+1507 4800 2350 4800 conicto
+2864 4800 3231 4595 conicto
+3599 4390 3840 3968 conicto
+1280 2336 moveto
+1280 1483 1621 997 conicto
+1962 512 2558 512 conicto
+3154 512 3497 997 conicto
+3840 1483 3840 2336 conicto
+3840 3189 3497 3674 conicto
+3154 4160 2558 4160 conicto
+1962 4160 1621 3674 conicto
+1280 3189 1280 2336 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 21.468619 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4415 3796 moveto
+4701 4310 5099 4555 conicto
+5498 4800 6037 4800 conicto
+6764 4800 7158 4289 conicto
+7552 3778 7552 2835 conicto
+7552 0 lineto
+6784 0 lineto
+6784 2810 lineto
+6784 3496 6547 3828 conicto
+6311 4160 5826 4160 conicto
+5233 4160 4888 3756 conicto
+4544 3352 4544 2655 conicto
+4544 0 lineto
+3776 0 lineto
+3776 2810 lineto
+3776 3500 3539 3830 conicto
+3303 4160 2809 4160 conicto
+2225 4160 1880 3754 conicto
+1536 3348 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1797 4394 2162 4597 conicto
+2527 4800 3029 4800 conicto
+3536 4800 3890 4543 conicto
+4245 4286 4415 3796 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 22.567591 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 22.882296 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.596622 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.911327 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.498272 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.940358 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3520 3968 moveto
+3389 4034 3235 4065 conicto
+3082 4096 2897 4096 conicto
+2239 4096 1887 3677 conicto
+1536 3259 1536 2475 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1780 4390 2172 4595 conicto
+2564 4800 3124 4800 conicto
+3204 4800 3301 4784 conicto
+3398 4768 3516 4736 conicto
+3520 3968 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.404917 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2834 2368 moveto
+1921 2368 1568 2152 conicto
+1216 1936 1216 1415 conicto
+1216 999 1480 755 conicto
+1744 512 2199 512 conicto
+2826 512 3205 971 conicto
+3584 1431 3584 2194 conicto
+3584 2368 lineto
+2834 2368 lineto
+4352 2672 moveto
+4352 0 lineto
+3584 0 lineto
+3584 704 lineto
+3325 278 2938 75 conicto
+2551 -128 1991 -128 conicto
+1283 -128 865 275 conicto
+448 678 448 1354 conicto
+448 2143 970 2543 conicto
+1492 2944 2527 2944 conicto
+3584 2944 lineto
+3584 3022 lineto
+3584 3565 3238 3862 conicto
+2892 4160 2267 4160 conicto
+1870 4160 1493 4064 conicto
+1116 3968 768 3776 conicto
+768 4480 lineto
+1187 4640 1581 4720 conicto
+1975 4800 2348 4800 conicto
+3356 4800 3854 4272 conicto
+4352 3744 4352 2672 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.096769 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.538855 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.853560 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.545412 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0.749020 0.749020 0.749020 srgb
+n 5.000000 5.000000 m 5.000000 8.000000 l 18.000000 8.000000 l 18.000000 5.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 5.000000 m 5.000000 8.000000 l 18.000000 8.000000 l 18.000000 5.000000 l cp s
+gsave 8.000000 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6208 moveto
+1600 6208 lineto
+1600 2446 lineto
+1600 1451 1962 1013 conicto
+2325 576 3138 576 conicto
+3947 576 4309 1013 conicto
+4672 1451 4672 2446 conicto
+4672 6208 lineto
+5504 6208 lineto
+5504 2343 lineto
+5504 1120 4905 496 conicto
+4307 -128 3138 -128 conicto
+1965 -128 1366 496 conicto
+768 1120 768 2343 conicto
+768 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.826724 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.268809 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.583515 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.898220 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 10.212925 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 10.799870 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2834 2368 moveto
+1921 2368 1568 2152 conicto
+1216 1936 1216 1415 conicto
+1216 999 1480 755 conicto
+1744 512 2199 512 conicto
+2826 512 3205 971 conicto
+3584 1431 3584 2194 conicto
+3584 2368 lineto
+2834 2368 lineto
+4352 2672 moveto
+4352 0 lineto
+3584 0 lineto
+3584 704 lineto
+3325 278 2938 75 conicto
+2551 -128 1991 -128 conicto
+1283 -128 865 275 conicto
+448 678 448 1354 conicto
+448 2143 970 2543 conicto
+1492 2944 2527 2944 conicto
+3584 2944 lineto
+3584 3022 lineto
+3584 3565 3238 3862 conicto
+2892 4160 2267 4160 conicto
+1870 4160 1493 4064 conicto
+1116 3968 768 3776 conicto
+768 4480 lineto
+1187 4640 1581 4720 conicto
+1975 4800 2348 4800 conicto
+3356 4800 3854 4272 conicto
+4352 3744 4352 2672 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 11.491723 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 11.933808 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 12.248514 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 12.940366 7.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 8.000000 m 5.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 8.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 8.000000 m 5.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 8.000000 l cp s
+gsave 6.000000 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 1984 lineto
+448 1984 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 6.407119 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 6.766779 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1664 5504 moveto
+1664 704 lineto
+2686 704 lineto
+3981 704 4582 1283 conicto
+5184 1862 5184 3110 conicto
+5184 4351 4582 4927 conicto
+3981 5504 2686 5504 conicto
+1664 5504 lineto
+832 6208 moveto
+2557 6208 lineto
+4377 6208 5228 5457 conicto
+6080 4707 6080 3110 conicto
+6080 1505 5224 752 conicto
+4369 0 2557 0 conicto
+832 0 lineto
+832 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 7.635960 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 1834 moveto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 1863 lineto
+1536 1188 1793 850 conicto
+2051 512 2566 512 conicto
+3185 512 3544 915 conicto
+3904 1318 3904 2014 conicto
+3904 4672 lineto
+4672 4672 lineto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 704 lineto
+3625 282 3257 77 conicto
+2889 -128 2403 -128 conicto
+1600 -128 1184 372 conicto
+768 872 768 1834 conicto
+2695 4800 moveto
+2695 4800 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.350285 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+6016 6464 moveto
+6016 5824 lineto
+5280 5824 lineto
+4866 5824 4705 5661 conicto
+4544 5498 4544 5075 conicto
+4544 4672 lineto
+5824 4672 lineto
+5824 4096 lineto
+4544 4096 lineto
+4544 0 lineto
+3776 0 lineto
+3776 4096 lineto
+1664 4096 lineto
+1664 0 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+896 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+896 4672 lineto
+896 4993 lineto
+896 5761 1259 6112 conicto
+1622 6464 2410 6464 conicto
+3136 6464 lineto
+3136 5824 lineto
+2400 5824 lineto
+1986 5824 1823 5661 conicto
+1664 5498 1664 5075 conicto
+1664 4672 lineto
+3776 4672 lineto
+3776 4993 lineto
+3776 5761 4139 6112 conicto
+4502 6464 5290 6464 conicto
+6016 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.127053 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 32.000000 8.000000 m 32.000000 11.000000 l 37.000000 11.000000 l 37.000000 8.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 32.000000 8.000000 m 32.000000 11.000000 l 37.000000 11.000000 l 37.000000 8.000000 l cp s
+gsave 34.000000 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3904 5312 moveto
+3904 3008 lineto
+6208 3008 lineto
+6208 2304 lineto
+3904 2304 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3200 0 lineto
+3200 2304 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+896 3008 lineto
+3200 3008 lineto
+3200 5312 lineto
+3904 5312 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 37.000000 8.000000 m 37.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 8.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 37.000000 8.000000 m 37.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l 42.000000 8.000000 l cp s
+gsave 39.000000 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 1984 lineto
+448 1984 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 42.000000 8.000000 m 42.000000 44.000000 l 44.000000 44.000000 l 44.000000 8.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 42.000000 8.000000 m 42.000000 44.000000 l 44.000000 44.000000 l 44.000000 8.000000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 14.000000 m 5.000000 44.000000 l 42.000000 44.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 14.000000 m 5.000000 44.000000 l 42.000000 44.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 43.000000 42.450000 m 43.000000 9.550000 l s
+0 slj
+n 42.750000 42.450000 m 43.000000 42.950000 l 43.250000 42.450000 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+n 42.750000 42.450000 m 43.000000 42.950000 l 43.250000 42.450000 l cp s
+0 slj
+n 43.250000 9.550000 m 43.000000 9.050000 l 42.750000 9.550000 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+n 43.250000 9.550000 m 43.000000 9.050000 l 42.750000 9.550000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 11.000000 m 5.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 11.000000 m 5.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l cp s
+gsave 6.000000 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 1984 lineto
+448 1984 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 6.407119 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 6.766779 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+256 6208 moveto
+1106 6208 lineto
+2414 961 lineto
+3717 6208 lineto
+4663 6208 lineto
+5970 961 lineto
+7274 6208 lineto
+8128 6208 lineto
+6566 0 lineto
+5508 0 lineto
+4196 5389 lineto
+2872 0 lineto
+1814 0 lineto
+256 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 7.818291 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.512640 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.099585 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 9.541671 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+256 4672 moveto
+1069 4672 lineto
+2528 751 lineto
+3987 4672 lineto
+4800 4672 lineto
+3049 0 lineto
+2007 0 lineto
+256 4672 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 10.211042 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 10.525748 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 11.220097 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 11.662183 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 12.356532 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3520 3968 moveto
+3389 4034 3235 4065 conicto
+3082 4096 2897 4096 conicto
+2239 4096 1887 3677 conicto
+1536 3259 1536 2475 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1780 4390 2172 4595 conicto
+2564 4800 3124 4800 conicto
+3204 4800 3301 4784 conicto
+3398 4768 3516 4736 conicto
+3520 3968 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 12.796121 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 13.490470 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4672 2835 moveto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 2810 lineto
+3904 3487 3646 3823 conicto
+3388 4160 2872 4160 conicto
+2252 4160 1894 3756 conicto
+1536 3352 1536 2655 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+1811 4386 2183 4593 conicto
+2556 4800 3044 4800 conicto
+3847 4800 4259 4301 conicto
+4672 3803 4672 2835 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 32.000000 11.000000 m 32.000000 14.000000 l 37.000000 14.000000 l 37.000000 11.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 32.000000 11.000000 m 32.000000 14.000000 l 37.000000 14.000000 l 37.000000 11.000000 l cp s
+gsave 34.000000 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3904 5312 moveto
+3904 3008 lineto
+6208 3008 lineto
+6208 2304 lineto
+3904 2304 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3200 0 lineto
+3200 2304 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+896 3008 lineto
+3200 3008 lineto
+3200 5312 lineto
+3904 5312 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 37.000000 11.000000 m 37.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 37.000000 11.000000 m 37.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 14.000000 l 42.000000 11.000000 l cp s
+gsave 39.000000 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 1984 lineto
+448 1984 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.000000 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1088 640 moveto
+2432 640 lineto
+2432 5568 lineto
+960 5248 lineto
+960 5888 lineto
+2431 6208 lineto
+3264 6208 lineto
+3264 640 lineto
+4608 640 lineto
+4608 0 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+1088 640 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.719328 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1668 640 moveto
+4577 640 lineto
+4577 0 lineto
+640 0 lineto
+640 640 lineto
+1119 1150 1946 2009 conicto
+2774 2868 2987 3117 conicto
+3391 3584 3551 3907 conicto
+3712 4231 3712 4543 conicto
+3712 5053 3366 5374 conicto
+3021 5696 2467 5696 conicto
+2074 5696 1637 5553 conicto
+1201 5410 704 5120 conicto
+704 5952 lineto
+1208 6142 1645 6239 conicto
+2083 6336 2446 6336 conicto
+3404 6336 3974 5846 conicto
+4544 5357 4544 4539 conicto
+4544 4150 4401 3802 conicto
+4259 3454 3884 2982 conicto
+3781 2859 3228 2275 conicto
+2675 1691 1668 640 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.438655 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.798315 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4096 2336 moveto
+4096 3189 3754 3674 conicto
+3413 4160 2816 4160 conicto
+2219 4160 1877 3674 conicto
+1536 3189 1536 2336 conicto
+1536 1483 1877 997 conicto
+2219 512 2816 512 conicto
+3413 512 3754 997 conicto
+4096 1483 4096 2336 conicto
+1536 3968 moveto
+1777 4390 2144 4595 conicto
+2512 4800 3022 4800 conicto
+3869 4800 4398 4121 conicto
+4928 3442 4928 2336 conicto
+4928 1230 4398 551 conicto
+3869 -128 3022 -128 conicto
+2512 -128 2144 77 conicto
+1777 282 1536 704 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.515137 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.206990 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 1834 moveto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 1863 lineto
+1536 1188 1793 850 conicto
+2051 512 2566 512 conicto
+3185 512 3544 915 conicto
+3904 1318 3904 2014 conicto
+3904 4672 lineto
+4672 4672 lineto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 704 lineto
+3625 282 3257 77 conicto
+2889 -128 2403 -128 conicto
+1600 -128 1184 372 conicto
+768 872 768 1834 conicto
+2695 4800 moveto
+2695 4800 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.921315 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.363401 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.057750 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.372456 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.687161 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 29.001866 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 29.696216 10.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.000000 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.359660 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 23.719319 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 6208 moveto
+4224 6208 lineto
+4224 5568 lineto
+1728 5568 lineto
+1728 3983 lineto
+1908 4039 2088 4067 conicto
+2269 4096 2450 4096 conicto
+3475 4096 4073 3526 conicto
+4672 2957 4672 1984 conicto
+4672 982 4046 427 conicto
+3420 -128 2280 -128 conicto
+1888 -128 1481 -64 conicto
+1074 0 640 128 conicto
+640 960 lineto
+1017 734 1419 623 conicto
+1821 512 2269 512 conicto
+2994 512 3417 908 conicto
+3840 1305 3840 1984 conicto
+3840 2663 3416 3059 conicto
+2992 3456 2265 3456 conicto
+1925 3456 1587 3378 conicto
+1249 3300 896 3136 conicto
+896 6208 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.438647 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 24.798307 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4096 2336 moveto
+4096 3189 3754 3674 conicto
+3413 4160 2816 4160 conicto
+2219 4160 1877 3674 conicto
+1536 3189 1536 2336 conicto
+1536 1483 1877 997 conicto
+2219 512 2816 512 conicto
+3413 512 3754 997 conicto
+4096 1483 4096 2336 conicto
+1536 3968 moveto
+1777 4390 2144 4595 conicto
+2512 4800 3022 4800 conicto
+3869 4800 4398 4121 conicto
+4928 3442 4928 2336 conicto
+4928 1230 4398 551 conicto
+3869 -128 3022 -128 conicto
+2512 -128 2144 77 conicto
+1777 282 1536 704 conicto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 3968 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.515129 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2594 4160 moveto
+1986 4160 1633 3672 conicto
+1280 3185 1280 2336 conicto
+1280 1487 1631 999 conicto
+1982 512 2594 512 conicto
+3198 512 3551 1002 conicto
+3904 1492 3904 2336 conicto
+3904 3176 3551 3668 conicto
+3198 4160 2594 4160 conicto
+2592 4800 moveto
+3593 4800 4164 4146 conicto
+4736 3493 4736 2336 conicto
+4736 1184 4164 528 conicto
+3593 -128 2592 -128 conicto
+1587 -128 1017 528 conicto
+448 1184 448 2336 conicto
+448 3493 1017 4146 conicto
+1587 4800 2592 4800 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.206982 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 1834 moveto
+768 4672 lineto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 1863 lineto
+1536 1188 1793 850 conicto
+2051 512 2566 512 conicto
+3185 512 3544 915 conicto
+3904 1318 3904 2014 conicto
+3904 4672 lineto
+4672 4672 lineto
+4672 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 704 lineto
+3625 282 3257 77 conicto
+2889 -128 2403 -128 conicto
+1600 -128 1184 372 conicto
+768 872 768 1834 conicto
+2695 4800 moveto
+2695 4800 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.921307 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 6016 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+3136 4672 lineto
+3136 4096 lineto
+1536 4096 lineto
+1536 1543 lineto
+1536 968 1694 804 conicto
+1853 640 2338 640 conicto
+3136 640 lineto
+3136 0 lineto
+2338 0 lineto
+1446 0 1107 332 conicto
+768 665 768 1543 conicto
+768 4096 lineto
+192 4096 lineto
+192 4672 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6016 lineto
+1536 6016 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.363393 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.057742 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 4672 moveto
+1536 4672 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 4672 lineto
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 5504 lineto
+768 5504 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.372447 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 28.687153 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+768 6464 moveto
+1536 6464 lineto
+1536 0 lineto
+768 0 lineto
+768 6464 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 29.001858 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+4736 2536 moveto
+4736 2176 lineto
+1280 2176 lineto
+1329 1363 1745 937 conicto
+2162 512 2906 512 conicto
+3337 512 3741 624 conicto
+4146 736 4544 960 conicto
+4544 256 lineto
+4136 68 3708 -30 conicto
+3280 -128 2840 -128 conicto
+1736 -128 1092 525 conicto
+448 1179 448 2294 conicto
+448 3446 1061 4123 conicto
+1675 4800 2716 4800 conicto
+3650 4800 4193 4191 conicto
+4736 3582 4736 2536 conicto
+3968 2752 moveto
+3960 3394 3625 3777 conicto
+3290 4160 2738 4160 conicto
+2112 4160 1736 3790 conicto
+1361 3420 1304 2748 conicto
+3968 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 29.696207 13.000000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+3712 4544 moveto
+3712 3840 lineto
+3393 4000 3049 4080 conicto
+2705 4160 2337 4160 conicto
+1777 4160 1496 3985 conicto
+1216 3810 1216 3459 conicto
+1216 3192 1418 3040 conicto
+1620 2888 2231 2750 conicto
+2491 2691 lineto
+3293 2514 3630 2192 conicto
+3968 1871 3968 1294 conicto
+3968 638 3451 255 conicto
+2934 -128 2029 -128 conicto
+1653 -128 1244 -48 conicto
+836 32 384 192 conicto
+384 960 lineto
+815 736 1233 624 conicto
+1651 512 2060 512 conicto
+2609 512 2904 700 conicto
+3200 888 3200 1230 conicto
+3200 1547 2991 1716 conicto
+2783 1885 2078 2041 conicto
+1814 2104 lineto
+1091 2254 769 2565 conicto
+448 2877 448 3421 conicto
+448 4081 912 4440 conicto
+1376 4800 2229 4800 conicto
+2652 4800 3024 4736 conicto
+3397 4672 3712 4544 conicto
+end_ol grestore 


+ 2587 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2587 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: /home/dehos/depots/cours_projets_l3/template/cdc_use_case.dia
+%%Creator: Dia v0.97.3
+%%CreationDate: Tue Jan  6 13:52:09 2015
+%%For: dehos
+%%Orientation: Portrait
+%%Magnification: 1.0000
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 953 457
+[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
+/two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon
+/less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E
+/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y
+/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c
+/d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m
+/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright
+/ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+/acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf
+/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde
+/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring
+/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave
+/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def
+/cp {closepath} bind def
+/c {curveto} bind def
+/f {fill} bind def
+/a {arc} bind def
+/ef {eofill} bind def
+/ex {exch} bind def
+/gr {grestore} bind def
+/gs {gsave} bind def
+/sa {save} bind def
+/rs {restore} bind def
+/l {lineto} bind def
+/m {moveto} bind def
+/rm {rmoveto} bind def
+/n {newpath} bind def
+/s {stroke} bind def
+/sh {show} bind def
+/slc {setlinecap} bind def
+/slj {setlinejoin} bind def
+/slw {setlinewidth} bind def
+/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def
+/rot {rotate} bind def
+/sc {scale} bind def
+/sd {setdash} bind def
+/ff {findfont} bind def
+/sf {setfont} bind def
+/scf {scalefont} bind def
+/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def
+/tr {translate} bind def
+/ellipsedict 8 dict def
+ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put
+{ ellipsedict begin
+   /endangle exch def
+   /startangle exch def
+   /yrad exch def
+   /xrad exch def
+   /y exch def
+   /x exch def   /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def
+   x y tr xrad yrad sc
+   0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
+   savematrix setmatrix
+   end
+} def
+/mergeprocs {
+dup length
+3 -1 roll
+5 1 roll
+3 -1 roll
+array cvx
+3 -1 roll
+0 exch
+4 2 roll
+} bind def
+/dpi_x 300 def
+/dpi_y 300 def
+/conicto {
+    /to_y exch def
+    /to_x exch def
+    /conic_cntrl_y exch def
+    /conic_cntrl_x exch def
+    currentpoint
+    /p0_y exch def
+    /p0_x exch def
+    /p1_x p0_x conic_cntrl_x p0_x sub 2 3 div mul add def
+    /p1_y p0_y conic_cntrl_y p0_y sub 2 3 div mul add def
+    /p2_x p1_x to_x p0_x sub 1 3 div mul add def
+    /p2_y p1_y to_y p0_y sub 1 3 div mul add def
+    p1_x p1_y p2_x p2_y to_x to_y curveto
+} bind def
+/start_ol { gsave 1.1 dpi_x div dup scale} bind def
+/end_ol { closepath fill grestore } bind def
+28.346000 -28.346000 scale
+-6.800000 -24.850000 translate
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 14.050000 9.800000 m 14.050000 24.800000 l 40.350000 24.800000 l 40.350000 9.800000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 14.050000 9.800000 m 14.050000 24.800000 l 40.350000 24.800000 l 40.350000 9.800000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 14.050000 8.800000 m 14.050000 9.800000 l 16.175000 9.800000 l 16.175000 8.800000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 14.050000 8.800000 m 14.050000 9.800000 l 16.175000 9.800000 l 16.175000 8.800000 l cp s
+gsave 14.150000 9.550000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2624 292 moveto
+2433 116 2193 26 conicto
+1953 -64 1674 -64 conicto
+1003 -64 629 415 conicto
+256 895 256 1759 conicto
+256 2621 633 3102 conicto
+1010 3584 1681 3584 conicto
+1902 3584 2105 3520 conicto
+2308 3457 2496 3328 conicto
+2496 2816 lineto
+2307 3013 2108 3106 conicto
+1910 3200 1688 3200 conicto
+1228 3200 998 2840 conicto
+768 2481 768 1759 conicto
+768 1025 982 672 conicto
+1197 320 1642 320 conicto
+1793 320 1906 356 conicto
+2020 393 2112 470 conicto
+2112 1408 lineto
+1600 1408 lineto
+1600 1792 lineto
+2624 1792 lineto
+2624 292 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 14.534638 9.550000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1536 926 moveto
+1536 625 1646 472 conicto
+1757 320 1973 320 conicto
+2496 320 lineto
+2496 0 lineto
+1930 0 lineto
+1528 0 1308 242 conicto
+1088 484 1088 926 conicto
+1088 3392 lineto
+192 3392 lineto
+192 3712 lineto
+1536 3712 lineto
+1536 926 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 14.919276 9.550000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1471 2368 moveto
+1124 2368 946 2109 conicto
+768 1851 768 1344 conicto
+768 839 946 579 conicto
+1124 320 1471 320 conicto
+1820 320 1998 579 conicto
+2176 839 2176 1344 conicto
+2176 1851 1998 2109 conicto
+1820 2368 1471 2368 conicto
+1471 2752 moveto
+2031 2752 2327 2390 conicto
+2624 2029 2624 1344 conicto
+2624 657 2328 296 conicto
+2033 -64 1471 -64 conicto
+911 -64 615 296 conicto
+320 657 320 1344 conicto
+320 2029 615 2390 conicto
+911 2752 1471 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 15.303914 9.550000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1023 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1023 lineto
+896 661 1022 490 conicto
+1149 320 1414 320 conicto
+1722 320 1885 539 conicto
+2048 759 2048 1169 conicto
+2048 2688 lineto
+2496 2688 lineto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 409 lineto
+1931 176 1729 56 conicto
+1528 -64 1259 -64 conicto
+849 -64 648 206 conicto
+448 476 448 1023 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 15.688552 9.550000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 353 moveto
+896 -1024 lineto
+448 -1024 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2335 lineto
+1012 2539 1206 2645 conicto
+1400 2752 1653 2752 conicto
+2167 2752 2459 2376 conicto
+2752 2000 2752 1334 conicto
+2752 681 2458 308 conicto
+2165 -64 1653 -64 conicto
+1395 -64 1201 42 conicto
+1007 149 896 353 conicto
+2304 1344 moveto
+2304 1851 2128 2109 conicto
+1952 2368 1605 2368 conicto
+1256 2368 1076 2108 conicto
+896 1849 896 1344 conicto
+896 841 1076 580 conicto
+1256 320 1605 320 conicto
+1952 320 2128 578 conicto
+2304 837 2304 1344 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 8.100000 15.950000 0.300000 0.300000 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 8.100000 15.950000 0.300000 0.300000 0 360 ellipse cp s
+n 6.900000 16.550000 m 9.300000 16.550000 l s
+n 8.100000 16.250000 m 8.100000 17.750000 l s
+n 8.100000 17.750000 m 6.900000 19.050000 l s
+n 8.100000 17.750000 m 9.300000 19.050000 l s
+gsave 6.916250 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2816 504 moveto
+2816 1472 lineto
+2048 1472 lineto
+2048 1856 lineto
+3328 1856 lineto
+3328 325 lineto
+3052 133 2720 34 conicto
+2388 -64 2011 -64 conicto
+1187 -64 721 417 conicto
+256 899 256 1759 conicto
+256 2621 725 3102 conicto
+1195 3584 2028 3584 conicto
+2375 3584 2687 3503 conicto
+3000 3422 3264 3264 conicto
+3264 2752 lineto
+2998 2975 2699 3087 conicto
+2400 3200 2071 3200 conicto
+1420 3200 1094 2838 conicto
+768 2476 768 1759 conicto
+768 1044 1084 682 conicto
+1400 320 2030 320 conicto
+2276 320 2469 365 conicto
+2662 410 2816 504 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 7.410781 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 7.588110 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 7.992724 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.387350 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.637117 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 8.886883 20.245000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 18.318750 13.850000 2.768750 1.000000 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 18.318750 13.850000 2.768750 1.000000 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 16.750000 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1040 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1057 lineto
+896 689 1042 504 conicto
+1188 320 1481 320 conicto
+1832 320 2036 541 conicto
+2240 763 2240 1145 conicto
+2240 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 384 lineto
+2081 157 1870 46 conicto
+1660 -64 1382 -64 conicto
+923 -64 685 217 conicto
+448 499 448 1040 conicto
+1554 2752 moveto
+1554 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.154614 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.404381 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.581709 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.759038 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.936367 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2112 2560 moveto
+2112 2176 lineto
+1932 2272 1738 2320 conicto
+1544 2368 1336 2368 conicto
+1020 2368 862 2269 conicto
+704 2170 704 1972 conicto
+704 1821 814 1735 conicto
+925 1649 1260 1571 conicto
+1403 1538 lineto
+1857 1438 2048 1255 conicto
+2240 1072 2240 744 conicto
+2240 371 1954 153 conicto
+1668 -64 1167 -64 conicto
+958 -64 732 -16 conicto
+506 32 256 128 conicto
+256 576 lineto
+491 448 719 384 conicto
+947 320 1170 320 conicto
+1470 320 1631 425 conicto
+1792 531 1792 722 conicto
+1792 900 1678 994 conicto
+1564 1089 1177 1177 conicto
+1032 1212 lineto
+621 1298 438 1476 conicto
+256 1654 256 1964 conicto
+256 2341 520 2546 conicto
+784 2752 1269 2752 conicto
+1509 2752 1721 2704 conicto
+1933 2656 2112 2560 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.268551 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.660680 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.910447 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.087776 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.479905 14.045000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 18.822500 17.724167 3.522500 1.174167 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 18.822500 17.724167 3.522500 1.174167 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 16.500000 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 16.892129 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2176 2304 moveto
+2176 3712 lineto
+2624 3712 lineto
+2624 0 lineto
+2176 0 lineto
+2176 384 lineto
+2040 157 1832 46 conicto
+1624 -64 1332 -64 conicto
+855 -64 555 324 conicto
+256 712 256 1344 conicto
+256 1976 555 2364 conicto
+855 2752 1332 2752 conicto
+1624 2752 1832 2641 conicto
+2040 2531 2176 2304 conicto
+704 1344 moveto
+704 865 900 592 conicto
+1096 320 1439 320 conicto
+1782 320 1979 592 conicto
+2176 865 2176 1344 conicto
+2176 1823 1979 2095 conicto
+1782 2368 1439 2368 conicto
+1096 2368 900 2095 conicto
+704 1823 704 1344 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.299248 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2549 2204 moveto
+2714 2485 2942 2618 conicto
+3171 2752 3482 2752 conicto
+3899 2752 4125 2464 conicto
+4352 2177 4352 1646 conicto
+4352 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 1632 lineto
+3904 2006 3769 2187 conicto
+3634 2368 3356 2368 conicto
+3017 2368 2820 2146 conicto
+2624 1925 2624 1542 conicto
+2624 0 lineto
+2176 0 lineto
+2176 1632 lineto
+2176 2008 2041 2188 conicto
+1906 2368 1624 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2145 conicto
+896 1922 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1046 2534 1255 2643 conicto
+1465 2752 1753 2752 conicto
+2044 2752 2247 2611 conicto
+2451 2471 2549 2204 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.921160 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.098488 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.503103 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.680431 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2112 2560 moveto
+2112 2176 lineto
+1932 2272 1738 2320 conicto
+1544 2368 1336 2368 conicto
+1020 2368 862 2269 conicto
+704 2170 704 1972 conicto
+704 1821 814 1735 conicto
+925 1649 1260 1571 conicto
+1403 1538 lineto
+1857 1438 2048 1255 conicto
+2240 1072 2240 744 conicto
+2240 371 1954 153 conicto
+1668 -64 1167 -64 conicto
+958 -64 732 -16 conicto
+506 32 256 128 conicto
+256 576 lineto
+491 448 719 384 conicto
+947 320 1170 320 conicto
+1470 320 1631 425 conicto
+1792 531 1792 722 conicto
+1792 900 1678 994 conicto
+1564 1089 1177 1177 conicto
+1032 1212 lineto
+621 1298 438 1476 conicto
+256 1654 256 1964 conicto
+256 2341 520 2546 conicto
+784 2752 1269 2752 conicto
+1509 2752 1721 2704 conicto
+1933 2656 2112 2560 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.012616 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.262382 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.524634 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.916763 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.166530 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.343858 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.735987 17.919167 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 19.842500 21.980833 4.292500 1.430833 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 19.842500 21.980833 4.292500 1.430833 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 16.750000 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.142129 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 384 moveto
+896 -1024 lineto
+448 -1024 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1032 2531 1240 2641 conicto
+1448 2752 1737 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2516 2364 conicto
+2816 1976 2816 1344 conicto
+2816 712 2516 324 conicto
+2217 -64 1737 -64 conicto
+1448 -64 1240 46 conicto
+1032 157 896 384 conicto
+2368 1344 moveto
+2368 1823 2171 2095 conicto
+1975 2368 1632 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2095 conicto
+896 1823 896 1344 conicto
+896 865 1092 592 conicto
+1289 320 1632 320 conicto
+1975 320 2171 592 conicto
+2368 865 2368 1344 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.549248 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 384 moveto
+896 -1024 lineto
+448 -1024 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1032 2531 1240 2641 conicto
+1448 2752 1737 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2516 2364 conicto
+2816 1976 2816 1344 conicto
+2816 712 2516 324 conicto
+2217 -64 1737 -64 conicto
+1448 -64 1240 46 conicto
+1032 157 896 384 conicto
+2368 1344 moveto
+2368 1823 2171 2095 conicto
+1975 2368 1632 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2095 conicto
+896 1823 896 1344 conicto
+896 865 1092 592 conicto
+1289 320 1632 320 conicto
+1975 320 2171 592 conicto
+2368 865 2368 1344 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 17.956368 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.203629 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.595758 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+128 2688 moveto
+586 2688 lineto
+1408 432 lineto
+2230 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+1702 0 lineto
+1114 0 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 18.975402 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.152731 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2112 2560 moveto
+2112 2176 lineto
+1932 2272 1738 2320 conicto
+1544 2368 1336 2368 conicto
+1020 2368 862 2269 conicto
+704 2170 704 1972 conicto
+704 1821 814 1735 conicto
+925 1649 1260 1571 conicto
+1403 1538 lineto
+1857 1438 2048 1255 conicto
+2240 1072 2240 744 conicto
+2240 371 1954 153 conicto
+1668 -64 1167 -64 conicto
+958 -64 732 -16 conicto
+506 32 256 128 conicto
+256 576 lineto
+491 448 719 384 conicto
+947 320 1170 320 conicto
+1470 320 1631 425 conicto
+1792 531 1792 722 conicto
+1792 900 1678 994 conicto
+1564 1089 1177 1177 conicto
+1032 1212 lineto
+621 1298 438 1476 conicto
+256 1654 256 1964 conicto
+256 2341 520 2546 conicto
+784 2752 1269 2752 conicto
+1509 2752 1721 2704 conicto
+1933 2656 2112 2560 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.484915 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 19.662244 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.054373 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.458987 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 20.863601 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 21.258227 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2549 2204 moveto
+2714 2485 2942 2618 conicto
+3171 2752 3482 2752 conicto
+3899 2752 4125 2464 conicto
+4352 2177 4352 1646 conicto
+4352 0 lineto
+3904 0 lineto
+3904 1632 lineto
+3904 2006 3769 2187 conicto
+3634 2368 3356 2368 conicto
+3017 2368 2820 2146 conicto
+2624 1925 2624 1542 conicto
+2624 0 lineto
+2176 0 lineto
+2176 1632 lineto
+2176 2008 2041 2188 conicto
+1906 2368 1624 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2145 conicto
+896 1922 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1046 2534 1255 2643 conicto
+1465 2752 1753 2752 conicto
+2044 2752 2247 2611 conicto
+2451 2471 2549 2204 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 21.880139 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 22.274765 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 22.679379 22.175833 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 9.350000 17.750000 m 15.300000 17.724167 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 9.350000 17.750000 m 15.550000 13.850000 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 9.350000 17.750000 m 15.550000 21.980833 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 26.675000 13.850000 3.225000 1.600000 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 26.675000 13.850000 3.225000 1.600000 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 25.193750 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.585879 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1792 3712 moveto
+1792 3328 lineto
+1376 3328 lineto
+1142 3328 1050 3238 conicto
+960 3147 960 2912 conicto
+960 2688 lineto
+2176 2688 lineto
+2176 2871 lineto
+2176 3310 2383 3510 conicto
+2450 3576 2543 3620 conicto
+2729 3712 3041 3712 conicto
+3456 3712 lineto
+3456 3328 lineto
+3040 3328 lineto
+2806 3328 2715 3237 conicto
+2624 3147 2624 2912 conicto
+2624 2688 lineto
+4288 2688 lineto
+4288 0 lineto
+3840 0 lineto
+3840 2368 lineto
+2624 2368 lineto
+2624 0 lineto
+2176 0 lineto
+2176 2368 lineto
+960 2368 lineto
+960 0 lineto
+512 0 lineto
+512 2368 lineto
+64 2368 lineto
+64 2688 lineto
+512 2688 lineto
+512 2871 lineto
+512 3310 719 3511 conicto
+927 3712 1377 3712 conicto
+1792 3712 lineto
+3840 3712 moveto
+4288 3712 lineto
+4288 3136 lineto
+3840 3136 lineto
+3840 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.202796 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2368 2560 moveto
+2368 2176 lineto
+2180 2272 1991 2320 conicto
+1803 2368 1611 2368 conicto
+1180 2368 942 2099 conicto
+704 1830 704 1344 conicto
+704 858 942 589 conicto
+1180 320 1611 320 conicto
+1803 320 1991 368 conicto
+2180 416 2368 512 conicto
+2368 128 lineto
+2184 32 1987 -16 conicto
+1791 -64 1569 -64 conicto
+966 -64 611 316 conicto
+256 697 256 1344 conicto
+256 2000 615 2376 conicto
+974 2752 1598 2752 conicto
+1801 2752 1994 2704 conicto
+2187 2656 2368 2560 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.554965 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.959579 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.351708 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2176 1375 moveto
+2176 1848 1982 2108 conicto
+1789 2368 1439 2368 conicto
+1091 2368 897 2108 conicto
+704 1848 704 1375 conicto
+704 904 897 644 conicto
+1091 384 1439 384 conicto
+1789 384 1982 644 conicto
+2176 904 2176 1375 conicto
+2624 347 moveto
+2624 -347 2323 -685 conicto
+2023 -1024 1404 -1024 conicto
+1174 -1024 971 -992 conicto
+768 -961 576 -896 conicto
+576 -448 lineto
+766 -546 951 -593 conicto
+1137 -640 1329 -640 conicto
+1754 -640 1965 -415 conicto
+2176 -190 2176 264 conicto
+2176 448 lineto
+2042 223 1833 111 conicto
+1624 0 1332 0 conicto
+848 0 552 376 conicto
+256 753 256 1375 conicto
+256 1999 552 2375 conicto
+848 2752 1332 2752 conicto
+1624 2752 1833 2640 conicto
+2042 2529 2176 2304 conicto
+2176 2688 lineto
+2624 2688 lineto
+2624 347 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.758828 13.645000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.062500 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.239829 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.644443 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+128 2688 moveto
+586 2688 lineto
+1408 432 lineto
+2230 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+1702 0 lineto
+1114 0 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.024087 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.418713 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 26.823327 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.073094 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1622 1344 moveto
+1104 1344 904 1225 conicto
+704 1106 704 818 conicto
+704 589 854 454 conicto
+1004 320 1262 320 conicto
+1618 320 1833 572 conicto
+2048 825 2048 1244 conicto
+2048 1344 lineto
+1622 1344 lineto
+2496 1513 moveto
+2496 0 lineto
+2048 0 lineto
+2048 384 lineto
+1900 154 1679 45 conicto
+1458 -64 1138 -64 conicto
+733 -64 494 162 conicto
+256 389 256 769 conicto
+256 1213 555 1438 conicto
+854 1664 1448 1664 conicto
+2048 1664 lineto
+2048 1712 lineto
+2048 2025 1851 2196 conicto
+1655 2368 1300 2368 conicto
+1074 2368 860 2320 conicto
+646 2272 448 2176 conicto
+448 2560 lineto
+687 2656 912 2704 conicto
+1138 2752 1351 2752 conicto
+1927 2752 2211 2444 conicto
+2496 2137 2496 1513 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.465223 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.642551 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.889813 14.445000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 35.512500 12.150000 3.362500 1.600000 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 35.512500 12.150000 3.362500 1.600000 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 33.831250 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.225876 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.630490 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.880257 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.127518 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.522144 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.784396 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.986703 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1040 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1057 lineto
+896 689 1042 504 conicto
+1188 320 1481 320 conicto
+1832 320 2036 541 conicto
+2240 763 2240 1145 conicto
+2240 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 384 lineto
+2081 157 1870 46 conicto
+1660 -64 1382 -64 conicto
+923 -64 685 217 conicto
+448 499 448 1040 conicto
+1554 2752 moveto
+1554 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.391317 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.795931 11.945000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.123750 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2368 1344 moveto
+2368 1823 2171 2095 conicto
+1975 2368 1632 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2095 conicto
+896 1823 896 1344 conicto
+896 865 1092 592 conicto
+1289 320 1632 320 conicto
+1975 320 2171 592 conicto
+2368 865 2368 1344 conicto
+896 2304 moveto
+1032 2531 1240 2641 conicto
+1448 2752 1737 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2516 2364 conicto
+2816 1976 2816 1344 conicto
+2816 712 2516 324 conicto
+2217 -64 1737 -64 conicto
+1448 -64 1240 46 conicto
+1032 157 896 384 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.530869 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.922998 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1040 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1057 lineto
+896 689 1042 504 conicto
+1188 320 1481 320 conicto
+1832 320 2036 541 conicto
+2240 763 2240 1145 conicto
+2240 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 384 lineto
+2081 157 1870 46 conicto
+1660 -64 1382 -64 conicto
+923 -64 685 217 conicto
+448 499 448 1040 conicto
+1554 2752 moveto
+1554 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.327612 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.577379 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.972005 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.149334 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.326663 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.503991 12.745000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 35.485000 15.700000 3.085000 1.600000 0 360 ellipse f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 35.485000 15.700000 3.085000 1.600000 0 360 ellipse cp s
+gsave 33.942500 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2112 2560 moveto
+2112 2176 lineto
+1932 2272 1738 2320 conicto
+1544 2368 1336 2368 conicto
+1020 2368 862 2269 conicto
+704 2170 704 1972 conicto
+704 1821 814 1735 conicto
+925 1649 1260 1571 conicto
+1403 1538 lineto
+1857 1438 2048 1255 conicto
+2240 1072 2240 744 conicto
+2240 371 1954 153 conicto
+1668 -64 1167 -64 conicto
+958 -64 732 -16 conicto
+506 32 256 128 conicto
+256 576 lineto
+491 448 719 384 conicto
+947 320 1170 320 conicto
+1470 320 1631 425 conicto
+1792 531 1792 722 conicto
+1792 900 1678 994 conicto
+1564 1089 1177 1177 conicto
+1032 1212 lineto
+621 1298 438 1476 conicto
+256 1654 256 1964 conicto
+256 2341 520 2546 conicto
+784 2752 1269 2752 conicto
+1509 2752 1721 2704 conicto
+1933 2656 2112 2560 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.274684 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.666813 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.929065 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.178832 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.356160 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1984 2304 moveto
+1912 2337 1828 2352 conicto
+1744 2368 1642 2368 conicto
+1282 2368 1089 2127 conicto
+896 1887 896 1437 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1030 2531 1245 2641 conicto
+1460 2752 1767 2752 conicto
+1811 2752 1864 2752 conicto
+1917 2752 1982 2752 conicto
+1984 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.618412 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.820719 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1040 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1057 lineto
+896 689 1042 504 conicto
+1188 320 1481 320 conicto
+1832 320 2036 541 conicto
+2240 763 2240 1145 conicto
+2240 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 384 lineto
+2081 157 1870 46 conicto
+1660 -64 1382 -64 conicto
+923 -64 685 217 conicto
+448 499 448 1040 conicto
+1554 2752 moveto
+1554 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.225333 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2688 1646 moveto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 1632 lineto
+2240 2001 2093 2184 conicto
+1947 2368 1654 2368 conicto
+1302 2368 1099 2146 conicto
+896 1925 896 1542 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+1053 2529 1266 2640 conicto
+1479 2752 1757 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2452 2471 conicto
+2688 2191 2688 1646 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.629947 15.495000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.096250 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2368 1344 moveto
+2368 1823 2171 2095 conicto
+1975 2368 1632 2368 conicto
+1289 2368 1092 2095 conicto
+896 1823 896 1344 conicto
+896 865 1092 592 conicto
+1289 320 1632 320 conicto
+1975 320 2171 592 conicto
+2368 865 2368 1344 conicto
+896 2304 moveto
+1032 2531 1240 2641 conicto
+1448 2752 1737 2752 conicto
+2217 2752 2516 2364 conicto
+2816 1976 2816 1344 conicto
+2816 712 2516 324 conicto
+2217 -64 1737 -64 conicto
+1448 -64 1240 46 conicto
+1032 157 896 384 conicto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 2304 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.503369 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+1473 2368 moveto
+1117 2368 910 2094 conicto
+704 1820 704 1344 conicto
+704 868 909 594 conicto
+1115 320 1473 320 conicto
+1827 320 2033 595 conicto
+2240 870 2240 1344 conicto
+2240 1816 2033 2092 conicto
+1827 2368 1473 2368 conicto
+1472 2752 moveto
+2040 2752 2364 2378 conicto
+2688 2005 2688 1344 conicto
+2688 685 2364 310 conicto
+2040 -64 1472 -64 conicto
+902 -64 579 310 conicto
+256 685 256 1344 conicto
+256 2005 579 2378 conicto
+902 2752 1472 2752 conicto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 34.895498 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 1040 moveto
+448 2688 lineto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 1057 lineto
+896 689 1042 504 conicto
+1188 320 1481 320 conicto
+1832 320 2036 541 conicto
+2240 763 2240 1145 conicto
+2240 2688 lineto
+2688 2688 lineto
+2688 0 lineto
+2240 0 lineto
+2240 384 lineto
+2081 157 1870 46 conicto
+1660 -64 1382 -64 conicto
+923 -64 685 217 conicto
+448 499 448 1040 conicto
+1554 2752 moveto
+1554 2752 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.300112 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+896 3456 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+1792 2688 lineto
+1792 2368 lineto
+896 2368 lineto
+896 902 lineto
+896 572 984 478 conicto
+1073 384 1345 384 conicto
+1792 384 lineto
+1792 0 lineto
+1345 0 lineto
+836 0 642 194 conicto
+448 389 448 902 conicto
+448 2368 lineto
+128 2368 lineto
+128 2688 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3456 lineto
+896 3456 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.549879 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 35.944505 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 2688 moveto
+896 2688 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 2688 lineto
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 3136 lineto
+448 3136 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.121834 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.299163 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+448 3712 moveto
+896 3712 lineto
+896 0 lineto
+448 0 lineto
+448 3712 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 36.476491 16.295000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+2752 1480 moveto
+2752 1280 lineto
+704 1280 lineto
+733 811 978 565 conicto
+1223 320 1660 320 conicto
+1914 320 2152 384 conicto
+2390 448 2624 576 conicto
+2624 192 lineto
+2388 67 2140 1 conicto
+1893 -64 1639 -64 conicto
+1001 -64 628 309 conicto
+256 683 256 1320 conicto
+256 1979 613 2365 conicto
+970 2752 1576 2752 conicto
+2120 2752 2436 2410 conicto
+2752 2068 2752 1480 conicto
+2304 1600 moveto
+2299 1950 2099 2159 conicto
+1900 2368 1572 2368 conicto
+1200 2368 976 2166 conicto
+753 1964 719 1597 conicto
+2304 1600 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 21.087500 13.850000 m 23.450000 13.850000 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 28.955419 12.718629 m 32.150000 12.150000 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 32.400000 15.700000 m 28.955419 14.981371 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 22.345000 17.724167 m 24.550000 17.750000 l s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+[] 0 sd
+0 slc
+n 24.135000 21.980833 m 26.650000 22.050000 l s
+gsave 25.150000 17.900000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.352307 17.900000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 25.554614 17.900000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.240000 22.335000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.442307 22.335000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 
+gsave 27.644614 22.335000 translate 0.035278 -0.035278 scale
+576 576 moveto
+1088 576 lineto
+1088 0 lineto
+576 0 lineto
+576 576 lineto
+end_ol grestore 

+ 184 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% pdflatex -shell-escape template_cdc.tex
+\newcommand{\mytitle}{Projet Gloup - Cahier des charges}
+\title{\mytitle } 
+\rfoot{page \thepage / \pageref{fin}}
+\author{Ginette et Roger}
+\date{1\ier~juin 2015}
+\paragraph{Nom du projet :}
+\paragraph{Objet :}
+Développement d'un logiciel de gestion d'un stock de bières sur grille-pain
+\paragraph{Maître d'ouvrage :}
+\paragraph{Maître d'oeuvre : }
+\paragraph{Date de début :}
+1\ier~juin 2015
+\paragraph{Date de fin :}
+18 juin 2015
+\section{Définition du besoin}
+\paragraph{Contexte général\\}
+Au fond de sa cuisine, Ginette entrepose le stock de bière dans une cave électronique thermo-régulée.
+Malheureusement, comme ce stock est utilisé de façon assez intensive, il est difficile d'assurer son approvisionnement.
+Ginette a donc besoin d'un logiciel pour gérer ce stock efficacement.
+Heureuse coïncidence, il y a un grille-pain Gogol-Connected à écran tactile posé sur la cave électronique et Ginette a réussi à le jailbreaker pour y installer un système NetBSD pouvant accueillir le logiciel de gestion de stock à développer.
+\paragraph{Besoins et priorités\\}
+Le besoin principal est de pouvoir gérer le stock : entrer/sortir des bières, faire l'inventaire du stock...
+L'interface doit être simple et efficace, pour que le logiciel reste exploitable par d'autres personnes ou lors des "coups de feux".
+Enfin, il serait intéressant de pouvoir réapprovisionner le stock depuis le logiciel, via le webservice du fournisseur.
+    \item logiciel fonctionnant sur les grilles-pains "Flash Gordon Toaster II" à système NetBSD
+    \item fonctionnalités de gestion du stock de bières :
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item entrer des bières dans le stock
+            \item sortir des bières du stock
+            \item afficher l'inventaire du stock 
+            \item paramétrer les types de bières possibles
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item interface utilisateur :
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item interface graphique pour écran tactile de résolution $1080 \times 1920$
+            \item affichage simple avec zones tactiles d'au moins $100 \times 100$ pixels
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item performances demandées :
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item gestion d'au moins 20 types de bières avec au moins 10 bouteilles de chaque type
+            \item temps de réponse des actions inférieurs à 100 ms 
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item fonctionnalités de réapprovisionnement :
+        \begin{itemize}
+            \item accès au webservice par protocole BSTP (Beer Supply Transport Protocol) RFC 1664 avec confirmation différée par appel téléphonique du fournisseur
+            \item page dédiée dans l'interface utilisateur : 
+                \begin{itemize}
+                    \item sélection des types de bière et quantités 
+                    \item sélection de la durée minimale avant confirmation téléphonique (0, 15 min, 30 min ou 1 h)
+                \end{itemize}
+        \end{itemize}
+    \item logiciel déployé sur le grille-pain de Ginette
+    \item code source documenté sous licence WTFPL v2 
+    \item manuel d'installation et de configuration
+    \item manuel d'utilisation
+\section{Diagrammes de cas d'utilisation}
+\paragraph{Page utilisation}
+\paragraph{Page administration\\}
+\paragraph{Page approvisionnement\\}
+\section{Planning prévisionnel}

+ 8 - 0

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+	pdflatex -shell-escape template_rapport.tex
+	rm *-eps-converted-to.pdf *.aux *.log *.out *.toc


+ 592 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+%%Title: /data/dehos/documents_travail/enseignement_2014-2015/L3Info_CPP/TP/sujets_latex/dessins/L3Info_CPP_TP9_0.dia
+%%Creator: Dia v0.97.2
+%%CreationDate: Thu Jun 12 00:17:07 2014
+%%For: dehos
+%%Orientation: Portrait
+%%Magnification: 1.0000
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+[ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+/parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one
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+/F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
+/P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y
+/Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c
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+/n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+/x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+/.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
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+/threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+/Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde
+/Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+/Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring
+/ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+/eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave
+/uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis] /isolatin1encoding exch def
+/cp {closepath} bind def
+/c {curveto} bind def
+/f {fill} bind def
+/a {arc} bind def
+/ef {eofill} bind def
+/ex {exch} bind def
+/gr {grestore} bind def
+/gs {gsave} bind def
+/sa {save} bind def
+/rs {restore} bind def
+/l {lineto} bind def
+/m {moveto} bind def
+/rm {rmoveto} bind def
+/n {newpath} bind def
+/s {stroke} bind def
+/sh {show} bind def
+/slc {setlinecap} bind def
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+/srgb {setrgbcolor} bind def
+/rot {rotate} bind def
+/sc {scale} bind def
+/sd {setdash} bind def
+/ff {findfont} bind def
+/sf {setfont} bind def
+/scf {scalefont} bind def
+/sw {stringwidth pop} bind def
+/tr {translate} bind def
+/ellipsedict 8 dict def
+ellipsedict /mtrx matrix put
+{ ellipsedict begin
+   /endangle exch def
+   /startangle exch def
+   /yrad exch def
+   /xrad exch def
+   /y exch def
+   /x exch def   /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def
+   x y tr xrad yrad sc
+   0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
+   savematrix setmatrix
+   end
+} def
+/mergeprocs {
+dup length
+3 -1 roll
+5 1 roll
+3 -1 roll
+array cvx
+3 -1 roll
+0 exch
+4 2 roll
+} bind def
+    /Times-Roman findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
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+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Times-Italic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
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+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Times-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
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+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Times-BoldItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /AvantGarde-Gothic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /AvantGarde-BookOblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /AvantGarde-Demi findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
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+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /AvantGarde-DemiOblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Bookman-Light findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Bookman-LightItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Bookman-Demi findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Bookman-DemiItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Courier findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Courier-Oblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Courier-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Courier-BoldOblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Oblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-BoldOblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Narrow findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Narrow-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /NewCenturySchlbk-Roman findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /NewCenturySchlbk-Italic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /NewCenturySchlbk-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Palatino-Roman findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Palatino-Italic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Palatino-Bold findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Palatino-BoldItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /Symbol findfont
+definefont pop
+    /ZapfChancery-MediumItalic findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+    /ZapfDingbats findfont
+    dup length dict begin
+	{1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
+	/Encoding isolatin1encoding def
+    currentdict end
+definefont pop
+28.346000 -28.346000 scale
+6.050000 -23.550000 translate
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 -1.000000 m -1.000000 0.400000 l 26.520000 0.400000 l 26.520000 -1.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 -1.000000 m -1.000000 0.400000 l 26.520000 0.400000 l 26.520000 -1.000000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(Controleur) dup sw 2 div 12.760000 ex sub -0.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 0.400000 m -1.000000 3.600000 l 26.520000 3.600000 l 26.520000 0.400000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 0.400000 m -1.000000 3.600000 l 26.520000 3.600000 l 26.520000 0.400000 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(-_inventaire: Inventaire) -0.850000 1.050000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(-_vueGraphique: VueGraphique) -0.850000 2.050000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(-_vueConsole: VueConsole) -0.850000 3.050000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 3.600000 m -1.000000 6.800000 l 26.520000 6.800000 l 26.520000 3.600000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -1.000000 3.600000 m -1.000000 6.800000 l 26.520000 6.800000 l 26.520000 3.600000 l cp s
+(+run\(\): void) -0.850000 4.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+<<const>> getTexte\(\): std::string) -0.850000 5.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+chargerInventaire\(nomFichier:const std::string &\): void) -0.850000 6.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 10.000000 m -3.000000 11.400000 l 11.492500 11.400000 l 11.492500 10.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 10.000000 m -3.000000 11.400000 l 11.492500 11.400000 l 11.492500 10.000000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-BoldOblique-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(Vue) dup sw 2 div 4.246250 ex sub 10.750000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 11.400000 m -3.000000 12.600000 l 11.492500 12.600000 l 11.492500 11.400000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 11.400000 m -3.000000 12.600000 l 11.492500 12.600000 l 11.492500 11.400000 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(-_refControleur: Controleur &) -2.850000 12.050000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 12.600000 m -3.000000 14.800000 l 11.492500 14.800000 l 11.492500 12.600000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -3.000000 12.600000 m -3.000000 14.800000 l 11.492500 14.800000 l 11.492500 12.600000 l cp s
+/Courier-BoldOblique-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(+run\(\): void) -2.850000 13.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+actualiser\(\): void) -2.850000 14.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 18.500000 m 5.000000 19.900000 l 16.115000 19.900000 l 16.115000 18.500000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 18.500000 m 5.000000 19.900000 l 16.115000 19.900000 l 16.115000 18.500000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(VueGraphique) dup sw 2 div 10.557500 ex sub 19.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 19.900000 m 5.000000 20.300000 l 16.115000 20.300000 l 16.115000 19.900000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 19.900000 m 5.000000 20.300000 l 16.115000 20.300000 l 16.115000 19.900000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 20.300000 m 5.000000 23.500000 l 16.115000 23.500000 l 16.115000 20.300000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 20.300000 m 5.000000 23.500000 l 16.115000 23.500000 l 16.115000 20.300000 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(+run\(\): void) 5.150000 20.950000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+actualiser\(\): void) 5.150000 21.950000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+ouvrirFichier\(\): void) 5.150000 22.950000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 4.246250 15.711803 m 4.246250 17.050000 l 10.557500 17.050000 l 10.557500 18.500000 l s
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 4.646250 15.711803 m 4.246250 14.911803 l 3.846250 15.711803 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 4.646250 15.711803 m 4.246250 14.911803 l 3.846250 15.711803 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.560000 scf sf
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 10.000000 m 19.831250 11.400000 l 24.968750 11.400000 l 24.968750 10.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 10.000000 m 19.831250 11.400000 l 24.968750 11.400000 l 24.968750 10.000000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(Inventaire) dup sw 2 div 22.400000 ex sub 10.750000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 11.400000 m 19.831250 11.800000 l 24.968750 11.800000 l 24.968750 11.400000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 11.400000 m 19.831250 11.800000 l 24.968750 11.800000 l 24.968750 11.400000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 11.800000 m 19.831250 12.200000 l 24.968750 12.200000 l 24.968750 11.800000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 19.831250 11.800000 m 19.831250 12.200000 l 24.968750 12.200000 l 24.968750 11.800000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 20.000000 m 20.138750 21.400000 l 24.661250 21.400000 l 24.661250 20.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 20.000000 m 20.138750 21.400000 l 24.661250 21.400000 l 24.661250 20.000000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(Bouteille) dup sw 2 div 22.400000 ex sub 20.750000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 21.400000 m 20.138750 21.800000 l 24.661250 21.800000 l 24.661250 21.400000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 21.400000 m 20.138750 21.800000 l 24.661250 21.800000 l 24.661250 21.400000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 21.800000 m 20.138750 22.200000 l 24.661250 22.200000 l 24.661250 21.800000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 20.138750 21.800000 m 20.138750 22.200000 l 24.661250 22.200000 l 24.661250 21.800000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 22.400000 18.508737 m 22.400000 19.000000 l 22.400000 19.000000 l 22.400000 19.950537 l s
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 22.400000 17.250159 m 22.640000 17.950159 l 22.400000 18.650159 l 22.160000 17.950159 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 22.400000 17.250159 m 22.640000 17.950159 l 22.400000 18.650159 l 22.160000 17.950159 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.560000 scf sf
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 22.400000 8.258579 m 22.400000 9.000000 l 22.400000 9.000000 l 22.400000 9.950537 l s
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 22.400000 7.000000 m 22.640000 7.700000 l 22.400000 8.400000 l 22.160000 7.700000 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 22.400000 7.000000 m 22.640000 7.700000 l 22.400000 8.400000 l 22.160000 7.700000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 18.500000 m -6.000000 19.900000 l 3.667500 19.900000 l 3.667500 18.500000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 18.500000 m -6.000000 19.900000 l 3.667500 19.900000 l 3.667500 18.500000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(VueConsole) dup sw 2 div -1.166250 ex sub 19.250000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 19.900000 m -6.000000 20.300000 l 3.667500 20.300000 l 3.667500 19.900000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 19.900000 m -6.000000 20.300000 l 3.667500 20.300000 l 3.667500 19.900000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 20.300000 m -6.000000 22.500000 l 3.667500 22.500000 l 3.667500 20.300000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n -6.000000 20.300000 m -6.000000 22.500000 l 3.667500 22.500000 l 3.667500 20.300000 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(+run\(\): void) -5.850000 20.950000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+(+actualiser\(\): void) -5.850000 21.950000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 4.246250 15.762102 m 4.246250 17.050024 l -1.166250 17.050024 l -1.166250 18.449750 l s
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 4.646250 15.762102 m 4.246250 14.962102 l 3.846250 15.762102 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 4.646250 15.762102 m 4.246250 14.962102 l 3.846250 15.762102 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.560000 scf sf
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 15.000000 m 17.000000 16.400000 l 27.800000 16.400000 l 27.800000 15.000000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 15.000000 m 17.000000 16.400000 l 27.800000 16.400000 l 27.800000 15.000000 l cp s
+/Helvetica-Bold-latin1 ff 0.700000 scf sf
+(std::vector<Bouteille>) dup sw 2 div 22.400000 ex sub 15.750000 m
+ gs 1 -1 sc sh gr
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 16.400000 m 17.000000 16.800000 l 27.800000 16.800000 l 27.800000 16.400000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 16.400000 m 17.000000 16.800000 l 27.800000 16.800000 l 27.800000 16.400000 l cp s
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 16.800000 m 17.000000 17.200000 l 27.800000 17.200000 l 27.800000 16.800000 l f
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 17.000000 16.800000 m 17.000000 17.200000 l 27.800000 17.200000 l 27.800000 16.800000 l cp s
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 5.000000 8.258579 m 5.000000 9.000000 l 5.000000 9.000000 l 5.000000 10.000000 l s
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 7.000000 m 5.240000 7.700000 l 5.000000 8.400000 l 4.760000 7.700000 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 5.000000 7.000000 m 5.240000 7.700000 l 5.000000 8.400000 l 4.760000 7.700000 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.560000 scf sf
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0 slc
+n 22.400000 14.037916 m 22.400000 14.099719 l 22.400000 12.300281 l 22.400000 12.250281 l s
+0 slj
+1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 srgb
+n 22.000000 14.037916 m 22.400000 14.837916 l 22.800000 14.037916 l ef
+0.100000 slw
+[] 0 sd
+0 slj
+0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 srgb
+n 22.000000 14.037916 m 22.400000 14.837916 l 22.800000 14.037916 l cp s
+/Courier-latin1 ff 0.560000 scf sf


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+% pdflatex -shell-escape template_rapport.tex
+\title{Rapport du projet Machin}
+\fancyfoot[R]{page \thepage / \pageref{myLastPage}}
+ULCO - L3 Informatique
+\paragraph{Étudiants : }
+\paragraph{Encadrant : }
+\paragraph{Date de début : }
+\paragraph{Date de fin : }
+\paragraph{Objet du projet : }
+\section{Présentation du projet}
+2 pages max 
+\subsection{Analyse de la demande}
+Besoins, priorités…
+    \item …
+    \item …
+Description et justification des choix techniques. 
+Des schémas commentés mais pas de code ni de blabla inutile.
+4 pages max 
+\subsection{Présentation }
+Le logiciel implémenté permet de charger un fichier de données (spécification 13) et d'afficher ces données en même temps dans un terminal et dans une fenêtre graphique (spécification 37).
+De plus, pour répondre à la spécification … on a implémenté …
+Enfin, comme convenu dans le cahier des charges, le logiciel fonctionne sur l'environnement … avec les bibliothèques …
+\subsection{Architecture générale}
+On a utilisé un MVC parce que …
+\subsection{Gestion de ceci}
+\subsection{Gestion de cela}
+2 pages max 
+\subsection{Déroulement du projet}
+Différences par rapport aux prévisions (conception, planification…), problèmes rencontrés, solutions adoptées.
+\subsection{Réalisation des objectifs }
+\begin{tabular}{| l | c |}
+fonctionnalité & réalisation \\
+fonctionnalité 1 & complète \\
+fonctionnalité 2 & partielle \\
+fonctionnalité 3 & non \\
+Pour la fonctionnalité 2, il y a … Par rapport aux spécifications demandées, il manque …
+\subsection{Conclusion pour les projets futurs}
+Ce qui a bien marché, les erreurs à ne plus commettre.

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+	pandoc -s index.md -H style.html -o index.html
+publish: all
+	scp index.html yangra.univ-littoral.fr:public-html/enseignements/L3Info_Projets/
+	rm -f index.html

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+L3Info, Projets
+* * * * *
+date | objet | documents |
+--- | --- | --- |
+lundi 11 mai 2015 (12h30-12h45 amphi B) | présentation des projets | [pdf presentation](L3Info_Projets_presentation.pdf) |
+lundi 1er juin 2015 | début des projets (présence obligatoire 9h-12h + 13h-16h) | |
+lundi 1er juin 2015 (9h-10h) | CM1 | [pdf CM1](L3Info_Projets_CM1.pdf), [pdf cdc](template_cdc.pdf), [tex cdc](template_cdc.tgz) |
+mercredi 3 juin 2015 (9h-10h) | CM2 | [pdf CM2](L3Info_Projets_CM2.pdf) |
+vendredi 5 juin 2015 | rendre le cahier des charges | |
+vendredi 12 juin 2015 | livrer un prototype | |
+lundi 14 juin 2015 (9h-10h) | CM3 | [pdf CM3](L3Info_Projets_CM3.pdf), [pdf rapport](template_rapport.pdf), [tex rapport](template_rapport.tgz) |
+mercredi 17 juin 2015 | livrer le projet et rendre le rapport | |
+vendredi 19 juin 2015 | soutenances et fin des projets | |
+* * * * *
+Serveur de projets
+* * * * *
+[Retour à la page
+Dernière mise à jour : 2015-01-06

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